# # Test of rename table # --source include/count_sessions.inc --disable_warnings drop table if exists t0,t1,t2,t3,t4; # Clear up from other tests (to ensure that SHOW TABLES below is right) drop table if exists t0,t5,t6,t7,t8,t9,t1_1,t1_2,t9_1,t9_2; --enable_warnings create table t0 SELECT 1,"table 1"; create table t2 SELECT 2,"table 2"; create table t3 SELECT 3,"table 3"; rename table t0 to t1; rename table t3 to t4, t2 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t1; select * from t1; rename table t3 to t4, t2 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t1; rename table t3 to t4, t2 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t1; select * from t1; # The following should give errors --error ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR,ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR rename table t1 to t2; --error ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR,ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR rename table t1 to t1; --error ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR,ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR rename table t3 to t4, t2 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t2; show tables like "t_"; --error ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR,ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR rename table t3 to t1, t2 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t1; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE,ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE rename table t3 to t4, t5 to t3, t1 to t2, t4 to t1; select * from t1; select * from t2; select * from t3; # This should give a warning for t4 drop table if exists t1,t2,t3,t4; # # Bug #2397 RENAME TABLES is not blocked by # FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK # connect (con1,localhost,root,,); connect (con2,localhost,root,,); connection con1; CREATE TABLE t1 (a int); CREATE TABLE t3 (a int); connection con2; FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK; connection con1; send RENAME TABLE t1 TO t2, t3 to t4; connection con2; show tables; UNLOCK TABLES; connection con1; reap; connection con2; # Wait for the the tables to be renamed # i.e the query below succeds let $query= select * from t2, t4; source include/wait_for_query_to_succeed.inc; show tables; drop table t2, t4; disconnect con2; disconnect con1; connection default; --echo End of 4.1 tests --echo # --echo # Bug#14959: "ALTER TABLE isn't able to rename a view" --echo # Bug#53976: "ALTER TABLE RENAME is allowed on views --echo # (not documented, broken)" --echo # create table t1(f1 int); create view v1 as select * from t1; --error ER_WRONG_OBJECT alter table v1 rename to v2; drop view v1; drop table t1; --echo End of 5.0 tests --echo # --echo # Bug#20197870: sql_table.cc: bool mysql_rename_table ... --echo # assertion `error==0\' failed. --echo # The test crashes server without the fix. --echo # SET @orig_innodb_file_per_table= @@innodb_file_per_table; SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table = 0; create table t1(f1 int) engine=innodb; --error ER_BAD_DB_ERROR rename table test.t1 to nonexistingdb.t2; drop table t1; SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table = @orig_innodb_file_per_table; --source include/wait_until_count_sessions.inc --echo # --echo # Test coverage for WL#9826 "Allow RENAME TABLES under LOCK TABLES". --echo # --enable_connect_log SET @old_lock_wait_timeout= @@lock_wait_timeout; connect (con1, localhost, root,,); SET @old_lock_wait_timeout= @@lock_wait_timeout; connection default; --echo # --echo # 1) Requirements on table locking for tables renamed and --echo # target table names. --echo # --echo # 1.1) Requirements on renamed table locks. CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (j INT); LOCK TABLES t1 READ; --echo # Renamed table must be locked. --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED RENAME TABLE t2 TO t3; --echo # Moreover, renamed table must be locked for write. --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED_FOR_WRITE RENAME TABLE t1 TO t3; UNLOCK TABLES; LOCK TABLE t1 WRITE; --echo # Renaming write-locked table is OK, there is no need --echo # (and way) to lock target table name. RENAME TABLE t1 TO t3; --echo # There is no need to lock source name for the table, if it is --echo # result of some earlier step of the same RENAME TABLES. RENAME TABLE t3 TO t4, t4 TO t5; UNLOCK TABLES; --echo # Special case involving foreign keys. If RENAME TABLE is --echo # going to provide parent for some orphan FK, then the --echo # child table of this FK needs to be write locked, or --echo # FK invariants for LOCK TABLES will be broken, SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; CREATE TABLE t1 (fk INT, FOREIGN KEY(fk) REFERENCES t3(pk)); SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=1; CREATE TABLE t0 (pk INT PRIMARY KEY); LOCK TABLES t0 WRITE; --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED RENAME TABLE t0 TO t3; UNLOCK TABLES; LOCK TABLES t1 READ, t0 WRITE; --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED_FOR_WRITE RENAME TABLE t0 TO t3; UNLOCK TABLES; LOCK TABLES t1 WRITE, t0 WRITE; RENAME TABLE t0 TO t3; UNLOCK TABLES; DROP TABLES t1, t3; --echo # --echo # 1.2) Locking of target table. --echo # --echo # This part of test resides in rename_debug.test. --echo # --echo # 2) Failure to acquire/upgrade locks on tables involved. --echo # --echo # This part of test resides in rename_debug.test. --echo # --echo # 3) Effects of RENAME TABLES on set of locked tables and --echo # metadata locks held. --echo # --echo # 3.1) Trivial RENAME TABLE. LOCK TABLES t5 WRITE; RENAME TABLE t5 TO t4; --echo # Table is available under new name under LOCK TABLES. SELECT * FROM t4; connection con1; --echo # Access by new name from other connections should be blocked. SET @@lock_wait_timeout= 1; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM t4; SET @@lock_wait_timeout= @old_lock_wait_timeout; --echo # But not for old table name. --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM t5; connection default; UNLOCK TABLES; --echo # --echo # 3.2) RENAME TABLE in case when several tables are locked. LOCK TABLES t2 READ, t4 WRITE; RENAME TABLE t4 TO t5; --echo # Table t2 should be still locked, and t4 should be available as t5 --echo # with correct lock type. SELECT * FROM t2; INSERT INTO t5 values (1); UNLOCK TABLES; --echo # --echo # 3.3) RENAME TABLE in case when same table locked more than once. LOCK TABLES t2 READ, t5 WRITE, t5 AS a WRITE, t5 AS b READ; RENAME TABLE t5 TO t4; --echo # Check that tables are locked under correct aliases and with modes. SELECT * FROM t4 AS a, t4 AS b; INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (2); DELETE a FROM t4 AS a, t4 AS b; --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED_FOR_WRITE DELETE b FROM t4 AS a, t4 AS b; UNLOCK TABLES; --echo # --echo # 3.4) RENAME TABLES which does old good table swap. LOCK TABLES t2 WRITE, t4 WRITE; RENAME TABLES t2 TO t0, t4 TO t2, t0 TO t4; --echo # Tables are available under new name under LOCK TABLES. SELECT * FROM t2; SELECT * FROM t4; connection con1; --echo # Access by new names from other connections should be blocked. SET @@lock_wait_timeout= 1; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM t2; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM t4; SET @@lock_wait_timeout= @old_lock_wait_timeout; --echo # But not for auxiliary name. --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM t0; connection default; UNLOCK TABLES; --echo # --echo # 3.5) RENAME TABLES which renames same table several times. LOCK TABLE t2 WRITE; RENAME TABLES t2 TO t1, t1 TO t3, t3 TO t5; --echo # Table is available under new name under LOCK TABLES. SELECT * FROM t5; --echo # But not under other names. --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED SELECT * FROM t1; --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED SELECT * FROM t2; --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED SELECT * FROM t3; connection con1; --echo # Access by new name from other connections should be blocked. SET @@lock_wait_timeout= 1; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM t5; SET @@lock_wait_timeout= @old_lock_wait_timeout; --echo # But not for other names --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM t1; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM t2; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM t3; connection default; UNLOCK TABLES; --echo # --echo # 3.6) RENAME TABLES which renames 2 tables while additional --echo # table is locked. CREATE TABLE t6(k INT); LOCK TABLES t4 WRITE, t5 WRITE, t6 WRITE; RENAME TABLES t4 TO t1, t5 TO t2; --echo # Renamed tables are available under new names. SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t2; --echo # But not under other names. --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED SELECT * FROM t4; --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED SELECT * FROM t5; --echo # Untouched table is still available. SELECT * FROM t6; connection con1; --echo # Access by new name from other connections should be blocked. SET @@lock_wait_timeout= 1; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM t1; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM t2; --echo # And access to untouched table too. --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM t6; SET @@lock_wait_timeout= @old_lock_wait_timeout; --echo # Old names should not be locked. --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM t4; --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM t5; connection default; UNLOCK TABLES; DROP TABLES t1, t2, t6; --echo # --echo # 4) Effects of failed RENAME TABLES on set of locked tables and --echo # metadata locks held. --echo # --echo # 4.1) Atomic RENAME TABLES which fails at late stage should be --echo # fully rolled back. CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t2 (j INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t3 (k INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; CREATE TABLE t4 (l INT) ENGINE=InnoDB; LOCK TABLES t1 WRITE, t2 WRITE, t3 WRITE; --error ER_TABLE_EXISTS_ERROR RENAME TABLES t1 TO t0, t2 TO t4; --echo # Tables are available under old names. SELECT * FROM t1; SELECT * FROM t2; --echo # Including untouched table. SELECT * FROM t3; --echo # And not under new names. --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED SELECT * FROM t0; --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED SELECT * FROM t4; connection con1; --echo # Access by old names from other connections should be blocked. SET @@lock_wait_timeout= 1; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM t1; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM t2; --echo # And access to untouched table too. --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM t3; SET @@lock_wait_timeout= @old_lock_wait_timeout; --echo # New names should not be locked. --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM t0; SELECT * FROM t4; connection default; UNLOCK TABLES; DROP TABLES t1, t2, t3, t4; --echo # --echo # 4.3) Non-atomic RENAME TABLES which fails at late stage and --echo # is NOT fully reverted. --echo # --echo # This part of test resides in rename_debug.test. --echo # --echo # 5) RENAME TABLES under LOCK TABLES and views. --echo # --echo # 5.1) Requirements on locking is similar to tables. CREATE TABLE t1 (i INT); CREATE TABLE t2 (j INT); CREATE VIEW v1 AS SELECT * FROM t1; CREATE VIEW v2 AS SELECT * FROM t2; LOCK TABLES t1 WRITE; --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED RENAME TABLE v1 TO v2; UNLOCK TABLES; LOCK TABLES v1 READ; --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED_FOR_WRITE RENAME TABLE v1 TO v2; UNLOCK TABLES; --echo # --echo # Coverage for target name resides in rename_debug.test. --echo # --echo # 5.2) Effects of RENAME TABLE on a view on the --echo # set of locked tables and metadata locks. LOCK TABLES v1 WRITE; RENAME TABLE v1 TO v3; --echo # View is available under new name under LOCK TABLES. INSERT INTO v3 VALUES (1); --echo # And not under old name. --error ER_TABLE_NOT_LOCKED SELECT * FROM v1; connection con1; --echo # Access by new name from other connections should be blocked. SET @@lock_wait_timeout= 1; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM v3; SET @@lock_wait_timeout= @old_lock_wait_timeout; --echo # But not for old table name. --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM v1; connection default; UNLOCK TABLES; --echo # --echo # A bit more complex RENAME TABLE which swaps two views. LOCK TABLES v2 WRITE, v3 WRITE; RENAME TABLE v2 TO v0, v3 TO v2, v0 TO v3; --echo # Views are available under new name under LOCK TABLES. SELECT * FROM v2; SELECT * FROM v3; connection con1; --echo # Access by new names from other connections should be blocked. SET @@lock_wait_timeout= 1; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM v2; --error ER_LOCK_WAIT_TIMEOUT SELECT * FROM v3; SET @@lock_wait_timeout= @old_lock_wait_timeout; --echo # But not for auxiliary name. --error ER_NO_SUCH_TABLE SELECT * FROM v0; connection default; UNLOCK TABLES; DROP VIEW v2; DROP VIEW v3; DROP TABLES t1, t2; --echo # --echo # 6) RENAME TABLES under LOCK TABLES and foreign keys. --echo # --echo # 6.1) Renaming of child table updates parent definition. CREATE TABLE t1 (pk INT PRIMARY KEY); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1); CREATE TABLE t2 (fk INT, FOREIGN KEY (fk) REFERENCES t1 (pk)); INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1); CREATE TABLE t3 (fk INT); CREATE TABLE t4 (pk INT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(pk)); INSERT INTO t4 VALUES (2); LOCK TABLES t1 WRITE, t2 WRITE, t3 WRITE, t4 WRITE; RENAME TABLES t2 TO t0, t3 TO t2, t0 TO t3; --echo # The above RENAME TABLES should have updated parent definition --echo # so below DELETE goes to new 't3' (old 't2') when checking if --echo # rows can be deleted. --error ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 DELETE FROM t1; --echo # --echo # 6.2) Renaming of parent table updates parent definition as well. RENAME TABLE t1 TO t0, t4 TO t1, t0 TO t4; --echo # The above RENAME TABLES should have updated child definition --echo # so below INSERT goes to new 't4' (old 't1') when checking if --echo # row can be inserted. --error ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2 INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (2); SHOW CREATE TABLE t3; --echo # Parent key name still should be PRIMARY. SELECT unique_constraint_name FROM information_schema.referential_constraints WHERE table_name = 't3'; UNLOCK TABLES; --echo # --echo # 6.3) RENAME TABLES which adds parent to orphan FK updates --echo # child definition. --echo # Make FK on t3 orphan. SET foreign_key_checks = 0; DROP TABLES t1, t2, t4; SET foreign_key_checks = 1; CREATE TABLE t1 (pk INT NOT NULL, UNIQUE(pk)); INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (1), (2); LOCK TABLES t1 WRITE, t3 WRITE; --echo # Add parent for orphan FK. RENAME TABLE t1 TO t4; --echo # Child definition should be updated to reflect new parent. INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (2); --error ER_NO_REFERENCED_ROW_2 INSERT INTO t3 VALUES (3); --echo # Parent key name should be 'pk'. SELECT unique_constraint_name FROM information_schema.referential_constraints WHERE table_name = 't3'; --echo # Parent definition should be aware of new child as well. --error ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 DELETE FROM t4; UNLOCK TABLES; DROP TABLE t3, t4; --echo # Clean-up. connection con1; disconnect con1; --source include/wait_until_disconnected.inc connection default; --disable_connect_log