--echo # --echo # Bug#23102944: MYSQLPUMP LEAKS MEMORY IN CASE OF ERRORS. --echo # --echo # testing a failed connection: must not crash --replace_regex /\([0-9]*\) while connecting/(errno) while connecting/ --exec $MYSQL_PUMP --host=non_existent_ghost --add-locks 2>&1 --echo # testing an invalid option: must not crash --replace_regex /\([0-9]*\) while connecting/(errno) while connecting/ --exec $MYSQL_PUMP --host=non_existent_ghost --parallelism=3 2>&1 --echo # --echo # Bug#29389828: CRASH WHEN TILDE EXPANSION USED IN --RESULT-FILE PATH --echo # --echo # report error when tilde is used in file name --error 2 --exec $MYSQL_PUMP --result-file=~/dump.sql --echo # --echo # Bug #29343073: MYSQLPUMP DUMPS GRANT TABLES THAT IT SHOULD NOT --echo # --exec $MYSQL_PUMP --skip-dump-rows --exclude-tables=ndb_binlog_index mysql > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug29343073.sql --let $assert_text=Should not contain mysql.role_edges --let $assert_file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug29343073.sql --let $assert_select=CREATE TABLE `mysql`.`role_edges` --let $assert_count=0 --source include/assert_grep.inc --let $assert_text=Should not contain mysql.global_grants --let $assert_file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug29343073.sql --let $assert_select=CREATE TABLE `mysql`.`mysql_global_grants` --let $assert_count=0 --source include/assert_grep.inc --let $assert_text=Should not contain mysql.default_roles --let $assert_file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug29343073.sql --let $assert_select=CREATE TABLE `mysql`.`default_roles` --let $assert_count=0 --source include/assert_grep.inc --let $assert_text=Should contain mysql.password_history --let $assert_file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug29343073.sql --let $assert_select=CREATE TABLE `mysql`.`password_history` --let $assert_count=1 --source include/assert_grep.inc --echo Test: dump of mysql database should not contain unexpected tables --let $grep_file=$MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug29343073.sql --let $grep_pattern=CREATE TABLE --source include/grep_pattern.inc --remove_file $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/bug29343073.sql --echo # End of 8.0 tests