--echo # --echo # Bug #29622406: --INTIALIZE FAILS WHEN MYSQLD CONFIG HAS PLUGIN LOADING --echo # --let BASEDIR= `select @@basedir` --let $MYSQLD_SOCKET= `SELECT @@socket` --let $MYSQLD_PORT= `SELECT @@port` --let DDIR=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/installdb_test --let MYSQLD_LOG=$MYSQL_TMP_DIR/server.log --let $counter= 0 --echo # shut server down --source include/shutdown_mysqld.inc --echo # Server is down --echo # Must not crash --let DEFARGS= --no-defaults --console --socket=$MYSQLD_SOCKET --port=$MYSQLD_PORT --skip-ssl --datadir=$DDIR --exec $MYSQLD $DEFARGS --initialize $PFS_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN_EMPLOYEE_OPT $PFS_EXAMPLE_PLUGIN_EMPLOYEE_LOAD_ADD > $MYSQLD_LOG 2>&1 --echo # Restarting the server --source include/start_mysqld.inc --let $assert_text=Searching for the plugins disabled warning in the log --let $assert_file=$MYSQLD_LOG --let $assert_select=Ignoring --plugin-load._add. list as the server is running with --initialize.-insecure.. --let $assert_count=1 --source include/assert_grep.inc --echo # Cleanup --echo # delete mysqld log --remove_file $MYSQLD_LOG --echo # delete datadir --force-rmdir $DDIR --echo # End of 8.0 tests