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5 months ago
#include "macdefs.inc"
name OS_Core
; function:
; description: Trap 0x10 vector used for context switch
; Right now, all TRAPs to $1x are trated the same way
org 50h
jr OSCtxSW
; function:
; description: Timer 40 compare match interrupt used for system
; tick interrupt
org 0x220
jr OSTickIntr
org 0x0520
jr uarta1_int_r
EXTERN rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag
EXTERN rt_interrupt_from_thread
EXTERN rt_interrupt_to_thread
EXTERN rt_interrupt_enter
EXTERN rt_interrupt_leave
EXTERN rt_tick_increase
EXTERN uarta1_receive_handler
PUBLIC rt_hw_interrupt_disable
PUBLIC rt_hw_interrupt_enable
PUBLIC rt_hw_context_switch_to
PUBLIC OS_Restore_CPU_Context
stsr psw, r1
jmp [lp]
ldsr r1, psw
jmp [lp]
mov sp, ep
sld.w 4[ep], r2
sld.w 8[ep], r5
sld.w 12[ep],r6
sld.w 16[ep],r7
sld.w 20[ep],r8
sld.w 24[ep],r9
sld.w 28[ep],r10
sld.w 32[ep],r11
sld.w 36[ep],r12
sld.w 40[ep],r13
sld.w 44[ep],r14
sld.w 48[ep],r15
sld.w 52[ep],r16
;See what was the latest interruption (trap or interrupt)
stsr ecr, r17 ;Move ecr to r17
mov 0x050,r1
cmp r1, r17 ;If latest break was due to TRAP, set EP
be _SetEP
mov 0x20, r17 ;Set only ID
ldsr r17, psw
;Restore caller address
sld.w 56[ep], r1
ldsr r1, EIPC
;Restore PSW
sld.w 60[ep], r1
andi 0xffdf,r1,r1
ldsr r1, EIPSW
sld.w 0[ep], r1
dispose (8+(4*14)),{r23,r24,r25,r26,r27,r28,r29,r30,r31}
;Return from interrupt starts new task!
mov 0x60, r17 ;Set both EIPC and ID bits
ldsr r17, psw
;Restore caller address
sld.w 56[ep], r1
ldsr r1, EIPC
;Restore PSW
sld.w 60[ep], r1
andi 0xffdf,r1,r1
ldsr r1, EIPSW
sld.w 0[ep], r1
dispose (8+(4*14)),{r23,r24,r25,r26,r27,r28,r29,r30,r31}
;Return from interrupt starts new task!
//rseg CODE:CODE
//public rt_hw_context_switch_to
;Load stack pointer of the task to run
ld.w 0[r1], sp ;load sp from struct
;Restore all Processor registers from stack and return from interrupt
jr OS_Restore_CPU_Context
SAVE_CPU_CTX ;Save all CPU registers
mov rt_interrupt_from_thread, r21
ld.w 0[r21], r21
st.w sp, 0[r21]
mov rt_interrupt_to_thread, r1
ld.w 0[r1], r1
ld.w 0[r1], sp
;Restore all Processor registers from stack and return from interrupt
jr OS_Restore_CPU_Context
mov rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag, r8
mov 0, r9
st.b r9, 0[r8]
mov rt_interrupt_from_thread, r21
ld.w 0[r21], r21
st.w sp, 0[r21]
mov rt_interrupt_to_thread, r1
ld.w 0[r1], r1
ld.w 0[r1], sp
jr OS_Restore_CPU_Context
SAVE_CPU_CTX ;Save current task's registers
jarl rt_interrupt_enter,lp
jarl rt_tick_increase,lp
jarl rt_interrupt_leave,lp
mov rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag, r8
ld.w 0[r8],r9
cmp 1, r9
be rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt_do
jr OS_Restore_CPU_Context
SAVE_CPU_CTX ;Save current task's registers
jarl rt_interrupt_enter,lp
jarl uarta1_receive_handler,lp
jarl rt_interrupt_leave,lp
mov rt_thread_switch_interrupt_flag, r8
ld.w 0[r8],r9
cmp 1, r9
be rt_hw_context_switch_interrupt_do
jr OS_Restore_CPU_Context