* Copyright (C) 2014-2050 SOUI团队
* All rights reserved.
* @file SStylePool.h
* @brief SkinObj Pool
* @version v1.0
* @author soui
* @date 2014-05-28
* Describe 管理Style
#pragma once
#include "core/SSingletonMap.h"
#include <unknown/obj-ref-i.h>
#include <unknown/obj-ref-impl.hpp>
#define GETSTYLEPOOLMGR SStylePoolMgr::getSingletonPtr()
//p1: name of style
//p2: output of style
#define GETSTYLE(p) SStylePoolMgr::getSingleton().GetStyle(p)
namespace SOUI
* @class SStylePool
* @brief name和SwndStyle的映射表
* Describe
class SOUI_EXP SStylePool :public SCmnMap<pugi::xml_node,SStringW> , public TObjRefImpl2<IObjRef,SStylePool>
* GetStyle
* @brief Get style object from pool by class name
* @param LPCWSTR lpszName -- name of style
* @param [out] SwndStyle & style -- style
* @return BOOL -- TRUE: success; FALSE: not exist
* Describe
pugi::xml_node GetStyle(LPCWSTR lpszName);
* Init
* @brief Load Style table from xml node
* @param pugi::xml_node xmlNode -- xml node that describe style list
* @return BOOL -- TRUE: loaded; FALSE:failed;
* Describe
BOOL Init(pugi::xml_node xmlNode);
pugi::xml_document m_xmlDoc;
* @class SStylePoolMgr
* @brief SwndStyle的映射表的列表
* Describe
class SOUI_EXP SStylePoolMgr : public SSingleton2<SStylePoolMgr>
* GetStyle
* @brief Get style object from pool by class name
* @param LPCWSTR lpszName -- name of style
* @param [out] SwndStyle & style -- style
* @return BOOL -- TRUE: success; FALSE: not exist
* Describe
pugi::xml_node GetStyle(LPCWSTR lpszName);
* PushStylePool
* @brief push a new SStylePool to the tail of style pool list
* @param SStylePool * pStylePool -- the target style pool
* @return void
* Describe
void PushStylePool(SStylePool *pStylePool);
* PopStylePool
* @brief remove the target style pool from list
* @param SStylePool * pStylePool -- the target style pool
* @return SStylePool * -- the removed style pool
* Describe if pStylePool is null, it remove the last style pool from the list
SStylePool * PopStylePool(SStylePool *pStylePool);
SList<SStylePool *> m_lstStylePools;
class SOUI_EXP STemplatePool :public SCmnMap<SStringW, SStringW>, public TObjRefImpl2<IObjRef, STemplatePool>
* Init
* @brief Load temlpate table from xml node
* @param pugi::xml_node xmlNode -- xml node that describe temlpate list
* @return BOOL -- TRUE: loaded; FALSE:failed;
* Describe
BOOL Init(pugi::xml_node xmlNode);
SStringW GetTemplateString(const SStringW &strName) const;
class SOUI_EXP STemplatePoolMgr : public SSingleton2<STemplatePoolMgr>
* GetTemplateString
* @brief Get style object from pool by class name
* @param const SStringW & strName -- name of template
* @param [out] SwndStyle & style -- style
* @return BOOL -- TRUE: success; FALSE: not exist
* Describe
SStringW GetTemplateString(const SStringW & strName);
* PushTemplatePool
* @brief push a new STemplatePool to the tail of style pool list
* @param STemplatePool * pTemplatePool -- the target style pool
* @return void
* Describe
void PushTemplatePool(STemplatePool *pTemplatePool);
* PopTemplatePool
* @brief remove the target template pool from list
* @param STemplatePool * pTemplatePool -- the target template pool
* @return STemplatePool * -- the removed template pool
* Describe if STemplatePool is null, it remove the last template pool from the list
STemplatePool * PopTemplatePool(STemplatePool *pTemplatePool);
SList<STemplatePool *> m_lstTemplatePools;
}//end of namespace SOUI