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/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
Low level functions for storing data to be send to the MySQL client.
The actual communication is handled by the net_xxx functions in net_serv.cc
/* clang-format off */
@page page_protocol_basics Protocol Basics
This is a description of the basic building blocks used by the MySQL protocol:
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_data_types
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_packets
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_response_packets
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_character_set
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_compression
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_tls
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_expired_passwords
@page page_protocol_basic_data_types Basic Data Types
The protocol has a few basic types that are used throughout the protocol:
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_dt_integers
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_dt_strings
@page page_protocol_basic_dt_integers Integer Types
The MySQL %Protocol has a set of possible encodings for integers.
@section sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_fixed Protocol::FixedLengthInteger
Fixed-Length Integer Types
A fixed-length unsigned integer stores its value in a series of
bytes with the least significant byte first.
The MySQL uses the following fixed-length unsigned integer variants:
- @anchor a_protocol_type_int1 int\<1>:
1 byte @ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_fixed.
- @anchor a_protocol_type_int2 int\<2\>:
2 byte @ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_fixed. See int2store()
- @anchor a_protocol_type_int3 int\<3\>:
3 byte @ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_fixed. See int3store()
- @anchor a_protocol_type_int4 int\<4\>:
4 byte @ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_fixed. See int4store()
- @anchor a_protocol_type_int6 int\<6\>:
6 byte @ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_fixed. See int6store()
- @anchor a_protocol_type_int8 int\<8\>:
8 byte @ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_fixed. See int8store()
See int3store() for an example.
@section sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le Protocol::LengthEncodedInteger
Length-Encoded Integer Type
An integer that consumes 1, 3, 4, or 9 bytes, depending on its numeric value
To convert a number value into a length-encoded integer:
Greater or equal | Lower than | Stored as
0 | 251 | `1-byte integer`
251 | 2<sup>16</sup> | `0xFC + 2-byte integer`
2<sup>16</sup> | 2<sup>24</sup> | `0xFD + 3-byte integer`
2<sup>24</sup> | 2<sup>64</sup> | `0xFE + 8-byte integer`
Similarly, to convert a length-encoded integer into its numeric value
check the first byte.
If the first byte of a packet is a length-encoded integer and
its byte value is `0xFE`, you must check the length of the packet to
verify that it has enough space for a 8-byte integer.
If not, it may be an EOF_Packet instead.
@page page_protocol_basic_dt_strings String Types
Strings are sequences of bytes and appear in a few forms in the protocol.
@section sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_fix Protocol::FixedLengthString
Fixed-length strings have a known, hardcoded length.
An example is the sql-state of the @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
which is always 5 bytes long.
@section sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_null Protocol::NullTerminatedString
Strings that are terminated by a `00` byte.
@section sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_var Protocol::VariableLengthString
The length of the string is determined by another field or is calculated
at runtime
@section sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le Protocol::LengthEncodedString
A length encoded string is a string that is prefixed with length encoded
integer describing the length of the string.
It is a special case of @ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_var
@section sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_eof Protocol::RestOfPacketString
If a string is the last component of a packet, its length can be calculated
from the overall packet length minus the current position.
@page page_protocol_basic_response_packets Generic Response Packets
For most commands the client sends to the server, the server returns one
of these packets in response:
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_ok_packet
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_err_packet
- @subpage page_protocol_basic_eof_packet
@page page_protocol_command_phase %Command Phase
In the command phase, the client sends a command packet with
the sequence-id [00]:
13 00 00 00 03 53 ...
01 00 00 00 01
^^- command-byte
^^---- sequence-id == 0
The first byte of the payload describes the command-type.
See ::enum_server_command for the list of commands supported.
The commands belong to one of the following sub-protocols
- @subpage page_protocol_command_phase_text
- @subpage page_protocol_command_phase_utility
- @subpage page_protocol_command_phase_ps
- @subpage page_protocol_command_phase_sp
@sa ::dispatch_command
@page page_protocol_command_phase_utility Utility Commands
- @subpage page_protocol_com_quit
- @subpage page_protocol_com_init_db
- @subpage page_protocol_com_field_list
- @subpage page_protocol_com_refresh
- @subpage page_protocol_com_statistics
- @subpage page_protocol_com_process_info
- @subpage page_protocol_com_process_kill
- @subpage page_protocol_com_debug
- @subpage page_protocol_com_ping
- @subpage page_protocol_com_change_user
- @subpage page_protocol_com_reset_connection
- @subpage page_protocol_com_set_option
@page page_protocol_command_phase_text Text Protocol
- @subpage page_protocol_com_query
@page page_protocol_command_phase_ps Prepared Statements
The prepared statement protocol was introduced in MySQL 4.1 and adds a
few new commands:
- @subpage page_protocol_com_stmt_prepare
- @subpage page_protocol_com_stmt_execute
- @subpage page_protocol_com_stmt_fetch
- @subpage page_protocol_com_stmt_close
- @subpage page_protocol_com_stmt_reset
- @subpage page_protocol_com_stmt_send_long_data
It also defines a more compact resultset format that is used instead of
@ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset to return the results.
@note Keep in mind that not all SQL statements can be prepared.
@sa [WL#2871](https://dev.mysql.com/worklog/task/?id=2871)
@page page_protocol_command_phase_sp Stored Programs
In MySQL 5.0 the protocol was extended to handle:
- @ref sect_protocol_command_phase_sp_multi_resultset
- @ref sect_protocol_command_phase_sp_multi_statement
@section sect_protocol_command_phase_sp_multi_resultset Multi-Resultset
Multi-resultsets are sent by a stored program if more than one resultset was
generated inside of it. e.g.:
CALL multi();
results in:
- a resultset
01 00 00 01 01 17 00 00 02 03 64 65 66 00 00 00 ..........def...
01 31 00 0c 3f 00 01 00 00 00 08 81 00 00 00 00 .1..?...........
05 00 00 03 fe 00 00 0a 00 02 00 00 04 01 31 05 ..............1.
00 00 05 fe 00 00 0a 00 ........
- see the @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet
`05 00 00 03 fe 00 00 0a 00` with its status-flag being `0x0A`
- another resultset:
01 00 00 06 01 17 00 00 07 03 64 65 66 00 00 00 ..........def...
01 31 00 0c 3f 00 01 00 00 00 08 81 00 00 00 00 .1..?...........
05 00 00 08 fe 00 00 0a 00 02 00 00 09 01 31 05 ..............1.
00 00 0a fe 00 00 0a 00 ........
- see the @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet
`05 00 00 03 fe 00 00 0a 00` with its status-flag being `0x0A`
- and a closing empty resultset, an @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet
07 00 00 0b 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 ...........
If the ::SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS flag ise set, that indicates more
resultsets will follow.
The trailing @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet is the response to the
`CALL` statement and contains the `affected_rows` count of the last
statement. In our case we inserted 2 rows, but only the `affected_rows`
of the last `INSERT` statement is returned as part of the
@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet. If the last statement is a `SELECT`,
the `affected_rows` count is 0.
As of MySQL 5.7.5, the resultset is followed by an
@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet, and this
@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet has the ::SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS
flag set to start the processing of the next resultset.
The client has to announce that it wants multi-resultsets by either setting
@subsection sect_protocol_command_phase_sp_multi_resultset_out_params OUT Parameter Set
Starting with MySQL 5.5.3, prepared statements can bind OUT parameters of
stored procedures. They are returned as an extra resultset in the
multi-resultset response. The client announces it can handle OUT parameters
by settting the ::CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS capability.
To distinguish a normal resultset from an OUT parameter set, the
@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet or (if ::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF capability
flag is set) @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet that follows its field
definition has the ::SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS flag set.
@note The closing @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet does NOT have either
Only the first @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet has.
@section sect_protocol_command_phase_sp_multi_statement Multi-Statement
A multi-statement is permitting ::COM_QUERY to send more than one query to
the server, separated by `;` characters.
The client musst announce that it wants multi-statements by either setting
the ::CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS capability or by using
@ref page_protocol_com_set_option
@page page_protocol_com_set_option COM_SET_OPTION
@brief Sets options for the current connection
::COM_SET_OPTION enables and disables server capabilities for the current
@note Only ::CLIENT_MULTI_STATEMENTS can be set to a
value defined in ::enum_mysql_set_option.
@return @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet on success,
@ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet otherwise.
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>[0x1A] COM_SET_OPTION</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>One of ::enum_mysql_set_option</td></tr>
@sa ::mysql_set_server_option, ::mysql_parse
@page page_protocol_connection_lifecycle Connection Lifecycle
The MySQL protocol is a stateful protocol. When a connection is established
the server initiates a @ref page_protocol_connection_phase. Once that is
performed the connection enters the \ref page_protocol_command_phase. The
@ref page_protocol_command_phase ends when the connection terminates.
The connection can also enter @ref page_protocol_replication from
@ref page_protocol_connection_phase if one of the replication commands
is sent.
[*] --> ConnectionState : client connects
ConnectionState: Authentication
ConnectionState --> [*] : Error or client disconnects
ConnectionState --> CommandState : Successful authentication
CommandState: RPC commands read/execute loop
CommandState --> [*] : client or server closes the connection
CommandState --> ReplicationMode : Replication command received
ReplicationMode: binlog data streamed
ReplicationMode --> [*] : client or server closes the connection
Further reading:
- @subpage page_protocol_connection_phase
- @subpage page_protocol_command_phase
- @subpage page_protocol_replication
@page page_protocol_basic_character_set Character Set
MySQL has a very flexible character set support as documented in
[Character Set Support](http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/charset.html).
The list of character sets and their IDs can be queried as follows:
SELECT id, collation_name FROM information_schema.collations ORDER BY id;
| id | collation_name |
| 1 | big5_chinese_ci |
| 2 | latin2_czech_cs |
| 3 | dec8_swedish_ci |
| 4 | cp850_general_ci |
| 5 | latin1_german1_ci |
| 6 | hp8_english_ci |
| 7 | koi8r_general_ci |
| 8 | latin1_swedish_ci |
| 9 | latin2_general_ci |
| 10 | swe7_swedish_ci |
The following table shows a few common character sets.
Number | Hex | Character Set Name
8 | 0x08 | @ref my_charset_latin1 "latin1_swedish_ci"
33 | 0x21 | @ref my_charset_utf8_general_ci "utf8_general_ci"
63 | 0x3f | @ref my_charset_bin "binary"
@anchor a_protocol_character_set Protocol::CharacterSet
A character set is defined in the protocol as a integer.
- charset_nr (2) -- number of the character set and collation
/* clang-format on */
@defgroup group_cs Client/Server Protocol
Client/server protocol related structures,
macros, globals and functions
#include "sql/protocol_classic.h"
#include <openssl/ssl.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>
#include "decimal.h"
#include "lex_string.h"
#include "m_ctype.h"
#include "m_string.h"
#include "my_byteorder.h"
#include "my_compiler.h"
#include "my_dbug.h"
#include "my_loglevel.h"
#include "my_sys.h"
#include "my_time.h"
#include "mysql/com_data.h"
#include "mysql/psi/mysql_socket.h"
#include "mysqld_error.h"
#include "mysys_err.h"
#include "sql/field.h"
#include "sql/item.h"
#include "sql/item_func.h" // Item_func_set_user_var
#include "sql/my_decimal.h"
#include "sql/mysqld.h" // global_system_variables
#include "sql/session_tracker.h"
#include "sql/sql_class.h" // THD
#include "sql/sql_error.h"
#include "sql/sql_lex.h"
#include "sql/sql_list.h"
#include "sql/sql_prepare.h" // Prepared_statement
#include "sql/system_variables.h"
#include "sql_string.h"
#include "template_utils.h"
using std::max;
using std::min;
static const unsigned int PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC = 1024;
static bool net_send_error_packet(THD *, uint, const char *, const char *);
static bool net_send_error_packet(NET *, uint, const char *, const char *, bool,
ulong, const CHARSET_INFO *);
static bool write_eof_packet(THD *, NET *, uint, uint);
static ulong get_ps_param_len(enum enum_field_types, uchar *, ulong, ulong *,
bool *);
Ensures that the packet buffer has enough capacity to hold a string of the
given length.
@param length the length of the string
@param[in,out] packet the buffer
@return true if memory could not be allocated, false on success
static bool ensure_packet_capacity(size_t length, String *packet) {
size_t packet_length = packet->length();
The +9 comes from that strings of length longer than 16M require
9 bytes to be stored (see net_store_length).
return packet_length + 9 + length > packet->alloced_length() &&
packet->mem_realloc(packet_length + 9 + length);
Store length and data in a network packet buffer.
@param from the data to store
@param length the length of the data
@param[in,out] packet the buffer
@return true if there is not enough memory, false on success
static inline bool net_store_data(const uchar *from, size_t length,
String *packet) {
if (ensure_packet_capacity(length, packet)) return true;
size_t packet_length = packet->length();
uchar *to = net_store_length((uchar *)packet->ptr() + packet_length, length);
if (length > 0) memcpy(to, from, length);
packet->length((uint)(to + length - (uchar *)packet->ptr()));
return false;
Stores a string in the network buffer. The string is padded with zeros if it
is shorter than the specified padded length.
@param data the string to store
@param data_length the length of the string
@param padded_length the length of the zero-padded string
@param[in,out] packet the network buffer
static bool net_store_zero_padded_data(const char *data, size_t data_length,
size_t padded_length, String *packet) {
const size_t zeros =
padded_length > data_length ? padded_length - data_length : 0;
const size_t full_length = data_length + zeros;
if (ensure_packet_capacity(full_length, packet)) return true;
uchar *to = net_store_length(
pointer_cast<uchar *>(packet->ptr()) + packet->length(), full_length);
memset(to, '0', zeros);
if (data_length > 0)
memcpy(to + zeros, pointer_cast<const uchar *>(data), data_length);
packet->length(pointer_cast<char *>(to) + full_length - packet->ptr());
return false;
net_store_data() - extended version with character set conversion.
It is optimized for short strings whose length after
conversion is guaranteed to be less than 251, which occupies
exactly one byte to store length. It allows not to use
the "convert" member as a temporary buffer, conversion
is done directly to the "packet" member.
The limit 251 is good enough to optimize send_result_set_metadata()
because column, table, database names fit into this limit.
bool Protocol_classic::net_store_data_with_conversion(
const uchar *from, size_t length, const CHARSET_INFO *from_cs,
const CHARSET_INFO *to_cs) {
uint dummy_errors;
/* Calculate maxumum possible result length */
size_t conv_length = to_cs->mbmaxlen * length / from_cs->mbminlen;
if (conv_length > 250) {
For strings with conv_length greater than 250 bytes
we don't know how many bytes we will need to store length: one or two,
because we don't know result length until conversion is done.
For example, when converting from utf8 (mbmaxlen=3) to latin1,
conv_length=300 means that the result length can vary between 100 to 300.
length=100 needs one byte, length=300 needs to bytes.
Thus conversion directly to "packet" is not worthy.
Let's use "convert" as a temporary buffer.
return (convert.copy(pointer_cast<const char *>(from), length, from_cs,
to_cs, &dummy_errors) ||
net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(convert.ptr()),
convert.length(), packet));
size_t packet_length = packet->length();
size_t new_length = packet_length + conv_length + 1;
if (new_length > packet->alloced_length() && packet->mem_realloc(new_length))
return 1;
char *length_pos = packet->ptr() + packet_length;
char *to = length_pos + 1;
to += copy_and_convert(to, conv_length, to_cs, (const char *)from, length,
from_cs, &dummy_errors);
net_store_length((uchar *)length_pos, to - length_pos - 1);
packet->length((uint)(to - packet->ptr()));
return 0;
Send a error string to client.
Design note:
net_printf_error and net_send_error are low-level functions
that shall be used only when a new connection is being
established or at server startup.
For SIGNAL/RESIGNAL and GET DIAGNOSTICS functionality it's
critical that every error that can be intercepted is issued in one
place only, my_message_sql.
@param thd Thread handler
@param sql_errno The error code to send
@param err A pointer to the error message
@retval false The message was sent to the client
@retval true An error occurred and the message wasn't sent properly
bool net_send_error(THD *thd, uint sql_errno, const char *err) {
bool error;
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("sql_errno: %d err: %s", sql_errno, err));
It's one case when we can push an error even though there
is an OK or EOF already.
/* Abort multi-result sets */
thd->server_status &= ~SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS;
error = net_send_error_packet(thd, sql_errno, err,
return error;
Send a error string to client using net struct.
This is used initial connection handling code.
@param net Low-level net struct
@param sql_errno The error code to send
@param err A pointer to the error message
@retval false The message was sent to the client
@retval true An error occurred and the message wasn't sent properly
bool net_send_error(NET *net, uint sql_errno, const char *err) {
DBUG_ASSERT(sql_errno && err);
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("sql_errno: %d err: %s", sql_errno, err));
bool error = net_send_error_packet(
net, sql_errno, err, mysql_errno_to_sqlstate(sql_errno), false, 0,
return error;
/* clang-format off */
@page page_protocol_basic_ok_packet OK_Packet
An OK packet is sent from the server to the client to signal successful
completion of a command. As of MySQL 5.7.5, OK packes are also used to
indicate EOF, and EOF packets are deprecated.
if ::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 is set, the packet contains a warning count.
<caption>The Payload of an OK Packet</caption>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>`0x00` or `0xFE` the OK packet header</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le "int&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>affected rows</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le "int&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>last insert-id</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if capabilities @& ::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>@ref SERVER_STATUS_flags_enum</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>number of warnings</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">} else if capabilities @& ::CLIENT_TRANSACTIONS {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>@ref SERVER_STATUS_flags_enum</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">}</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if capabilities @& ::CLIENT_SESSION_TRACK</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>human readable status information</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3"> if status_flags @& ::SERVER_SESSION_STATE_CHANGED {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>session state info</td>
<td>@anchor a_protocol_basic_ok_packet_sessinfo
@ref sect_protocol_basic_ok_packet_sessinfo</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3"> }</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">} else {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_eof "string&lt;EOF&gt;"</td>
<td>human readable status information</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">}</td></tr>
These rules distinguish whether the packet represents OK or EOF:
- OK: header = 0 and length of packet > 7
- EOF: header = 0xfe and length of packet < 9
To ensure backward compatibility between old (prior to 5.7.5) and
new (5.7.5 and up) versions of MySQL, new clients advertise
- Old clients do not know about this flag and do not advertise it.
Consequently, the server does not send OK packets that represent EOF.
(Old servers never do this, anyway. New servers recognize the absence
of the flag to mean they should not.)
- New clients advertise this flag. Old servers do not know this flag and
do not send OK packets that represent EOF. New servers recognize the flag
and can send OK packets that represent EOF.
OK with ::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41. 0 affected rows, last-insert-id was 0,
AUTOCOMMIT enabled, 0 warnings. No further info.
07 00 00 02 00 00 00 02 00 00 00
@section sect_protocol_basic_ok_packet_sessinfo Session State Information
State-change information is sent in the OK packet as a array of state-change
blocks which are made up of:
<caption>Layout of Session State Information</caption>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>type of data. See enum_session_state_type</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>data of the changed session info</td></tr>
Interpretation of the data field depends on the type value:
@subsection sect_protocol_basic_ok_packet_sessinfo_SESSION_TRACK_SYSTEM_VARIABLES SESSION_TRACK_SYSTEM_VARIABLES
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>name of the changed system variable</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>value of the changed system variable</td></tr>
After a SET autocommit = OFF statement:
00 0f1 0a 61 75 74 6f 63 6f 6d 6d 69 74 03 4f 46 46
@subsection sect_protocol_basic_ok_packet_sessinfo_SESSION_TRACK_SCHEMA SESSION_TRACK_SCHEMA
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>name of the changed schema</td></tr>
After a USE test statement:
01 05 04 74 65 73 74
@subsection sect_protocol_basic_ok_packet_sessinfo_SESSION_TRACK_STATE_CHANGE SESSION_TRACK_STATE_CHANGE
A flag byte that indicates whether session state changes occurred.
This flag is represented as an ASCII value.
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>`0x31` ("1") if state tracking got enabled.</td></tr>
After a SET SESSION session_track_state_change = 1 statement:
03 02 01 31
See also net_send_ok()
/* clang-format on */
Return OK to the client.
See @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet for the OK packet structure.
@param thd Thread handler
@param server_status The server status
@param statement_warn_count Total number of warnings
@param affected_rows Number of rows changed by statement
@param id Auto_increment id for first row (if used)
@param message Message to send to the client
(Used by mysql_status)
@param eof_identifier when true [FE] will be set in OK header
else [00] will be used
@retval false The message was successfully sent
@retval true An error occurred and the messages wasn't sent properly
static bool net_send_ok(THD *thd, uint server_status, uint statement_warn_count,
ulonglong affected_rows, ulonglong id,
const char *message, bool eof_identifier) {
Protocol *protocol = thd->get_protocol();
NET *net = thd->get_protocol_classic()->get_net();
uchar buff[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE + 10];
uchar *pos, *start;
To be used to manage the data storage in case session state change
information is present.
String store;
bool state_changed = false;
bool error = false;
if (!net->vio) // hack for re-parsing queries
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("vio present: NO"));
return false;
start = buff;
Use 0xFE packet header if eof_identifier is true
unless we are talking to old client
if (eof_identifier && (protocol->has_client_capability(CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF)))
buff[0] = 254;
buff[0] = 0;
/* affected rows */
pos = net_store_length(buff + 1, affected_rows);
/* last insert id */
pos = net_store_length(pos, id);
if (protocol->has_client_capability(CLIENT_SESSION_TRACK) &&
thd->session_tracker.enabled_any() &&
thd->session_tracker.changed_any()) {
state_changed = true;
if (protocol->has_client_capability(CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41)) {
("affected_rows: %lu id: %lu status: %u warning_count: %u",
(ulong)affected_rows, (ulong)id, (uint)(server_status & 0xffff),
/* server status */
int2store(pos, server_status);
pos += 2;
/* warning count: we can only return up to 65535 warnings in two bytes. */
uint tmp = min(statement_warn_count, 65535U);
int2store(pos, tmp);
pos += 2;
} else if (net->return_status) // For 4.0 protocol
int2store(pos, server_status);
pos += 2;
if (protocol->has_client_capability(CLIENT_SESSION_TRACK)) {
/* the info field */
if (state_changed || (message && message[0]))
pos = net_store_data(pos, pointer_cast<const uchar *>(message),
message ? strlen(message) : 0);
/* session state change information */
if (unlikely(state_changed)) {
First append the fields collected so far. In case of malloc, memory
for message is also allocated here.
store.append((const char *)start, (pos - start), MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE);
/* .. and then the state change information. */
thd->session_tracker.store(thd, store);
start = (uchar *)store.ptr();
pos = start + store.length();
} else if (message && message[0]) {
/* the info field, if there is a message to store */
pos = net_store_data(pos, pointer_cast<const uchar *>(message),
/* OK packet length will be restricted to 16777215 bytes */
if (((size_t)(pos - start)) > MAX_PACKET_LENGTH) {
net->error = 1;
net->last_errno = ER_NET_OK_PACKET_TOO_LARGE;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("OK packet too large"));
return 1;
error = my_net_write(net, start, (size_t)(pos - start));
if (!error) error = net_flush(net);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("OK sent, so no more error sending allowed"));
return error;
static uchar eof_buff[1] = {(uchar)254}; /* Marker for end of fields */
/* clang-format off */
@page page_protocol_basic_eof_packet EOF_Packet
If ::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 is enabled, the EOF packet contains a
warning count and status flags.
In the MySQL client/server protocol, the
@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet and
@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet packets serve
the same purpose, to mark the end of a query execution result.
Due to changes in MySQL 5.7 in
the @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet packets (such as session
state tracking), and to avoid repeating the changes in
the @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet packet, the
@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.5.
The @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet packet may appear in places where
a @ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le "Protocol::LengthEncodedInteger"
may appear. You must check whether the packet length is less than 9 to
make sure that it is a @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet packet.
<caption>The Payload of an EOF Packet</caption>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>`0xFE` EOF packet header</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if capabilities @& ::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>number of warnings</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>@ref SERVER_STATUS_flags_enum</td></tr>
A MySQL 4.1 EOF packet with: 0 warnings, AUTOCOMMIT enabled.
05 00 00 05 fe 00 00 02 00
@sa net_send_eof().
/* clang-format on */
Send eof (= end of result set) to the client.
See @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet packet for the structure
of the packet.
The warning count will not be sent if 'no_flush' is set as
we don't want to report the warning count until all data is sent to the
@param thd Thread handler
@param server_status The server status
@param statement_warn_count Total number of warnings
@retval false The message was successfully sent
@retval true An error occurred and the message wasn't sent properly
static bool net_send_eof(THD *thd, uint server_status,
uint statement_warn_count) {
NET *net = thd->get_protocol_classic()->get_net();
bool error = false;
/* Set to true if no active vio, to work well in case of --init-file */
if (net->vio != 0) {
error = write_eof_packet(thd, net, server_status, statement_warn_count);
if (!error) error = net_flush(net);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("EOF sent, so no more error sending allowed"));
return error;
Format EOF packet according to the current protocol and
write it to the network output buffer.
See also @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
@param thd The thread handler
@param net The network handler
@param server_status The server status
@param statement_warn_count The number of warnings
@retval false The message was sent successfully
@retval true An error occurred and the messages wasn't sent properly
static bool write_eof_packet(THD *thd, NET *net, uint server_status,
uint statement_warn_count) {
bool error;
Protocol *protocol = thd->get_protocol();
if (protocol->has_client_capability(CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41)) {
uchar buff[5];
Don't send warn count during SP execution, as the warn_list
is cleared between substatements, and mysqltest gets confused
uint tmp = min(statement_warn_count, 65535U);
buff[0] = 254;
int2store(buff + 1, tmp);
The following test should never be true, but it's better to do it
because if 'is_fatal_error' is set the server is not going to execute
other queries (see the if test in dispatch_command / COM_QUERY)
if (thd->is_fatal_error()) server_status &= ~SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS;
int2store(buff + 3, server_status);
error = my_net_write(net, buff, 5);
} else
error = my_net_write(net, eof_buff, 1);
return error;
/* clang-format off */
@page page_protocol_basic_err_packet ERR_Packet
This packet signals that an error occurred. It contains a SQL state value
if ::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 is enabled.
Error texts cannot exceed ::MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE
<caption>The Payload of an ERR Packet</caption>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>`0xFF` ERR packet header</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<tr><td colspan="3">if capabilities @& ::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_fix "string[1]"</td>
<td># marker of the SQL state</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_fix "string[5]"</td>
<td>SQL state</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3"> }</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_eof "string&lt;EOF&gt;"</td>
<td>human readable error message</td></tr>
17 00 00 01 ff 48 04 23 48 59 30 30 30 4e 6f 20
74 61 62 6c 65 73 20 75 73 65 64
tables used
@sa net_send_error_packet()
/* clang-format on */
@param thd Thread handler
@param sql_errno The error code to send
@param err A pointer to the error message
@param sqlstate SQL state
@retval false The message was successfully sent
@retval true An error occurred and the messages wasn't sent properly
See also @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
static bool net_send_error_packet(THD *thd, uint sql_errno, const char *err,
const char *sqlstate) {
return net_send_error_packet(thd->get_protocol_classic()->get_net(),
sql_errno, err, sqlstate,
@param net Low-level NET struct
@param sql_errno The error code to send
@param err A pointer to the error message
@param sqlstate SQL state
@param bootstrap Server is started in bootstrap mode
@param client_capabilities Client capabilities flag
@param character_set_results Char set info
@retval false The message was successfully sent
@retval true An error occurred and the messages wasn't sent properly
See also @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
static bool net_send_error_packet(NET *net, uint sql_errno, const char *err,
const char *sqlstate, bool bootstrap,
ulong client_capabilities,
const CHARSET_INFO *character_set_results) {
uint length;
buff[]: sql_errno:2 + ('#':1 + SQLSTATE_LENGTH:5) + MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE:512
uint error;
char converted_err[MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE];
char buff[2 + 1 + SQLSTATE_LENGTH + MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE], *pos;
if (net->vio == 0) {
if (bootstrap) {
/* In bootstrap it's ok to print on stderr */
my_message_local(ERROR_LEVEL, EE_NET_SEND_ERROR_IN_BOOTSTRAP, sql_errno,
return false;
int2store(buff, sql_errno);
pos = buff + 2;
if (client_capabilities & CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41) {
/* The first # is to make the protocol backward compatible */
buff[2] = '#';
pos = my_stpcpy(buff + 3, sqlstate);
convert_error_message(converted_err, sizeof(converted_err),
character_set_results, err, strlen(err),
system_charset_info, &error);
/* Converted error message is always null-terminated. */
length = (uint)(strmake(pos, converted_err, MYSQL_ERRMSG_SIZE - 1) - buff);
return net_write_command(net, uchar{255}, pointer_cast<const uchar *>(""), 0,
pointer_cast<uchar *>(buff), length);
Faster net_store_length when we know that length is less than 65536.
We keep a separate version for that range because it's widely used in
uint is used as agrument type because of MySQL type conventions:
- uint for 0..65536
- ulong for 0..4294967296
- ulonglong for bigger numbers.
static uchar *net_store_length_fast(uchar *packet, size_t length) {
if (length < 251) {
*packet = (uchar)length;
return packet + 1;
*packet++ = 252;
int2store(packet, (uint)length);
return packet + 2;
Functions used by the protocol functions (like net_send_ok) to store
strings and numbers in the header result packet.
/* The following will only be used for short strings < 65K */
uchar *net_store_data(uchar *to, const uchar *from, size_t length) {
to = net_store_length_fast(to, length);
if (length > 0) memcpy(to, from, length);
return to + length;
Protocol_classic functions
void Protocol_classic::init(THD *thd_arg) {
m_thd = thd_arg;
packet = &m_thd->packet;
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
field_types = 0;
bool Protocol_classic::store_field(const Field *field) {
return field->send_to_protocol(this);
A default implementation of "OK" packet response to the client.
Currently this implementation is re-used by both network-oriented
protocols -- the binary and text one. They do not differ
in their OK packet format, which allows for a significant simplification
on client side.
bool Protocol_classic::send_ok(uint server_status, uint statement_warn_count,
ulonglong affected_rows,
ulonglong last_insert_id, const char *message) {
const bool retval =
net_send_ok(m_thd, server_status, statement_warn_count, affected_rows,
last_insert_id, message, false);
// Reclaim some memory
return retval;
A default implementation of "EOF" packet response to the client.
Binary and text protocol do not differ in their EOF packet format.
bool Protocol_classic::send_eof(uint server_status, uint statement_warn_count) {
bool retval;
Normally end of statement reply is signaled by OK packet, but in case
of binlog dump request an EOF packet is sent instead. Also, old clients
expect EOF packet instead of OK
if (has_client_capability(CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF) &&
(m_thd->get_command() != COM_BINLOG_DUMP &&
m_thd->get_command() != COM_BINLOG_DUMP_GTID))
retval = net_send_ok(m_thd, server_status, statement_warn_count, 0, 0, NULL,
retval = net_send_eof(m_thd, server_status, statement_warn_count);
// Reclaim some memory
return retval;
A default implementation of "ERROR" packet response to the client.
Binary and text protocol do not differ in ERROR packet format.
bool Protocol_classic::send_error(uint sql_errno, const char *err_msg,
const char *sql_state) {
const bool retval =
net_send_error_packet(m_thd, sql_errno, err_msg, sql_state);
// Reclaim some memory
return retval;
void Protocol_classic::set_read_timeout(ulong read_timeout) {
my_net_set_read_timeout(&m_thd->net, read_timeout);
void Protocol_classic::set_write_timeout(ulong write_timeout) {
my_net_set_write_timeout(&m_thd->net, write_timeout);
// NET interaction functions
bool Protocol_classic::init_net(Vio *vio) {
return my_net_init(&m_thd->net, vio);
void Protocol_classic::claim_memory_ownership() {
void Protocol_classic::end_net() {
m_thd->net.vio = NULL;
bool Protocol_classic::write(const uchar *ptr, size_t len) {
return my_net_write(&m_thd->net, ptr, len);
uchar Protocol_classic::get_error() { return m_thd->net.error; }
void Protocol_classic::wipe_net() {
memset(&m_thd->net, 0, sizeof(m_thd->net));
void Protocol_classic::set_max_packet_size(ulong max_packet_size) {
m_thd->net.max_packet_size = max_packet_size;
NET *Protocol_classic::get_net() { return &m_thd->net; }
Vio *Protocol_classic::get_vio() { return m_thd->net.vio; }
const Vio *Protocol_classic::get_vio() const { return m_thd->net.vio; }
void Protocol_classic::set_vio(Vio *vio) { m_thd->net.vio = vio; }
void Protocol_classic::set_output_pkt_nr(uint pkt_nr) {
m_thd->net.pkt_nr = pkt_nr;
uint Protocol_classic::get_output_pkt_nr() { return m_thd->net.pkt_nr; }
String *Protocol_classic::get_output_packet() { return &m_thd->packet; }
int Protocol_classic::read_packet() {
input_packet_length = my_net_read(&m_thd->net);
if (input_packet_length != packet_error) {
bad_packet = false;
input_raw_packet = m_thd->net.read_pos;
return 0;
bad_packet = true;
return m_thd->net.error == 3 ? 1 : -1;
/* clang-format off */
@page page_protocol_com_quit COM_QUIT
Tells the server that the client wants it to close the connection.
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x01: COM_QUIT</td></tr>
Server closes the connection or returns @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet.
@page page_protocol_com_init_db COM_INIT_DB
Change the default schema of the connection
- @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet on success
- @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet on error
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x02: COM_INIT_DB</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_eof "string&lt;EOF&gt;"</td>
<td>schema name</td>
<td>name of the schema to change to</td></tr>
@par Example
05 00 00 00 02 74 65 73 74 .....test
@page page_protocol_com_query COM_QUERY
Send a @ref page_protocol_command_phase_text based SQL query
Execution starts immediately.
- @subpage page_protocol_com_query_response
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x03: COM_QUERY</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_eof "string&lt;EOF&gt;"</td>
<td>the text of the SQL query to execute</td></tr>
@par Example
21 00 00 00 03 73 65 6c 65 63 74 20 40 40 76 65 !....select @@ve
72 73 69 6f 6e 5f 63 6f 6d 6d 65 6e 74 20 6c 69 rsion_comment li
6d 69 74 20 31 mit 1
@sa Protocol_classic::parse_packet, dispatch_command,
mysql_parse, alloc_query, THD::set_query
@page page_protocol_com_query_response COM_QUERY Response
The query response packet is a meta packet which can be one of:
- @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
- @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet
- @subpage page_protocol_com_query_response_local_infile_request
- @subpage page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset
COM_QUERY_RESPONSE --> TextResultSet : length encoded integer
state "Text Resultset" as TextResultSet {
TextResultSet --> FinalEOF
TextResultSet --> Error
state "Final EOF" as FinalEOF
state "More Data" as MoreData {
MoreData --> Error
MoreData --> OK
@note if ::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF is on,
@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet is sent instead of an actual
@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet packet.
@sa cli_read_query_result, mysql_send_query, mysql_execute_command
@page page_protocol_com_query_response_local_infile_request LOCAL INFILE Request
If the client wants to `LOAD DATA` from a `LOCAL` file into the server it sends:
The `LOCAL` keyword triggers the server to set a `LOCAL INFILE` request packet
which asks the client to send the file via a
@subpage page_protocol_com_query_response_local_infile_data response
Client -> Server: COM_QUERY
Server -> Client: 0xFB + filename
Client -> Server: content of filename
Client -> Server: empty packet
Server -> Client: OK
The client has to send the ::CLIENT_LOCAL_FILES capability flag.
@return @ref page_protocol_com_query_response_local_infile_data
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>packet type</td>
<td>0xFB: LOCAL INFILE</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_eof "string&lt;EOF&gt;"</td>
<td>the path to the file the client shall send</td></tr>
@par Example
0c 00 00 01 fb 2f 65 74 63 2f 70 61 73 73 77 64 ...../etc/passwd
@sa handle_local_infile, mysql_set_local_infile_handler, net_request_file,
@page page_protocol_com_query_response_local_infile_data LOCAL INFILE Data
If the client has data to send, it sends in one or more non-empty packets AS IS
followed by a empty packet.
If the file is empty or there is a error while reading the file only the empty
packet is sent.
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_eof "string&lt;EOF&gt;"</td>
<td>file content</td>
<td>raw file data</td></tr>
@sa handle_local_infile, mysql_set_local_infile_handler, net_request_file,
@page page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset Text Resultset
A Text Resultset is a possible @ref page_protocol_com_query_response.
It is made up of 2 parts:
- the column definitions (a.k.a. the metadata)
- the actual rows
The column definitions part starts with a packet containing the column-count,
followed by as many
@subpage page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition
packets as there are columns and terminated by a
@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet if the ::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF is not set.
Each row is a packet, too. The rows are terminated by another
@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet. In case the query could generate the
@ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition set,
but generating the rows afterwards failed, a @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
may be sent instead of the last @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet.
<tr><td colspan="3">if capabilities @& ::CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>Flag specifying if metadata are skipped or not. See @ref enum_resultset_metadata</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">}</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le "int&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>Number of @ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition to follow</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if (not (capabilities @& ::CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA))
or `metadata_follows` == ::RESULTSET_METADATA_FULL {</td></tr>
<tr><td>`column_count` x @ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition</td>
<td>Field metadata</td>
<td>one @ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition for each field up to `column_count`</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">}</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if (not capabilities @& ::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF) {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet</td>
<td>End of metadata</td>
<td>Marker to set the end of metadata</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">}</td></tr>
<tr><td>One or more @subpage page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_row</td>
<td>The row data</td>
<td>each @ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_row contains `column_count` values</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if (error processing) {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet</td>
<td>Error details</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">} else if capabilities @& ::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet</td>
<td>All the execution details</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">} else {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet</td>
<td>end of resultset marker</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">}</td></tr>
If the ::SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS flag is set in the last
@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet/@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet,
another @ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset will follow.
See Multi-resultset.
@todo Fill in the link for the Multi-resultset.
:column count;
while (column available ?)
:column definition;
while (row available?)
if (error?) then (yes)
else (no)
there might be no column descriptions sent and one extra flag
is sent before the column counts.
@sa Protocol_classic::send_field_metadata, THD::send_result_metadata
@page page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_row Text Resultset Row
A row with data for each column.
- NULL is sent as `0xFB`
- everything else is converted to a string and is sent as
@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"
@sa THD::send_result_set_row, Protocol_text
@page page_protocol_com_field_list COM_FIELD_LIST
@note As of MySQL 5.7.11, COM_FIELD_LIST is deprecated and will be removed in
a future version of MySQL. Instead, use COM_QUERY to execute a SHOW COLUMNS
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x04: COM_FIELD_LIST</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_null "string&lt;NUL&gt;"</td>
<td>the name of the table to return column information for
(in the current database for the connection)</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_eof "string&lt;EOF&gt;"</td>
<td>field wildcard</td></tr>
@return @ref sect_protocol_com_field_list_response
@sa mysql_list_fields, mysqld_list_fields
@section sect_protocol_com_field_list_response COM_FIELD_LIST Response
The response to @ref page_protocol_com_field_list can be one of:
- @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
- zero or more
@ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition
- a closing @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet
@warning if ::CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA is on and the server side
variable ::Sys_resultset_metadata is not set to ::RESULTSET_METADATA_FULL
no rows will be sent, just an empty resultset.
31 00 00 01 03 64 65 66 04 74 65 73 74 09 66 69 1....def.test.fi
65 6c 64 6c 69 73 74 09 66 69 65 6c 64 6c 69 73 eldlist.fieldlis
74 02 69 64 02 69 64 0c 3f 00 0b 00 00 00 03 00 t.id.id.?.......
00 00 00 00 fb 05 00 00 02 fe 00 00 02 00 ..............
@sa mysql_list_fields, mysqld_list_fields, THD::send_result_metadata,
dispatch_command, cli_list_fields
@page page_protocol_com_refresh COM_REFRESH
@warning As of MySQL 5.7.11, COM_REFRESH is deprecated and will be removed
in a future version of MySQL. Instead, use COM_QUERY to execute a
FLUSH statement.
A low-level version of several FLUSH ... and RESET ... statements.
Calls REFRESH or FLUSH statements.
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x07: COM_REFRESH</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>A bitmask of sub-systems to refresh.
A combination of the first 8 bits of
@ref group_cs_com_refresh_flags</td></tr>
@return @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet or
@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet
@sa dispatch_command, handle_reload_request, mysql_refresh
@page page_protocol_com_statistics COM_STATISTICS
Get a human readable string of some internal status vars.
The statistics are refreshed at the time of executing this command.
If the returned string is of zero length an error message is returned
by ::mysql_stat to the client application instead
of the actual empty statistics string.
@return elther a @ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_eof "string&lt;EOF&gt;"
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x08: COM_STATISTICS</td></tr>
@sa cli_read_statistics, mysql_stat, dispatch_command, calc_sum_of_all_status
@page page_protocol_com_process_info COM_PROCESS_INFO
@warning As of 5.7.11 ::COM_PROCESS_INFO is deprecated in favor of ::COM_QUERY
Get a list of active threads
@return @ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset or a
@ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x0A: COM_PROCESS_INFO</td></tr>
@sa mysql_list_processes, dispatch_command, mysqld_list_processes
@page page_protocol_com_process_kill COM_PROCESS_KILL
Ask the server to terminate a connection
@warning As of MySQL 5.7.11, COM_PROCESS_KILL is deprecated and will be
removed in a future version of MySQL. Instead, use ::COM_QUERY and
a KILL command.
Same as the SQL command `KILL <id>`.
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x0C: COM_PROCESS_KILL</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>The connection to kill</td></tr>
@return @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet or
@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet
@sa dispatch_command, mysql_kill, sql_kill
@page page_protocol_com_debug COM_DEBUG
@brief Dump debug info to server's stdout
COM_DEBUG triggers a dump on internal debug info to stdout of the mysql-server.
The ::SUPER_ACL privilege is required for this operation.
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x0D: COM_DEBUG</td></tr>
@return @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet or
@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet
@sa mysql_dump_debug_info, dispatch_command, mysql_print_status
@page page_protocol_com_ping COM_PING
@brief Check if the server is alive
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x0E: COM_PING</td></tr>
@return @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet
@sa mysql_ping, dispatch_command
@page page_protocol_com_reset_connection COM_RESET_CONNECTION
@brief Resets the session state
A more lightweightt version of ::COM_CHANGE_USER that does
about the same to clean up the session state, but:
- it does not re-authenticate (and do the extra client/server
exchange for that)
- it does not close the connection
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x1F: COM_RESET_CONNECTION</td></tr>
@return @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet
@sa ::mysql_reset_connection, THD::cleanup_connection,
@page page_protocol_com_stmt_prepare COM_STMT_PREPARE
@brief Creates a prepared statement for the passed query string.
The server returns a @ref sect_protocol_com_stmt_prepare_response which
contains a `statement-id` which is ised to identify the prepared statement.
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x16: COM_STMT_PREPARE</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_eof "string&lt;EOF&gt;"</td>
<td>The query to prepare</td></tr>
@par Example
1c 00 00 00 16 53 45 4c 45 43 54 20 43 4f 4e 43 .....SELECT CONC
41 54 28 3f 2c 20 3f 29 20 41 53 20 63 6f 6c 31 AT(?, ?) AS col1
@return @ref sect_protocol_com_stmt_prepare_response_ok on success,
@ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet otherwise
@sa ::mysqld_stmt_prepare, ::mysql_stmt_precheck, ::Prepared_statement,
::mysql_stmt_prepare, ::mysql_stmt_init
@note As LOAD DATA isn't supported by ::COM_STMT_PREPARE yet, no
@ref page_protocol_com_query_response_local_infile_request is expected here.
This is unlike @ref page_protocol_com_query_response.
@section sect_protocol_com_stmt_prepare_response COM_STMT_PREPARE Response
If ::COM_STMT_PREPARE succeeded, it sends a
@ref sect_protocol_com_stmt_prepare_response_ok
@subsection sect_protocol_com_stmt_prepare_response_ok COM_STMT_PREPARE_OK
<caption>Payload of the first packet</caption>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>0x00: OK: Ignored by ::cli_read_prepare_result</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>statement ID</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>Number of columns</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>Number of parameters</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>[00] filler</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if (packet_lenght > 12) {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>Number of warnings</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if capabilities @& ::CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>Flag specifying if metadata are skipped or not.
See @ref enum_resultset_metadata</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">} -- ::CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA {</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">} -- packet_lenght > 12</td></tr>
if `num_params` > 0 and ::CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA is not set or
if `medatdata_follows` is ::RESULTSET_METADATA_FULL `num_params` packets will
follow. Then a @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet will be transmitted,
provided that ::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF is not set.
<caption>Parameter definition block</caption>
<tr><td colspan="3">`num_params` *
@ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if (not capabilities @& ::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF) {</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">} --::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF</td></tr>
if `num_columns` > 0 and ::CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA is not set or
if `medatdata_follows` is ::RESULTSET_METADATA_FULL `num_columns` packets will
follow. Then a @ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet will be transmitted,
provided that ::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF is not set.
<caption>Column definition block</caption>
<tr><td colspan="3">`num_columns` *
@ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if (not capabilities @& ::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF) {</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">} --::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF</td></tr>
@par Example
for a prepared query like SELECT CONCAT(?, ?) AS col1 and no ::CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA
0c 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 00 00 00| ................
17 00 00 02 03 64 65 66 00 00 00 01 3f 00 0c 3f .....def....?..?
00 00 00 00 00 fd 80 00 00 00 00|17 00 00 03 03 ................
64 65 66 00 00 00 01 3f 00 0c 3f 00 00 00 00 00 def....?..?.....
fd 80 00 00 00 00|05 00 00 04 fe 00 00 02 00|1a ................
00 00 05 03 64 65 66 00 00 00 04 63 6f 6c 31 00 ....def....col1.
0c 3f 00 00 00 00 00 fd 80 00 1f 00 00|05 00 00 .?..............
06 fe 00 00 02 00 ...
@par Example
for a a query without parameters and resultset like DO 1 and no ::CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA :
0c 00 00 01 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
@sa ::cli_read_prepare_result, mysql_stmt_prepare, ::send_statement,
@page page_protocol_com_stmt_send_long_data COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA
@brief Sends the data for a parameter.
Repeating to send it, appends the data to the parameter.
No response is sent back to the client
Client -> Server : COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA
@return None
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>[0x18] COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>ID of the statement</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>The parameter to supply data to</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_var "binary&lt;var&gt;"</td>
<td>The actual payload to send</td></tr>
@note ::COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA has to be sent before ::COM_STMT_EXECUTE
@page page_protocol_com_stmt_execute COM_STMT_EXECUTE
::COM_STMT_EXECUTE asks the server to execute a prepared statement as
identified by `statement_id`.
It sends the values for the placeholders of the prepared statement
(if it contained any) in @ref sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value
form. The type of each parameter is made up of two bytes:
- the type as in @ref enum_field_types
- a flag byte which has the highest bit set if the type is unsigned [80]
The `num_params` used for this packet has to match the `num_params` of the
@ref sect_protocol_com_stmt_prepare_response_ok of the corresponsing prepared
@return @subpage page_protocol_com_stmt_execute_response
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>[0x17] COM_STMT_EXECUTE</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>ID of the prepared statement to execute</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>Flags. See ::enum_cursor_type</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>Number of times to execute the statement. Currently always 1.</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if num_params > 0 {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_var "binary&lt;var&gt;"</td>
<td>NULL bitmap, length= (num_params + 7) / 8</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>Flag if parameters must be re-bound</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if new_params_bind_flag {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_var "binary&lt;var&gt;"</td>
<td>Type of each parameter, length: num_params * 2</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_var "binary&lt;var&gt;"</td>
<td>value of each parameter</td></tr>
@par Example
12 00 00 00 17 01 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 01 ................
0f 00 03 66 6f 6f ...foo
`null_bitmap` is like the NULL-bitmap for the
@ref sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row just that it has a bit_offset of 0.
@sa ::mysql_stmt_execute, ::cli_stmt_execute, ::mysql_stmt_precheck,
@page page_protocol_com_stmt_execute_response COM_STMT_EXECUTE Response
Similar to the @ref page_protocol_com_query_response a ::COM_STMT_EXECUTE
returns either:
- a @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet
- a @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
- @subpage page_protocol_binary_resultset
@page page_protocol_binary_resultset Binary Protocol Resultset
Binary Protocol Resultset is similar to the
@ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset.
It just contains the rows in @ref sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le "int&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>always grater than 0</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">`column_count` *
@ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">None or many
@ref sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet</td></tr>
@note if ::CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF client capability flag is set,
@ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet is sent, else
@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet is sent.
@par Example
01 00 00 01 01|1a 00 00 02 03 64 65 66 00 00 00 ..........def...
04 63 6f 6c 31 00 0c 08 00 06 00 00 00 fd 00 00 .col1...........
1f 00 00|05 00 00 03 fe 00 00 02 00|09 00 00 04 ................
00 00 06 66 6f 6f 62 61 72|05 00 00 05 fe 00 00 ...foobar.......
02 00
@section sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row Binary Protocol Resultset Row
A Binary Protocol Resultset Row is made up of a `NULL bitmap` containing as
many bits as we have columns in the resultset + 2 and the `values` for
columns that are not NULL in the @ref sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>[0x00] packer header</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_var "binary&lt;var&gt;"</td>
<td>NULL bitmap, length= (column_count + 7 + 2) / 8</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_var "binary&lt;var&gt;"</td>
<td>values for non-null columns</td></tr>
@par Example
09 00 00 04 00 00 06 66 6f 6f 62 61 72
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_null_bitmap NULL-Bitmap
The binary protocol sends NULL values as bits inside a bitmap instead of a
full byte as the @ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_row
does. If many NULL values are sent, it is more efficient than the old way.
@par Caution
For the @ref sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row the num_fields
and the field_pos need to add a offset of 2. For ::COM_STMT_EXECUTE
this offset is 0.
The NULL-bitmap needs enough space to store a possible NULL bit for each
column that is sent. Its space is calculated with:
NULL-bitmap-bytes = (num_fields + 7 + offset) / 8
resulting in:
<tr><th>num_fields+offset</th><th>NULL_bitmap bytes</th></tr>
To store a NULL bit in the bitmap, you need to calculate the bitmap-byte
(starting with 0) and the bitpos (starting with 0) in that byte from the
index_field (starting with 0):
NULL-bitmap-byte = ((field-pos + offset) / 8)
NULL-bitmap-bit = ((field-pos + offset) % 8)
@par Example
Resultset Row, 9 fields, 9th field is a NULL (9th field -> field-index == 8, offset == 2)
nulls -> [00] [00]
byte_pos = (10 / 8) = 1
bit_pos = (10 % 8) = 2
nulls[byte_pos] |= 1 << bit_pos
nulls[1] |= 1 << 2;
nulls -> [00] [04]
@section sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value Binary Protocol Value
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value_string ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_STRING, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_SET, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG_BLOB, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_MEDIUM_BLOB, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_BIT, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL:
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
@par Example
03 66 6f 6f -- string = "foo"
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value_longlong ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int8 "int&lt;8&gt;"</td>
@par Example
01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -- int64 = 1
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value_long ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_INT24
<caption>::MYSQL_TYPE_LONG, ::MYSQL_TYPE_INT24</caption>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
@par Example
01 00 00 00 -- int32 = 1
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value_short ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR
<caption>::MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT, ::MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR</caption>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
@par Example
01 00 -- int16 = 1
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value_tiny ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_TINY
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
@par Example
01 -- int8 = 1
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value_double ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE
MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE stores a floating point in IEEE 754 double precision format.
First byte is the last byte of the significant as stored in C.
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_fix "string[8]"</td>
<td>a IEEE 754 double precision format (8 bytes) double</td></tr>
@par Example
66 66 66 66 66 66 24 40 -- double = 10.2
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value_float ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT
MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT stores a floating point in IEEE 754 single precision format.
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_fix "string[4]"</td>
<td>a IEEE 754 single precision format (4 bytes) float</td></tr>
@par Example
33 33 23 41 -- float = 10.2
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value_date ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_DATE, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_DATETIME, ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP:
::MYSQL_TYPE_TIMESTAMP fields in the binary protocol.
To save space the packet can be compressed:
- if year, month, day, hour, minutes, seconds and microseconds are all 0,
length is 0 and no other field is sent.
- if hour, seconds and microseconds are all 0, length is 4 and no other
field is sent.
- if microseconds is 0, length is 7 and micro_seconds is not sent.
- otherwise the length is 11
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>number of bytes following (valid values: 0, 4, 7, 11)</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>micro seconds</td></tr>
@par Example
0b da 07 0a 11 13 1b 1e 01 00 00 00 -- datetime 2010-10-17 19:27:30.000 001
04 da 07 0a 11 -- date = 2010-10-17
0b da 07 0a 11 13 1b 1e 01 00 00 00 -- timestamp
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value_time ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_TIME
Type to store a ::MYSQL_TYPE_TIME field in the binary protocol.
To save space the packet can be compressed:
- if day, hour, minutes, seconds and microseconds are all 0,
length is 0 and no other field is sent.
- if microseconds is 0, length is 8 and micro_seconds is not sent.
- otherwise the length is 12
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>number of bytes following (valid values: 0, 8, 12)</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>1 if minus, 0 for plus</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>micro seconds</td></tr>
@par Example
0c 01 78 00 00 00 13 1b 1e 01 00 00 00 -- time -120d 19:27:30.000 001
08 01 78 00 00 00 13 1b 1e -- time -120d 19:27:30
01 -- time 0d 00:00:00
@subsection sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_value_null ProtocolBinary::MYSQL_TYPE_NULL
stored in the @ref sect_protocol_binary_resultset_row_null_bitmap only
/* clang-format on */
@page page_protocol_com_stmt_reset COM_STMT_RESET
::COM_STMT_RESET resets the data of a prepared statement which was
accumulated with ::COM_STMT_SEND_LONG_DATA commands and closes the cursor if
it was opened with ::COM_STMT_EXECUTE.
The server will send a @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet if the
statement could be reset, a @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet if not.
@return @ref page_protocol_basic_ok_packet or a
@ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>[0x1A] COM_STMT_RESET</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>ID of the prepared statement to reset</td></tr>
@par Example
05 00 00 00 1a 01 00 00 00 .........
@sa ::mysql_stmt_reset, ::mysqld_stmt_reset, ::mysql_stmt_precheck
@page page_protocol_com_stmt_close COM_STMT_CLOSE
::COM_STMT_CLOSE deallocates a prepared statement.
No response packet is sent back to the client.
@return None
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>[0x19] COM_STMT_CLOSE</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>ID of the prepared statement to close</td></tr>
@par Example
05 00 00 00 19 01 00 00 00 .........
@sa ::mysql_stmt_close, ::mysql_stmt_prepare,
::mysqld_stmt_close, ::mysql_stmt_precheck
@page page_protocol_com_stmt_fetch COM_STMT_FETCH
Fetches the requested amount of rows from
a resultset produced by ::COM_STMT_EXECUTE
@return @ref sect_protocol_com_stmt_fetch_response
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>[0x19] COM_STMT_CLOSE</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>ID of the prepared statement to close</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>max number of rows to return</td></tr>
@sa ::mysqld_stmt_fetch, ::mysql_stmt_fetch
@section sect_protocol_com_stmt_fetch_response COM_STMT_FETCH Response
::COM_STMT_FETCH may return one of:
- @ref sect_protocol_command_phase_sp_multi_resultset
- @ref page_protocol_basic_err_packet
bool Protocol_classic::parse_packet(union COM_DATA *data,
enum_server_command cmd) {
switch (cmd) {
case COM_INIT_DB: {
data->com_init_db.db_name =
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(input_raw_packet);
data->com_init_db.length = input_packet_length;
if (input_packet_length < 1) goto malformed;
data->com_refresh.options = input_raw_packet[0];
if (input_packet_length < 4) goto malformed;
data->com_kill.id = (ulong)uint4korr(input_raw_packet);
if (input_packet_length < 2) goto malformed;
data->com_set_option.opt_command = uint2korr(input_raw_packet);
if (input_packet_length < 9) goto malformed;
uchar *read_pos = input_raw_packet;
size_t packet_left = input_packet_length;
// Get the statement id
data->com_stmt_execute.stmt_id = uint4korr(read_pos);
read_pos += 4;
packet_left -= 4;
// Get execution flags
data->com_stmt_execute.open_cursor = static_cast<bool>(*read_pos);
read_pos += 5;
packet_left -= 5;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("stmt %lu", data->com_stmt_execute.stmt_id));
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Flags %lu", data->com_stmt_execute.open_cursor));
// Get the statement by id
Prepared_statement *stmt =
data->com_stmt_execute.parameter_count = 0;
If no statement found there's no need to generate error.
It will be generated in sql_parse.cc which will check again for the id.
if (!stmt || stmt->param_count < 1) break;
uint param_count = stmt->param_count;
data->com_stmt_execute.parameters =
static_cast<PS_PARAM *>(m_thd->alloc(param_count * sizeof(PS_PARAM)));
if (!data->com_stmt_execute.parameters)
goto malformed; /* purecov: inspected */
/* Then comes the null bits */
const uint null_bits_packet_len = (param_count + 7) / 8;
if (packet_left < null_bits_packet_len) goto malformed;
unsigned char *null_bits = read_pos;
read_pos += null_bits_packet_len;
packet_left -= null_bits_packet_len;
PS_PARAM *params = data->com_stmt_execute.parameters;
/* Then comes the types byte. If set, new types are provided */
if (!packet_left) goto malformed;
bool has_new_types = static_cast<bool>(*read_pos++);
data->com_stmt_execute.has_new_types = has_new_types;
if (has_new_types) {
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Types provided"));
for (uint i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) {
if (packet_left < 2) goto malformed;
ushort type_code = sint2korr(read_pos);
read_pos += 2;
packet_left -= 2;
const uint signed_bit = 1 << 15;
params[i].type =
static_cast<enum enum_field_types>(type_code & ~signed_bit);
params[i].unsigned_type = static_cast<bool>(type_code & signed_bit);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("type=%u", (uint)params[i].type));
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("flags=%u", (uint)params[i].unsigned_type));
No check for packet_left here or in case of only long data
we will return malformed, although the packet will be correct
/* Here comes the real data */
for (uint i = 0; i < param_count; ++i) {
params[i].null_bit =
static_cast<bool>(null_bits[i / 8] & (1 << (i & 7)));
// Check if parameter is null
if (params[i].null_bit) {
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("null param"));
params[i].value = nullptr;
params[i].length = 0;
enum enum_field_types type =
has_new_types ? params[i].type : stmt->param_array[i]->data_type();
if (stmt->param_array[i]->state == Item_param::LONG_DATA_VALUE) {
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("long data"));
if (!((type >= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB) && (type <= MYSQL_TYPE_STRING)))
goto malformed;
bool buffer_underrun = false;
ulong header_len;
// Set parameter length.
params[i].length = get_ps_param_len(type, read_pos, packet_left,
&header_len, &buffer_underrun);
if (buffer_underrun) goto malformed;
read_pos += header_len;
packet_left -= header_len;
// Set parameter value
params[i].value = read_pos;
read_pos += params[i].length;
packet_left -= params[i].length;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("param len %ul", (uint)params[i].length));
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("param count %ul",
if (input_packet_length < 8) goto malformed;
data->com_stmt_fetch.stmt_id = uint4korr(input_raw_packet);
data->com_stmt_fetch.num_rows = uint4korr(input_raw_packet + 4);
if (input_packet_length < MYSQL_LONG_DATA_HEADER) goto malformed;
data->com_stmt_send_long_data.stmt_id = uint4korr(input_raw_packet);
data->com_stmt_send_long_data.param_number =
uint2korr(input_raw_packet + 4);
data->com_stmt_send_long_data.longdata = input_raw_packet + 6;
data->com_stmt_send_long_data.length = input_packet_length - 6;
data->com_stmt_prepare.query =
reinterpret_cast<const char *>(input_raw_packet);
data->com_stmt_prepare.length = input_packet_length;
if (input_packet_length < 4) goto malformed;
data->com_stmt_close.stmt_id = uint4korr(input_raw_packet);
if (input_packet_length < 4) goto malformed;
data->com_stmt_reset.stmt_id = uint4korr(input_raw_packet);
case COM_QUERY: {
data->com_query.query = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(input_raw_packet);
data->com_query.length = input_packet_length;
We have name + wildcard in packet, separated by endzero
ulong len = strend((char *)input_raw_packet) - (char *)input_raw_packet;
if (len >= input_packet_length || len > NAME_LEN) goto malformed;
data->com_field_list.table_name = input_raw_packet;
data->com_field_list.table_name_length = len;
data->com_field_list.query = input_raw_packet + len + 1;
data->com_field_list.query_length = input_packet_length - len;
return false;
bad_packet = true;
return true;
bool Protocol_classic::create_command(COM_DATA *com_data,
enum_server_command cmd, uchar *pkt,
size_t length) {
input_raw_packet = pkt;
input_packet_length = length;
return parse_packet(com_data, cmd);
int Protocol_classic::get_command(COM_DATA *com_data,
enum_server_command *cmd) {
// read packet from the network
if (int rc = read_packet()) return rc;
'input_packet_length' contains length of data, as it was stored in packet
header. In case of malformed header, my_net_read returns zero.
If input_packet_length is not zero, my_net_read ensures that the returned
number of bytes was actually read from network.
There is also an extra safety measure in my_net_read:
it sets packet[input_packet_length]= 0, but only for non-zero packets.
if (input_packet_length == 0) /* safety */
/* Initialize with COM_SLEEP packet */
input_raw_packet[0] = (uchar)COM_SLEEP;
input_packet_length = 1;
/* Do not rely on my_net_read, extra safety against programming errors. */
input_raw_packet[input_packet_length] = '\0'; /* safety */
*cmd = (enum enum_server_command)(uchar)input_raw_packet[0];
if (*cmd >= COM_END) *cmd = COM_END; // Wrong command
// Skip 'command'
return parse_packet(com_data, *cmd);
uint Protocol_classic::get_rw_status() { return m_thd->net.reading_or_writing; }
Finish the result set with EOF packet, as is expected by the client,
if there is an error evaluating the next row and a continue handler
for the error.
void Protocol_classic::end_partial_result_set() {
net_send_eof(m_thd, m_thd->server_status,
0 /* no warnings, we're inside SP */);
bool Protocol_classic::flush() { return net_flush(&m_thd->net); }
bool Protocol_classic::store_ps_status(ulong stmt_id, uint column_count,
uint param_count, ulong cond_count) {
uchar buff[13];
buff[0] = 0; /* OK packet indicator */
int4store(buff + 1, stmt_id);
int2store(buff + 5, column_count);
int2store(buff + 7, param_count);
buff[9] = 0; // Guard against a 4.1 client
uint16 tmp =
min(static_cast<uint16>(cond_count), std::numeric_limits<uint16>::max());
int2store(buff + 10, tmp);
if (has_client_capability(CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA)) {
/* Store resultset metadata flag. */
buff[12] = static_cast<uchar>(m_thd->variables.resultset_metadata);
return my_net_write(&m_thd->net, buff, sizeof(buff));
return my_net_write(&m_thd->net, buff, sizeof(buff) - 1);
bool Protocol_classic::get_compression() { return m_thd->net.compress; }
char *Protocol_classic::get_compression_algorithm() {
if (get_compression()) {
NET_SERVER *ext = static_cast<NET_SERVER *>(m_thd->net.extension);
return ext->compression.compress_algorithm;
return nullptr;
uint Protocol_classic::get_compression_level() {
if (get_compression()) {
NET_SERVER *ext = static_cast<NET_SERVER *>(m_thd->net.extension);
return ext->compression.compress_level;
return 0;
bool Protocol_classic::start_result_metadata(uint num_cols_arg, uint flags,
const CHARSET_INFO *cs) {
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("num_cols %u, flags %u", num_cols_arg, flags));
uint num_cols = num_cols_arg;
result_cs = cs;
send_metadata = true;
field_count = num_cols;
sending_flags = flags;
DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("send_large_column_count_in_metadata", num_cols = 50397184;);
We don't send number of column for PS, as it's sent in a preceding packet.
if (flags & Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS) {
uchar tmp[sizeof(ulonglong) + 1];
uchar *pos = net_store_length((uchar *)&tmp, num_cols);
if (has_client_capability(CLIENT_OPTIONAL_RESULTSET_METADATA)) {
/* Store resultset metadata flag. */
*pos = static_cast<uchar>(m_thd->variables.resultset_metadata);
my_net_write(&m_thd->net, (uchar *)&tmp, (size_t)(pos - (uchar *)&tmp));
num_cols = num_cols_arg;);
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
field_types will be filled only if we send metadata.
Set it to NULL if we skip resultset metadata to avoid
::storeXXX() method's asserts failures.
if (m_thd->variables.resultset_metadata == RESULTSET_METADATA_FULL)
field_types =
(enum_field_types *)m_thd->alloc(sizeof(field_types) * num_cols);
field_types = 0;
count = 0;
return false;
bool Protocol_classic::end_result_metadata() {
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("num_cols %u, flags %u", field_count, sending_flags));
send_metadata = false;
if (sending_flags & SEND_EOF) {
/* if it is new client do not send EOF packet */
if (!(has_client_capability(CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF))) {
Mark the end of meta-data result set, and store m_thd->server_status,
to show that there is no cursor.
Send no warning information, as it will be sent at statement end.
if (write_eof_packet(
m_thd, &m_thd->net, m_thd->server_status,
m_thd->get_stmt_da()->current_statement_cond_count())) {
return true;
return false;
/* clang-format off */
@page page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition Column Definition
if ::CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41 is set @ref sect_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition_41
is used, @ref sec_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition_320
@section sect_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition_41 Protocol::ColumnDefinition41:
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>The catalog used. Currently always "def"</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>schema name</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>virtual table name</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>physical table name</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>virtual column name</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>physical column name</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le "int&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>length of fixed length fields</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>the column character set as defined in @ref page_protocol_basic_character_set</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int4 "int&lt;4&gt;"</td>
<td>maximum length of the field</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>type of the column as defined in ::enum_field_types</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>Flags as defined in @ref group_cs_column_definition_flags</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>max shown decimal digits:
<li>0x00 for integers and static strings</li>
<li>0x1f for dynamic strings, double, float</li>
<li>0x00 to 0x51 for decimals</li>
@note `decimals` and `column_length` can be used for text output formatting
@section sec_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition_320 Protocol::ColumnDefinition320:
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>Table name</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>Column name</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le "int&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>lenth of type field</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>type of the column as defined in ::enum_field_types</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if capabilities @& ::CLIENT_LONG_FLAG {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le "int&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>length of flags + decimals fields</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int2 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>Flags as defined in @ref group_cs_column_definition_flags</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>number of decimal digits</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">} else {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le "int&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>length of flags + decimals fields</td>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;2&gt;"</td>
<td>Flags as defined in @ref group_cs_column_definition_flags</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref a_protocol_type_int1 "int&lt;1&gt;"</td>
<td>number of decimal digits</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">}</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="3">if command was COM_FIELD_LIST {</td></tr>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_int_le "int&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<td>length of default values</td>
<tr><td>@ref sect_protocol_basic_dt_string_le "string&lt;lenenc&gt;"</td>
<tr><td colspan="3">}</td></tr>
@sa Protocol_classic::send_field_metadata
/* clang-format on */
Sends a single column metadata
@param field Field description
@param item_charset Character set to use
@retval false success
@retval true error
See @ref page_protocol_com_query_response_text_resultset_column_definition for
the format
bool Protocol_classic::send_field_metadata(Send_field *field,
const CHARSET_INFO *item_charset) {
char *pos;
const CHARSET_INFO *cs = system_charset_info;
const CHARSET_INFO *thd_charset = m_thd->variables.character_set_results;
/* Keep things compatible for old clients */
if (field->type == MYSQL_TYPE_VARCHAR) field->type = MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING;
send_metadata = true;
if (has_client_capability(CLIENT_PROTOCOL_41)) {
if (store_string(STRING_WITH_LEN("def"), cs) ||
store_string(field->db_name, strlen(field->db_name), cs) ||
store_string(field->table_name, strlen(field->table_name), cs) ||
store_string(field->org_table_name, strlen(field->org_table_name),
cs) ||
store_string(field->col_name, strlen(field->col_name), cs) ||
store_string(field->org_col_name, strlen(field->org_col_name), cs) ||
packet->mem_realloc(packet->length() + 12)) {
send_metadata = false;
return true;
/* Store fixed length fields */
pos = packet->ptr() + packet->length();
*pos++ = 12; // Length of packed fields
/* inject a NULL to test the client */
DBUG_EXECUTE_IF("poison_rs_fields", pos[-1] = (char)0xfb;);
if (item_charset == &my_charset_bin || thd_charset == NULL) {
/* No conversion */
int2store(pos, item_charset->number);
int4store(pos + 2, field->length);
} else {
/* With conversion */
uint32 field_length, max_length;
int2store(pos, thd_charset->number);
For TEXT/BLOB columns, field_length describes the maximum data
length in bytes. There is no limit to the number of characters
that a TEXT column can store, as long as the data fits into
the designated space.
For the rest of textual columns, field_length is evaluated as
char_count * mbmaxlen, where character count is taken from the
definition of the column. In other words, the maximum number
of characters here is limited by the column definition.
When one has a LONG TEXT column with a single-byte
character set, and the connection character set is multi-byte, the
client may get fields longer than UINT_MAX32, due to
<character set column> -> <character set connection> conversion.
In that case column max length does not fit into the 4 bytes
reserved for it in the protocol.
max_length = (field->type >= MYSQL_TYPE_TINY_BLOB &&
field->type <= MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB)
? field->length / item_charset->mbminlen
: field->length / item_charset->mbmaxlen;
field_length =
char_to_byte_length_safe(max_length, thd_charset->mbmaxlen);
int4store(pos + 2, field_length);
pos[6] = field->type;
int2store(pos + 7, field->flags);
pos[9] = (char)field->decimals;
pos[10] = 0; // For the future
pos[11] = 0; // For the future
pos += 12;
} else {
if (store_string(field->table_name, strlen(field->table_name), cs) ||
store_string(field->col_name, strlen(field->col_name), cs) ||
packet->mem_realloc(packet->length() + 10)) {
send_metadata = false;
return true;
pos = packet->ptr() + packet->length();
pos[0] = 3;
int3store(pos + 1, field->length);
pos[4] = 1;
pos[5] = field->type;
pos[6] = 3;
int2store(pos + 7, field->flags);
pos[9] = (char)field->decimals;
pos += 10;
packet->length((uint)(pos - packet->ptr()));
#ifndef DBUG_OFF
field_types[count++] = field->type;
return false;
bool Protocol_classic::end_row() {
if (m_thd->get_protocol()->connection_alive())
return my_net_write(&m_thd->net, (uchar *)packet->ptr(), packet->length());
return 0;
Send a set of strings as one long string with ',' in between.
bool store(Protocol *prot, I_List<i_string> *str_list) {
char buf[256];
String tmp(buf, sizeof(buf), &my_charset_bin);
size_t len;
I_List_iterator<i_string> it(*str_list);
i_string *s;
while ((s = it++)) {
if ((len = tmp.length())) len--; // Remove last ','
return prot->store_string(tmp.ptr(), len, tmp.charset());
Functions to handle the simple (default) protocol where everything is
This protocol is the one that is used by default between the MySQL server
and client when you are not using prepared statements.
All data are sent as 'packed-string-length' followed by 'string-data'
bool Protocol_classic::connection_alive() const {
return m_thd->net.vio != nullptr;
void Protocol_text::start_row() {
field_pos = 0;
bool Protocol_text::store_null() {
char buff[1];
buff[0] = (char)251;
return packet->append(buff, sizeof(buff), PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC);
int Protocol_classic::shutdown(bool) {
return m_thd->net.vio ? vio_shutdown(m_thd->net.vio) : 0;
bool Protocol_classic::store_string(const char *from, size_t length,
const CHARSET_INFO *fromcs) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == nullptr ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_DECIMAL ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_BIT ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDATE ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_JSON ||
(field_types[field_pos] >= MYSQL_TYPE_ENUM &&
field_types[field_pos] <= MYSQL_TYPE_GEOMETRY));
// result_cs is nullptr when client issues SET character_set_results=NULL
if (result_cs != nullptr && !my_charset_same(fromcs, result_cs) &&
fromcs != &my_charset_bin && result_cs != &my_charset_bin) {
// Store with conversion.
return net_store_data_with_conversion(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(from),
length, fromcs, result_cs);
// Store without conversion.
return net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(from), length, packet);
bool Protocol_text::store_tiny(longlong from, uint32 zerofill) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == 0 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_TINY);
char buff[20];
const char *end = int10_to_str(static_cast<int>(from), buff, -10);
const size_t int_length = end - buff;
if (zerofill != 0)
return net_store_zero_padded_data(buff, int_length, zerofill, packet);
return net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(buff), int_length, packet);
bool Protocol_text::store_short(longlong from, uint32 zerofill) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == 0 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT);
char buff[20];
const char *end = int10_to_str(static_cast<int>(from), buff, -10);
const size_t int_length = end - buff;
if (zerofill != 0)
return net_store_zero_padded_data(buff, int_length, zerofill, packet);
return net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(buff), int_length, packet);
bool Protocol_text::store_long(longlong from, uint32 zerofill) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == 0 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_LONG);
char buff[20];
const char *end =
int10_to_str(static_cast<long>(from), buff, from < 0 ? -10 : 10);
const size_t int_length = end - buff;
if (zerofill != 0)
return net_store_zero_padded_data(buff, int_length, zerofill, packet);
return net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(buff), int_length, packet);
bool Protocol_text::store_longlong(longlong from, bool unsigned_flag,
uint32 zerofill) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == 0 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG);
char buff[22];
const char *end = longlong10_to_str(from, buff, unsigned_flag ? 10 : -10);
const size_t int_length = end - buff;
if (zerofill != 0)
return net_store_zero_padded_data(buff, int_length, zerofill, packet);
return net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(buff), int_length, packet);
bool Protocol_text::store_decimal(const my_decimal *d, uint prec, uint dec) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == 0 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_NEWDECIMAL);
char buff[DECIMAL_MAX_STR_LENGTH + 1];
String str(buff, sizeof(buff), &my_charset_bin);
(void)my_decimal2string(E_DEC_FATAL_ERROR, d, prec, dec, '0', &str);
return net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(str.ptr()), str.length(),
Converts a floating-point value to text for the text protocol.
@param value the floating point value
@param decimals the precision of the value
@param gcvt_arg_type the type of the floating-point value
@param buffer a buffer large enough to hold FLOATING_POINT_BUFFER
characters plus a terminating zero character
@return the length of the text representation of the value
static size_t floating_point_to_text(double value, uint32 decimals,
my_gcvt_arg_type gcvt_arg_type,
char *buffer) {
return my_fcvt(value, decimals, buffer, nullptr);
return my_gcvt(value, gcvt_arg_type, FLOATING_POINT_BUFFER, buffer, nullptr);
Stores a floating-point value in the text protocol.
@param value the floating point value
@param decimals the precision of the value
@param zerofill the length up to which the value should be zero-padded,
or 0 if no zero-padding should be used
@param gcvt_arg_type the type of the floating-point value
@param packet the destination buffer
@return false on success, true on error
static bool store_floating_point(double value, uint32 decimals, uint32 zerofill,
my_gcvt_arg_type gcvt_arg_type,
String *packet) {
char buffer[FLOATING_POINT_BUFFER + 1];
size_t length =
floating_point_to_text(value, decimals, gcvt_arg_type, buffer);
if (zerofill != 0)
return net_store_zero_padded_data(buffer, length, zerofill, packet);
return net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(buffer), length, packet);
bool Protocol_text::store_float(float from, uint32 decimals, uint32 zerofill) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == 0 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT);
return store_floating_point(from, decimals, zerofill, MY_GCVT_ARG_FLOAT,
bool Protocol_text::store_double(double from, uint32 decimals,
uint32 zerofill) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == 0 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
return store_floating_point(from, decimals, zerofill, MY_GCVT_ARG_DOUBLE,
Second_part format ("%06") needs to change when
we support 0-6 decimals for time.
bool Protocol_text::store_datetime(const MYSQL_TIME &tm, uint decimals) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == 0 ||
size_t length = my_datetime_to_str(tm, buff, decimals);
return net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(buff), length, packet);
bool Protocol_text::store_date(const MYSQL_TIME &tm) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == 0 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE);
size_t length = my_date_to_str(tm, buff);
return net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(buff), length, packet);
bool Protocol_text::store_time(const MYSQL_TIME &tm, uint decimals) {
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(send_metadata || field_types == 0 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME);
size_t length = my_time_to_str(tm, buff, decimals);
return net_store_data(pointer_cast<const uchar *>(buff), length, packet);
Sends OUT-parameters by writing the values to the protocol.
@param parameters List of PS/SP parameters (both input and output).
@param is_sql_prepare If it's an sql prepare then
text protocol wil be used.
@return Error status.
@retval false Success.
@retval true Error.
bool Protocol_binary::send_parameters(List<Item_param> *parameters,
bool is_sql_prepare) {
if (is_sql_prepare)
return Protocol_text::send_parameters(parameters, is_sql_prepare);
List_iterator_fast<Item_param> item_param_it(*parameters);
if (!has_client_capability(CLIENT_PS_MULTI_RESULTS))
// The client does not support OUT-parameters.
return false;
List<Item> out_param_lst;
Item_param *item_param;
while ((item_param = item_param_it++)) {
// Skip it as it's just an IN-parameter.
if (!item_param->get_out_param_info()) continue;
if (out_param_lst.push_back(item_param))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
// Empty list
if (!out_param_lst.elements) return false;
We have to set SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS in THD::server_status, because it
is used in send_result_metadata().
// Send meta-data.
if (m_thd->send_result_metadata(&out_param_lst,
Protocol::SEND_NUM_ROWS | Protocol::SEND_EOF))
return true;
// Send data.
if (m_thd->send_result_set_row(&out_param_lst)) return true;
if (end_row()) return true;
// Restore THD::server_status.
m_thd->server_status &= ~SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS;
m_thd->server_status &= ~SERVER_MORE_RESULTS_EXISTS;
if (has_client_capability(CLIENT_DEPRECATE_EOF))
return net_send_ok(m_thd,
(m_thd->server_status | SERVER_PS_OUT_PARAMS |
m_thd->get_stmt_da()->current_statement_cond_count(), 0,
0, nullptr, true);
In case of old clients send EOF packet.
@ref page_protocol_basic_eof_packet is deprecated as of MySQL 5.7.5.
return send_eof(m_thd->server_status, 0);
Sets OUT-parameters to user variables.
@param parameters List of PS/SP parameters (both input and output).
@return Error status.
@retval false Success.
@retval true Error.
bool Protocol_text::send_parameters(List<Item_param> *parameters, bool) {
List_iterator_fast<Item_param> item_param_it(*parameters);
List_iterator_fast<LEX_STRING> user_var_name_it(
Item_param *item_param;
LEX_STRING *user_var_name;
while ((item_param = item_param_it++) &&
(user_var_name = user_var_name_it++)) {
// Skip if it as it's just an IN-parameter.
if (!item_param->get_out_param_info()) continue;
Item_func_set_user_var *suv =
new Item_func_set_user_var(*user_var_name, item_param, false);
Item_func_set_user_var is not fixed after construction,
call fix_fields().
if (suv->fix_fields(m_thd, nullptr)) return true;
if (suv->check(false)) return true;
if (suv->update()) return true;
return false;
Functions to handle the binary protocol used with prepared statements
Data format:
[ok:1] reserved ok packet
[null_field:(field_count+7+2)/8] reserved to send null data. The size is
calculated using:
bit_fields= (field_count+7+2)/8;
2 bits are reserved for identifying type
of package.
[[length]data] data field (the length applies only for
string/binary/time/timestamp fields and
rest of them are not sent as they have
the default length that client understands
based on the field type
[..]..[[length]data] data
bool Protocol_binary::start_result_metadata(uint num_cols, uint flags,
const CHARSET_INFO *result_cs_arg) {
bit_fields = (num_cols + 9) / 8;
packet->alloc(bit_fields + 1);
return Protocol_classic::start_result_metadata(num_cols, flags,
void Protocol_binary::start_row() {
if (send_metadata) return Protocol_text::start_row();
packet->length(bit_fields + 1);
memset(packet->ptr(), 0, 1 + bit_fields);
field_pos = 0;
bool Protocol_binary::store_null() {
if (send_metadata) return Protocol_text::store_null();
uint offset = (field_pos + 2) / 8 + 1, bit = (1 << ((field_pos + 2) & 7));
/* Room for this as it's allocated in prepare_for_send */
char *to = packet->ptr() + offset;
*to = (char)((uchar)*to | (uchar)bit);
return 0;
bool Protocol_binary::store_tiny(longlong from, uint32 zerofill) {
if (send_metadata) return Protocol_text::store_tiny(from, zerofill);
char buff[1];
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(field_types == nullptr ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_TINY);
buff[0] = (uchar)from;
return packet->append(buff, sizeof(buff), PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC);
bool Protocol_binary::store_short(longlong from, uint32 zerofill) {
if (send_metadata) return Protocol_text::store_short(from, zerofill);
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(field_types == nullptr ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_YEAR ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_SHORT);
char *to = packet->prep_append(2, PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC);
if (!to) return 1;
int2store(to, (int)from);
return 0;
bool Protocol_binary::store_long(longlong from, uint32 zerofill) {
if (send_metadata) return Protocol_text::store_long(from, zerofill);
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(field_types == nullptr ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_INT24 ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_LONG);
char *to = packet->prep_append(4, PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC);
if (!to) return 1;
int4store(to, static_cast<uint32>(from));
return 0;
bool Protocol_binary::store_longlong(longlong from, bool unsigned_flag,
uint32 zerofill) {
if (send_metadata)
return Protocol_text::store_longlong(from, unsigned_flag, zerofill);
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(field_types == nullptr ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG);
char *to = packet->prep_append(8, PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC);
if (!to) return 1;
int8store(to, from);
return 0;
bool Protocol_binary::store_float(float from, uint32 decimals,
uint32 zerofill) {
if (send_metadata)
return Protocol_text::store_float(from, decimals, zerofill);
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(field_types == nullptr ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_FLOAT);
char *to = packet->prep_append(4, PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC);
if (!to) return 1;
float4store(to, from);
return 0;
bool Protocol_binary::store_double(double from, uint32 decimals,
uint32 zerofill) {
if (send_metadata)
return Protocol_text::store_double(from, decimals, zerofill);
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(field_types == nullptr ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_DOUBLE);
char *to = packet->prep_append(8, PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC);
if (!to) return 1;
float8store(to, from);
return 0;
bool Protocol_binary::store_datetime(const MYSQL_TIME &tm, uint precision) {
if (send_metadata) return Protocol_text::store_datetime(tm, precision);
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(field_types == nullptr ||
size_t length;
if (tm.second_part)
length = 11;
else if (tm.hour || tm.minute || tm.second)
length = 7;
else if (tm.year || tm.month || tm.day)
length = 4;
length = 0;
char *pos = packet->prep_append(length + 1, PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC);
if (pos == nullptr) return true;
*pos++ = char(length);
const char *const end = pos + length;
if (pos == end) return false; // Only zero parts.
int2store(pos, tm.year);
pos += 2;
*pos++ = char(tm.month);
*pos++ = char(tm.day);
if (pos == end) return false; // Only date parts.
*pos++ = char(tm.hour);
*pos++ = char(tm.minute);
*pos++ = char(tm.second);
if (pos == end) return false; // No microseconds.
int4store(pos, tm.second_part);
DBUG_ASSERT(pos + 4 == end);
return false;
bool Protocol_binary::store_date(const MYSQL_TIME &tm) {
if (send_metadata) return Protocol_text::store_date(tm);
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(field_types == nullptr ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_DATE);
if (tm.year == 0 && tm.month == 0 && tm.day == 0) {
// Nothing to send, except a single byte to indicate length = 0.
return packet->append(char{0});
char *pos = packet->prep_append(5, PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC);
if (pos == nullptr) return true;
pos[0] = char{4}; // length
int2store(pos + 1, tm.year);
pos[3] = char(tm.month);
pos[4] = char(tm.day);
return false;
bool Protocol_binary::store_time(const MYSQL_TIME &tm, uint precision) {
if (send_metadata) return Protocol_text::store_time(tm, precision);
// field_types check is needed because of the embedded protocol
DBUG_ASSERT(field_types == nullptr ||
field_types[field_pos] == MYSQL_TYPE_TIME);
size_t length;
if (tm.second_part)
length = 12;
else if (tm.hour || tm.minute || tm.second || tm.day)
length = 8;
length = 0;
char *pos = packet->prep_append(length + 1, PACKET_BUFFER_EXTRA_ALLOC);
if (pos == nullptr) return false;
*pos++ = char(length);
const char *const end = pos + length;
if (pos == end) return false; // zero date
// Move hours to days if we have 24 hours or more.
const unsigned days = tm.day + tm.hour / 24;
const unsigned hours = tm.hour % 24;
*pos++ = tm.neg ? 1 : 0;
int4store(pos, days);
pos += 4;
*pos++ = char(hours);
*pos++ = char(tm.minute);
*pos++ = char(tm.second);
if (pos == end) return false; // no second part
int4store(pos, tm.second_part);
DBUG_ASSERT(pos + 4 == end);
return false;
@returns: the file descriptor of the socket.
my_socket Protocol_classic::get_socket() { return get_vio()->mysql_socket.fd; }
Read the length of the parameter data and return it back to
the caller.
@param packet a pointer to the data
@param packet_left_len remaining packet length
@param header_len size of the header stored at the beginning of the
packet and used to specify the length of the data.
Length of data piece.
static ulong get_param_length(uchar *packet, ulong packet_left_len,
ulong *header_len) {
if (packet_left_len < 1) {
*header_len = 0;
return 0;
switch (*packet) {
case (252): {
if (packet_left_len < 3) {
*header_len = 0;
return 0;
*header_len = 3;
return static_cast<ulong>(uint2korr(packet + 1));
case (253): {
if (packet_left_len < 4) {
*header_len = 0;
return 0;
*header_len = 4;
return static_cast<ulong>(uint3korr(packet + 1));
case (254): {
In our client-server protocol all numbers bigger than 2^24
stored as 8 bytes with uint8korr. Here we always know that
parameter length is less than 2^4 so we don't look at the second
4 bytes. But still we need to obey the protocol hence 9 in the
assignment below.
if (packet_left_len < 9) {
*header_len = 0;
return 0;
*header_len = 9;
return static_cast<ulong>(uint4korr(packet + 1));
// 0xff as the first byte of a length-encoded integer is undefined.
case (255): {
*header_len = 0;
return 0;
// (*packet < 251)
default: {
*header_len = 1;
return static_cast<ulong>(*packet);
Returns the length of the encoded data
@param[in] type parameter data type
@param[in] packet network buffer
@param[in] packet_left_len number of bytes left in packet
@param[out] header_len the size of the header(bytes to be skiped)
@param[out] err boolean to store if an error occurred
static ulong get_ps_param_len(enum enum_field_types type, uchar *packet,
ulong packet_left_len, ulong *header_len,
bool *err) {
*header_len = 0;
switch (type) {
*err = (packet_left_len < 1);
return 1;
*err = (packet_left_len < 2);
return 2;
*err = (packet_left_len < 4);
return 4;
*err = (packet_left_len < 8);
return 8;
ulong param_length =
get_param_length(packet, packet_left_len, header_len);
/* in case of error ret is 0 and header size is 0 */
*err = ((param_length == 0 && *header_len == 0) ||
(packet_left_len < *header_len + param_length));
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ret=%lu ", param_length));
return param_length;
default: {
ulong param_length =
get_param_length(packet, packet_left_len, header_len);
/* in case of error ret is 0 and header size is 0 */
*err = (param_length == 0 && *header_len == 0);
if (param_length > packet_left_len - *header_len)
param_length = packet_left_len - *header_len;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("ret=%lu", param_length));
return param_length;