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# Copyright (c) 2012, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
# as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This program is also distributed with certain software (including
# but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
# as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
# documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
# permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
# separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
# -*- cperl -*-
# MySQL Cluster compile script to bridge the gap between
# different build systems in different versions of MySQL Server
# This script is intended for internal use
use strict;
use Cwd qw[abs_path cwd];
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
use IPC::Cmd qw[can_run];
# Automatically flush STDOUT
$| = 1;
# Only add the command line options handled by this script,
# thus acting like a filter and passing all other arguments
# straight through
my $opt_debug;
my $opt_build_type;
my $opt_build = 1;
if ($^O eq "cygwin" or $^O eq "MSWin32" or $^O eq "msys")
# Default to not build on Windows, just configure a solution
# which can then be opened in VS
$opt_build = 0;
my $opt_embedded = 0;
my $opt_just_print;
my $opt_vanilla;
my $opt_autotest;
my $opt_valgrind;
my $opt_distcheck;
my $opt_quick = 1;
# Build MySQL Server and NDB with debug
'debug!' => \$opt_debug,
'with-debug:s' => sub { $opt_debug = 1; },
'build-type=s' => \$opt_build_type,
'build!' => \$opt_build,
'c|just-configure' => sub { $opt_build = 0; },
'n|just-print' => \$opt_just_print,
'vanilla' => \$opt_vanilla,
'autotest' => \$opt_autotest,
'valgrind' => \$opt_valgrind,
'distcheck' => \$opt_distcheck,
'embedded' => sub { $opt_embedded = 1; },
'quick=s' => \$opt_quick
) or exit(1);
# Find source root directory, assume this script is
# in <srcroot>/storage/ndb/
my $opt_srcdir = dirname(dirname(dirname(abs_path($0))));
die unless -d $opt_srcdir; # Sanity check that the srcdir exist
if ($^O eq "cygwin" or $^O eq "msys") {
# Convert posix path to Windows mixed path since cmake
# is most likely a windows binary
$opt_srcdir= `cygpath -m $opt_srcdir`;
chomp $opt_srcdir;
# Check that cmake exists and figure out it's version
my $cmake = can_run("cmake3") || can_run("cmake");
my $cmake_version_id;
my $version_text = `$cmake --version`;
print $version_text;
die "Could not find cmake" if ($?);
if ( $version_text =~ /^cmake[3]? version ([0-9]*)\.([0-9]*)\.*([^\s]*)/ )
#print "1: $1 2: $2 3: $3\n";
$cmake_version_id= $1*10000 + $2*100 + $3;
#print "cmake_version_id: $cmake_version_id\n";
die "Could not parse cmake version" unless ($cmake_version_id);
# Replace gcc with g++ in CXX environment variable
if(defined $ENV{"CXX"} and $ENV{"CXX"} =~ m/gcc/)
my $old_cxx= $ENV{"CXX"};
$ENV{"CXX"} =~ s/gcc/g++/;
print("compile-cluster: switched CXX compiler from '$old_cxx' to '$ENV{CXX}'\n");
# Remove -fno-exceptions from CXXFLAGS environment variable
if(defined $ENV{"CXXFLAGS"} and $ENV{"CXXFLAGS"} =~ "-fno-exceptions")
$ENV{"CXXFLAGS"} =~ s/-fno-exceptions//g;
print("compile-cluster: stripped off -fno-exceptions from CXXFLAGS='$ENV{CXXFLAGS}'\n");
# If no libmysqld directory in source, there is support for build embedded server.
if(! -d "$opt_srcdir/libmysqld")
die "Build with embedded server is not possible";
$opt_embedded = undef;
# Configure
# Remove old CMakeCache.txt(ignore if not exists) to
# force fresh configure
my @args;
if ($opt_debug)
print("compile-cluster: debug build requested\n");
push(@args, "-DWITH_DEBUG=1");
# The MySQL maintainter mode is automatically turned on when
# building with debug using gcc on linux, turn it off
# by uncommenting the line below or use --mysql-maintainer-mode=0
# push(@args, "-DMYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE=0");
if ($opt_vanilla)
# Use default options for building
print("compile-cluster: vanilla build requested, no sugar\n");
# Hardcoded options controlling how to build MySQL Server
push(@args, "-DWITH_SSL=system"); # Consistent error messages
push(@args, "-DWITH_NDBCLUSTER=1"); # Build MySQL Cluster
# Hardcoded options controlling how to build NDB
push(@args, "-DWITH_NDB_TEST=1");
push(@args, "-DWITH_NDBAPI_EXAMPLES=1")
unless ($^O eq "cygwin" or $^O eq "MSWin32")
if ($opt_quick)
# Hardcoded options removing an arbitrary set of slow to build
# unrelated components
push(@args, "-DWITH_ROUTER=0"); # No MySQL Router
push(@args, "-DWITH_MEB=0"); # No MEB
push(@args, "-DWITH_RAPID=0"); # No RAPID
# Also removing Unit tests - not unrelated
push(@args, "-DWITH_UNIT_TESTS=0"); # No Unit tests
if ($opt_autotest)
print("compile-cluster: autotest build requested, extra everything\n");
if (defined $opt_embedded)
push(@args, "-DWITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER=$opt_embedded");
if ($opt_valgrind)
print("compile-cluster: valgrind build requested, adjusting the knobs\n");
# Add HAVE_purify to compiler flags in order to silence
# inspected warnings
push(@args, "-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS='-DHAVE_purify'");
push(@args, "-DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS='-DHAVE_purify'");
# Turn on use of the valgrind headers to enhance detection
push(@args, "-DWITH_VALGRIND=1");
# The cmake generator to use
if ($opt_build_type)
push(@args, "-G \"$opt_build_type\"");
if ($^O eq "cygwin" or $^O eq "MSWin32" or $^O eq "msys")
# Default to x64 since that's currrenlty the only supported
# architecture for building MySQL on Windows
push(@args, "-A x64");
# Sets installation directory, bindir, libdir, libexecdir etc.
# The equivalent CMake variables are given without prefix
# e.g if --prefix is /usr and --bindir is /usr/bin
# then cmake variable (INSTALL_BINDIR) must be just "bin"
my $opt_prefix;
sub set_installdir
my($path, $varname) = @_;
my $prefix_length = length($opt_prefix);
if (($prefix_length > 0) && (index($path,$opt_prefix) == 0))
# path is under the prefix, remove the prefix and
# maybe following "/"
$path = substr($path, $prefix_length);
if(length($path) > 0)
my $char = substr($path, 0, 1);
if($char eq "/")
$path= substr($path, 1);
if(length($path) > 0)
push(@args, "-D$varname=$path");
# Process --configure style arguments which need special conversion
my $opt_bindir;
my $opt_libdir;
my $opt_libexecdir;
my $opt_includedir;
my $opt_with_zlib_dir;
my $opt_with_ssl;
my $opt_localstatedir;
my $opt_mysql_maintainer_mode;
my $opt_with_gcov;
my $opt_with_comment;
my $opt_with_plugins;
my $opt_without_plugin;
my $opt_extra_charsets;
my $opt_with_extra_charsets;
my $opt_force_insource_build;
'prefix=s' => \$opt_prefix,
'srcdir=s' => \$opt_srcdir,
'bindir=s' => \$opt_bindir,
'libdir=s' => \$opt_libdir,
'libexecdir=s' => \$opt_libexecdir,
'includedir=s' => \$opt_includedir,
'with-zlib-dir=s' => \$opt_with_zlib_dir,
'with-ssl:s' => \$opt_with_ssl,
'localstatedir=s' => \$opt_localstatedir,
'mysql-maintainer-mode=s' => \$opt_mysql_maintainer_mode,
'with-gcov' => \$opt_with_gcov,
'with-comment=s' => \$opt_with_comment,
'with-plugins=s' => \$opt_with_plugins,
'without-plugin=s' => \$opt_without_plugin,
'with-extra-charsets=s' => \$opt_with_extra_charsets,
'extra-charsets=s' => \$opt_extra_charsets,
'force-insource-build' => \$opt_force_insource_build,
) or exit(1);
push(@args, "-DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$opt_prefix");
set_installdir($opt_bindir, "INSTALL_BINDIR");
set_installdir($opt_libdir, "INSTALL_LIBDIR");
set_installdir($opt_libexecdir, "INSTALL_SBINDIR");
set_installdir($opt_includedir, "INSTALL_INCLUDEDIR");
$opt_with_zlib_dir = "system"
if ($opt_with_zlib_dir ne "bundled");
push(@args, "-DWITH_ZLIB=$opt_with_zlib_dir");
push(@args, "-DWITH_SSL=".($opt_with_ssl ? "yes" : "wolfssl"));
if ($opt_localstatedir)
push(@args, "-DMYSQL_DATADIR=$opt_localstatedir");
if ($opt_mysql_maintainer_mode)
push(@args, "-DMYSQL_MAINTAINER_MODE=" .
($opt_mysql_maintainer_mode =~ /enable/ ? "1" : "0"));
if ($opt_with_gcov)
push(@args, "-DENABLE_GCOV=ON");
if ($opt_with_comment)
push(@args, "\"-DWITH_COMMENT=$opt_with_comment\"");
my @plugins= split(/,/, $opt_with_plugins);
foreach my $p (@plugins)
$p =~ s/-/_/g;
push(@args, "-DWITH_".uc($p)."=1");
push(@args, "-DWITHOUT_".uc($opt_without_plugin)."=1");
if ($opt_extra_charsets)
push(@args, "-DWITH_CHARSETS=$opt_extra_charsets");
push(@args, "-DWITH_EXTRA_CHARSETS=$opt_with_extra_charsets");
if ($opt_force_insource_build)
push(@args, "-DFORCE_INSOURCE_BUILD=1");
# Default conversion of remaining args in ARGV from
# 1) --arg -> -DARG=1
# 2) --arg=value -> -DARG=value
# 3) arg=value -> environment variable arg=value
foreach my $option (@ARGV)
if ($option =~ /^--/)
# Remove leading --
$option = substr($option, 2);
my @v = split('=', $option);
my $name = shift(@v);
$name = uc($name);
$name =~ s/-/_/g;
if (@v)
push(@args, "-D$name=".join('=', @v));
push(@args, "-D$name=1");
# This must be environment variable
my @v = split('=', $option);
my $name = shift(@v);
$ENV{$name} = join('=', @v);
die "unhandled argument '$option' found";
# The source directory to build from
die "srcdir already contains CMakeCache.txt, this will not work!"
if (-f "$opt_srcdir/CMakeCache.txt");
push(@args, $opt_srcdir);
if (cwd() eq $opt_srcdir && !$opt_force_insource_build)
die "
Please do not build in-source. Out-of source builds are highly
recommended: you can have multiple builds for the same source, and there is
an easy way to do cleanup, simply remove the build directory (note that
'make clean' or 'make distclean' does *not* work)
You *can* force in-source build by invoking compile-cluster with
-force-insource-build option which in turn invokes cmake with
if ($cmake_version_id < 30403)
die "CMake 3.4.3 or higher is required";
cmd($cmake, @args);
# Build
if (!$opt_build)
print "Configuration completed, skipping build(used --no-build)\n";
# Use the universal "cmake --build <dir>" way of building
# which is available from cmake 2.8 and works on all platforms
my @args;
push(@args, "--build");
push(@args, ".");
if ($^O eq "cygwin" or $^O eq "MSWin32" or $^O eq "msys")
# Choose to build RelWitDebInfo by default on Windows
my $config = 'RelWithDebInfo';
if ($opt_debug)
$config = 'Debug';
push(@args, "--config");
push(@args, $config);
cmd($cmake, @args);
if ($opt_distcheck)
print "\n";
print "NOTE! 'make distcheck' not (yet) supported in this version\n";
print "\n";
sub cmd {
my ($cmd, @a)= @_;
my $cmd_str = join(' ', $cmd, @a);
print "compile-cluster: '$cmd_str'\n";
return if ($opt_just_print);
and print("command '$cmd_str' failed\n")
and exit(1);