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/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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Implementation of name resolution stage
@defgroup Query_Resolver Query Resolver
#include "sql/sql_resolver.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "lex_string.h"
#include "my_alloc.h"
#include "my_bitmap.h"
#include "my_compiler.h"
#include "my_dbug.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_sqlcommand.h"
#include "my_sys.h"
#include "my_table_map.h"
#include "mysql/psi/psi_base.h"
#include "mysqld_error.h"
#include "sql/aggregate_check.h" // Group_check
#include "sql/auth/auth_acls.h"
#include "sql/auth/auth_common.h" // check_single_table_access
#include "sql/derror.h" // ER_THD
#include "sql/enum_query_type.h"
#include "sql/error_handler.h" // View_error_handler
#include "sql/field.h"
#include "sql/item.h"
#include "sql/item_cmpfunc.h"
#include "sql/item_func.h"
#include "sql/item_row.h"
#include "sql/item_subselect.h"
#include "sql/item_sum.h" // Item_sum
#include "sql/mem_root_array.h"
#include "sql/nested_join.h"
#include "sql/opt_hints.h"
#include "sql/opt_range.h" // prune_partitions
#include "sql/opt_trace.h" // Opt_trace_object
#include "sql/opt_trace_context.h"
#include "sql/parse_tree_node_base.h"
#include "sql/query_options.h"
#include "sql/query_result.h" // Query_result
#include "sql/sql_base.h" // setup_fields
#include "sql/sql_class.h"
#include "sql/sql_const.h"
#include "sql/sql_error.h"
#include "sql/sql_lex.h"
#include "sql/sql_list.h"
#include "sql/sql_optimizer.h" // Prepare_error_tracker
#include "sql/sql_select.h"
#include "sql/sql_test.h" // print_where
#include "sql/system_variables.h"
#include "sql/table.h"
#include "sql/table_function.h"
#include "sql/thr_malloc.h"
#include "sql/window.h"
#include "template_utils.h"
static bool simplify_const_condition(THD *thd, Item **cond,
bool remove_cond = true,
bool *ret_cond_value = 0);
Prepare query block for optimization.
Resolve table and column information.
Resolve all expressions (item trees), ie WHERE clause, join conditions,
GROUP BY clause, HAVING clause, ORDER BY clause, LIMIT clause.
Prepare all subqueries recursively as part of resolving the expressions.
Apply permanent transformations to the abstract syntax tree, such as
semi-join transformation, derived table transformation, elimination of
constant values and redundant clauses (e.g ORDER BY, GROUP BY).
@param thd thread handler
@returns false if success, true if error
@note on privilege checking for SELECT query that possibly contains view
or derived table references:
- When this function is called, it is assumed that the precheck() function
has been called. precheck() ensures that the user has some SELECT
privileges to the tables involved in the query. When resolving views
it has also been established that the user has some privileges for them.
To prepare a view for privilege checking, it is also needed to call
check_view_privileges() after views have been merged into the query.
This is not necessary for unnamed derived tables since it has already
been established that we have SELECT privileges for the underlying tables
by the precheck functions. (precheck() checks a query without resolved
views, ie. before tables are opened, so underlying tables of views
are not yet available).
- When a query block is resolved, always ensure that the user has SELECT
privileges to the columns referenced in the WHERE clause, the join
conditions, the GROUP BY clause, the HAVING clause and the ORDER BY clause.
- When resolving the outer-most query block, ensure that the user also has
SELECT privileges to the columns in the selected expressions.
- When setting up a derived table or view for materialization, ensure that
the user has SELECT privileges to the columns in the selected expressions
- Column privileges are normally checked by Item_field::fix_fields().
Exceptions are select list of derived tables/views which are checked
in TABLE_LIST::setup_materialized_derived(), and natural/using join
conditions that are checked in mark_common_columns().
- As far as INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements have the same expressions
as a SELECT statement, this note applies to those statements as well.
bool SELECT_LEX::prepare(THD *thd) {
// We may do subquery transformation, or Item substitution:
Prepare_error_tracker tracker(thd);
DBUG_ASSERT(this == thd->lex->current_select());
SELECT_LEX_UNIT *const unit = master_unit();
if (top_join_list.elements > 0) propagate_nullability(&top_join_list, false);
Determine whether it is suggested to merge immediate derived tables, based
on the placement of the query block:
- DTs belonging to outermost query block: always
- DTs belonging to first level subqueries: Yes if inside SELECT statement,
no otherwise (including UPDATE and DELETE).
This is required to support a workaround for allowing subqueries
containing the same table as is target for delete or update,
by forcing a materialization of the subquery.
- All other cases inherit status of parent query block.
allow_merge_derived = outer_select() == NULL || master_unit()->item == NULL ||
(outer_select()->outer_select() == NULL
? parent_lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SELECT
: outer_select()->allow_merge_derived);
Opt_trace_context *const trace = &thd->opt_trace;
Opt_trace_object trace_wrapper(trace);
Opt_trace_object trace_prepare(trace, "join_preparation");
Opt_trace_array trace_steps(trace, "steps");
Setup the expressions in the SELECT list. Wait with privilege checking
until all derived tables are resolved, except do privilege checking for
subqueries inside a derived table.
Need to be done here in order for table function's arguments to be fixed
const bool check_privs =
!thd->derived_tables_processing || master_unit()->item != NULL;
thd->mark_used_columns = check_privs ? MARK_COLUMNS_READ : MARK_COLUMNS_NONE;
ulonglong want_privilege_saved = thd->want_privilege;
thd->want_privilege = check_privs ? SELECT_ACL : 0;
Expressions in lateral join can't refer to item list, thus item list lookup
shouldn't be allowed during table/table function setup.
is_item_list_lookup = false;
/* Check that all tables, fields, conds and order are ok */
if (!(active_options() & OPTION_SETUP_TABLES_DONE)) {
if (setup_tables(thd, get_table_list(), false)) return true;
if ((derived_table_count || table_func_count) &&
resolve_placeholder_tables(thd, true))
return true;
// Wait with privilege checking until all derived tables are resolved.
if (derived_table_count && !thd->derived_tables_processing &&
check_view_privileges(thd, SELECT_ACL, SELECT_ACL))
return true;
is_item_list_lookup = true;
// Precompute and store the row types of NATURAL/USING joins.
if (leaf_table_count >= 2 &&
setup_natural_join_row_types(thd, join_list, &context))
return true;
Mem_root_array<Item_exists_subselect *> sj_candidates_local(thd->mem_root);
Item and Item_field CTORs will both increment some counters
in current_select(), based on the current parsing context.
We are not parsing anymore: any new Items created now are due to
query rewriting, so stop incrementing counters.
DBUG_ASSERT(parsing_place == CTX_NONE);
parsing_place = CTX_NONE;
resolve_place = RESOLVE_SELECT_LIST;
if (with_wild && setup_wild(thd)) return true;
if (setup_base_ref_items(thd)) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
// Initially, "all_fields" is the select list (after expansion of *).
all_fields = fields_list;
if (setup_fields(thd, base_ref_items, fields_list, thd->want_privilege,
&all_fields, true, false))
return true;
resolve_place = RESOLVE_NONE;
const nesting_map save_allow_sum_func = thd->lex->allow_sum_func;
const nesting_map save_deny_window_func = thd->lex->m_deny_window_func;
// Do not allow local set functions for join conditions, WHERE and GROUP BY
thd->lex->allow_sum_func &= ~((nesting_map)1 << nest_level);
thd->mark_used_columns = MARK_COLUMNS_READ;
thd->want_privilege = SELECT_ACL;
// Set up join conditions and WHERE clause
if (setup_conds(thd)) return true;
// Set up the GROUP BY clause
int all_fields_count = all_fields.elements;
if (group_list.elements && setup_group(thd)) return true;
hidden_group_field_count = all_fields.elements - all_fields_count;
// Allow local set functions in HAVING and ORDER BY
thd->lex->allow_sum_func |= (nesting_map)1 << nest_level;
// Windowing is not allowed with HAVING
thd->lex->m_deny_window_func |= (nesting_map)1 << nest_level;
// Setup the HAVING clause
if (m_having_cond) {
thd->where = "having clause";
having_fix_field = true;
resolve_place = RESOLVE_HAVING;
if (!m_having_cond->fixed &&
(m_having_cond->fix_fields(thd, &m_having_cond) ||
return true;
// Simplify the having condition if it is a const item
if (m_having_cond->const_item() && !thd->lex->is_view_context_analysis() &&
enum_walk::POSTFIX, NULL) &&
simplify_const_condition(thd, &m_having_cond))
return true;
having_fix_field = false;
resolve_place = RESOLVE_NONE;
thd->lex->m_deny_window_func = save_deny_window_func;
if (m_having_cond && olap == ROLLUP_TYPE &&
resolve_rollup_item(thd, m_having_cond))
return true;
// Set up the ORDER BY clause
all_fields_count = all_fields.elements;
if (order_list.elements) {
if (setup_order(thd, base_ref_items, get_table_list(), fields_list,
all_fields, order_list.first))
return true;
hidden_order_field_count = all_fields.elements - all_fields_count;
Query block is completely resolved, except for windows (see below) which
handles its own, so restore set function allowance.
thd->lex->allow_sum_func = save_allow_sum_func;
Permanently remove redundant parts from the query if
1) This is a subquery
2) This is the first time this query is prepared (since the
transformation is permanent)
3) Not normalizing a view. Removal should take place when a
query involving a view is optimized, not when the view
is created
if (unit->item && // 1)
first_execution && // 2)
!thd->lex->is_view_context_analysis()) // 3)
remove_redundant_subquery_clauses(thd, hidden_group_field_count);
Set up windows after setup_order() (as the query's ORDER BY may contain
window functions), and before setup_order_final() (as such function needs
to know about implicit grouping which may be induced by an aggregate
function in the window's PARTITION or ORDER clause).
if (m_windows.elements != 0 &&
Window::setup_windows(thd, this, base_ref_items, get_table_list(),
fields_list, all_fields, m_windows))
return true;
if (order_list.elements && setup_order_final(thd))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
thd->want_privilege = want_privilege_saved;
if (is_distinct() && is_grouped() && hidden_group_field_count == 0 &&
All GROUP expressions are in SELECT list, so resulting rows are distinct.
ROLLUP is not specified, so adds no row. So all rows in the result set
are distinct, DISTINCT is useless.
@todo could remove DISTINCT if ROLLUP were specified and all GROUP
expressions were non-nullable, because ROLLUP adds only NULL values.
Currently, ROLLUP+DISTINCT is rejected because executor cannot handle
it in all cases.
Printing the expanded query should happen here and not elsewhere, because
when a view is merged (when the view is opened in open_tables()), the
parent query's select_lex does not yet contain a correct WHERE clause (it
misses the view's merged WHERE clause). This is corrected only just above,
in TABLE_LIST::prep_where(), called by
We also have to wait for fix_fields() on HAVING, above.
At this stage, we also have properly set up Item_ref-s.
Opt_trace_object trace_wrapper(trace);
opt_trace_print_expanded_query(thd, this, &trace_wrapper);
When normalizing a view (like when writing a view's body to the FRM),
subquery transformations don't apply (if they did, IN->EXISTS could not be
undone in favour of materialization, when optimizing a later statement
using the view)
if (unit->item && // This is a subquery
this != unit->fake_select_lex && // A real query block
// Not normalizing a view
!thd->lex->is_view_context_analysis()) {
// Query block represents a subquery within an IN/ANY/ALL/EXISTS predicate
if (resolve_subquery(thd)) return true;
If GROUPING function is present in having condition -
1. Set that the evaluation of this condition depends on rollup
2. Add a reference to the condition so that result is stored
after evalution.
if (m_having_cond && (m_having_cond->has_aggregation() ||
m_having_cond->has_grouping_func())) {
m_having_cond->split_sum_func2(thd, base_ref_items, all_fields,
&m_having_cond, true);
if (inner_sum_func_list) {
Item_sum *end = inner_sum_func_list;
Item_sum *item_sum = end;
do {
item_sum = item_sum->next_sum;
item_sum->split_sum_func2(thd, base_ref_items, all_fields, nullptr,
} while (item_sum != end);
if (group_list.elements) {
Because HEAP tables can't index BIT fields we need to use an
additional hidden field for grouping because later it will be
converted to a LONG field. Original field will remain of the
BIT type and will be returned to a client.
for (ORDER *ord = group_list.first; ord; ord = ord->next) {
if ((*ord->item)->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM &&
(*ord->item)->data_type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BIT) {
Item_field *field = new Item_field(thd, *(Item_field **)ord->item);
ord->item = add_hidden_item(field);
// Setup full-text functions after resolving HAVING
if (has_ft_funcs() && setup_ftfuncs(thd, this)) return true;
if (query_result() && query_result()->prepare(thd, fields_list, unit))
return true;
if (has_sj_candidates() && flatten_subqueries(thd)) return true;
When reaching the top-most query block, or the next-to-top query block for
the SQL command SET and for SP instructions (indicated with SQLCOM_END),
apply local transformations to this query block and all underlying query
if ((outer_select() == NULL ||
((parent_lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SET_OPTION ||
parent_lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_END) &&
outer_select()->outer_select() == NULL)) &&
!skip_local_transforms) {
This code is invoked in the following cases:
- if this is an outer-most query block of a SELECT or multi-table
UPDATE/DELETE statement. Notice that for a UNION, this applies to
all query blocks. It also applies to a fake_select_lex object.
- if this is one of highest-level subqueries, if the statement is
something else; like subq-i in:
UPDATE t1 SET col1=(subq-1), col2=(subq-2);
- If this is a subquery in a SET command
@todo: Refactor SET so that this is not needed.
- INSERT may in some cases alter the sequence of preparation calls, by
setting the skip_local_transforms flag before calling prepare().
Local transforms are applied after query block merging.
This means that we avoid unnecessary invocations, as local transforms
would otherwise have been performed first before query block merging and
then another time after query block merging.
Thus, apply_local_transforms() may run only after the top query
is finished with query block merging. That's why
apply_local_transforms() is initiated only by the top query, and then
recurses into subqueries.
if (apply_local_transforms(thd, true)) return true;
If the query directly contains windowing, remove any unused explicit window
if (m_windows.elements != 0) Window::remove_unused_windows(thd, m_windows);
return false;
Check whether the given table function or lateral derived table depends on a
table which it's RIGHT JOINed to. An error is thrown if such dependency is
found. For example:
T RIGHT JOIN [lateral derived depending on T].
Note that there is no need to look for the symmetric situation:
[lateral derived depending on T] LEFT JOIN T
because name resolution in the lateral derived table's body stops before T.
@param table_ref Table representing the table function or lateral derived
@param map Tables on which table_ref depends.
false no dependency is found
true otherwise
bool check_right_lateral_join(TABLE_LIST *table_ref, table_map map) {
TABLE_LIST *orig_table = table_ref;
for (; table_ref->embedding && map; table_ref = table_ref->embedding) {
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> li(table_ref->embedding->nested_join->join_list);
TABLE_LIST *table;
while ((table = li++)) {
table_map cur_table_map =
table->nested_join ? table->nested_join->used_tables : table->map();
if (cur_table_map & map) {
if (table->outer_join & JOIN_TYPE_RIGHT) {
my_error(ER_TF_FORBIDDEN_JOIN_TYPE, MYF(0), orig_table->alias);
return true;
map &= (~cur_table_map);
if (!map) return false;
return false;
Apply local transformations, such as query block merging.
Also perform partition pruning, which is most effective after transformations
have been done.
@param thd thread handler
@param prune if true, then prune partitions based on const conditions
@returns false if success, true if error
Since this is called after flattening of query blocks, call this function
while traversing the query block hierarchy top-down.
bool SELECT_LEX::apply_local_transforms(THD *thd, bool prune) {
// No transformations required when creating a view only
if (thd->lex->context_analysis_only & CONTEXT_ANALYSIS_ONLY_VIEW)
return false;
If query block contains one or more merged derived tables/views,
walk through lists of columns in select lists and remove unused columns.
if (derived_table_count && first_execution &&
for (SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit = first_inner_unit(); unit;
unit = unit->next_unit()) {
for (SELECT_LEX *sl = unit->first_select(); sl; sl = sl->next_select()) {
// Prune all subqueries, regardless of passed argument
if (sl->apply_local_transforms(thd, true)) return true;
if (unit->fake_select_lex &&
unit->fake_select_lex->apply_local_transforms(thd, false))
return true;
if (first_execution && !thd->lex->is_view_context_analysis()) {
The following code will allocate the new items in a permanent
MEMROOT for prepared statements and stored procedures.
Prepared_stmt_arena_holder ps_arena_holder(thd);
// Convert all outer joins to inner joins if possible
if (simplify_joins(thd, &top_join_list, true, false, &m_where_cond))
return true;
if (record_join_nest_info(&top_join_list)) return true;
build_bitmap_for_nested_joins(&top_join_list, 0);
Here are the reasons why we do the following check here (i.e. late).
* setup_fields () may have done split_sum_func () on aggregate items of
the SELECT list, so for reliable comparison of the ORDER BY list with
the SELECT list, we need to wait until split_sum_func() is done with
the ORDER BY list.
* we get resolved expressions "most of the time", which is always a good
thing. Some outer references may not be resolved, though.
* we need nested_join::used_tables, and this member is set in
* simplify_joins() does outer-join-to-inner conversion, which increases
opportunities for functional dependencies (weak-to-strong, which is
unusable, becomes strong-to-strong).
* check_only_full_group_by() is dependent on processing done by
simplify_joins() (for example it uses the value of
The drawback is that the checks are after resolve_subquery(), so can
meet strange "internally added" items.
Note that when we are creating a view, simplify_joins() doesn't run so
check_only_full_group_by() cannot run, any error will be raised only
when the view is later used (SELECTed...)
if ((is_distinct() || is_grouped()) &&
(thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY) &&
return true;
Prune partitions for all query blocks after query block merging, if
pruning is wanted.
if (partitioned_table_count && prune) {
for (TABLE_LIST *tbl = leaf_tables; tbl; tbl = tbl->next_leaf) {
This will only prune constant conditions, which will be used for
lock pruning.
if (prune_partitions(thd, tbl->table,
tbl->join_cond() ? tbl->join_cond() : m_where_cond))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
if (tbl->table->all_partitions_pruned_away &&
return false;
Try to replace a const condition with a simple constant.
A true condition is replaced with an empty item pointer if remove_cond
is true. Else it is replaced witha a constant TRUE.
A false condition is replaced with the constant FALSE.
@param thd Thread handler
@param[in,out] cond Address of condition, may be substituted with a literal
@param remove_cond If true removes a "true" condition. Else replaces
it with a constant TRUE.
@param ret_cond_value Store the result of the evaluated const condition
@returns false if success, true if error
static bool simplify_const_condition(THD *thd, Item **cond, bool remove_cond,
bool *ret_cond_value) {
bool cond_value;
/* Push ignore / strict error handler */
Ignore_error_handler ignore_handler;
Strict_error_handler strict_handler;
if (thd->lex->is_ignore())
else if (thd->is_strict_mode())
bool err = eval_const_cond(thd, *cond, &cond_value);
/* Pop ignore / strict error handler */
if (thd->lex->is_ignore() || thd->is_strict_mode())
if (err) return true;
print_where(thd, *cond, "simplify_const_cond", QT_ORDINARY););
if (cond_value) {
if (remove_cond)
*cond = nullptr;
else {
Prepared_stmt_arena_holder ps_arena_holder(thd);
*cond = new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_true();
if (*cond == nullptr) return true;
} else if ((*cond)->type() != Item::INT_ITEM) {
Prepared_stmt_arena_holder ps_arena_holder(thd);
*cond = new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_false();
if (*cond == nullptr) return true;
if (ret_cond_value) *ret_cond_value = cond_value;
return false;
Check if the subquery predicate can be executed via materialization.
@param thd THD
@param select_lex SELECT_LEX of the subquery
@param outer Parent SELECT_LEX (outer to subquery)
@return true if subquery allows materialization, false otherwise.
bool Item_in_subselect::subquery_allows_materialization(
THD *thd, SELECT_LEX *select_lex, const SELECT_LEX *outer) {
const uint elements = unit->first_select()->item_list.elements;
DBUG_ASSERT(elements >= 1);
DBUG_ASSERT(left_expr->cols() == elements);
OPT_TRACE_TRANSFORM(&thd->opt_trace, trace_wrapper, trace_mat,
select_lex->select_number, "IN (SELECT)",
const char *cause = NULL;
if (substype() != Item_subselect::IN_SUBS) {
// Subq-mat cannot handle 'outer_expr > {ANY|ALL}(subq)'...
cause = "not an IN predicate";
} else if (select_lex->is_part_of_union()) {
// Subquery must be a single query specification clause (not a UNION)
cause = "in UNION";
} else if (!select_lex->master_unit()->first_select()->leaf_tables) {
// Subquery has no tables, hence no point in materializing.
cause = "no inner tables";
} else if (!outer->join) {
Maybe this is a subquery of a single table UPDATE/DELETE (TODO:
handle this by switching to multi-table UPDATE/DELETE).
cause = "parent query has no JOIN";
} else if (!outer->leaf_tables) {
// The upper query is SELECT ... FROM DUAL. No gain in materializing.
cause = "no tables in outer query";
} else if (dependent_before_in2exists()) {
Subquery should not be correlated; the correlation due to predicates
injected by IN->EXISTS does not count as we will remove them if we
choose materialization.
This is an overly restrictive condition. It can be extended to:
(Subquery is non-correlated ||
Subquery is correlated to any query outer to IN predicate ||
(Subquery is correlated to the immediate outer query &&
Subquery !contains {GROUP BY, ORDER BY [LIMIT],
aggregate functions}) && subquery predicate is not under "NOT IN"))
cause = "correlated";
} else {
Check that involved expression types allow materialization.
This is a temporary fix for BUG#36752; see bug report for
description of restrictions we need to put on the compared expressions.
// @see comment in Item_subselect::element_index()
bool has_nullables = left_expr->maybe_null;
List_iterator<Item> it(unit->first_select()->item_list);
for (uint i = 0; i < elements; i++) {
Item *const inner = it++;
Item *const outer = left_expr->element_index(i);
if (!types_allow_materialization(outer, inner)) {
cause = "type mismatch";
if (inner->is_blob_field()) // 6
cause = "inner blob";
has_nullables |= inner->maybe_null;
if (!cause) {
trace_mat.add("has_nullable_expressions", has_nullables);
Subquery materialization cannot handle NULLs partial matching
properly, yet. If the outer or inner values are NULL, the
subselect_hash_sj_engine may reply FALSE when it should reply UNKNOWN.
So, we must limit it to those three cases:
- when FALSE and UNKNOWN are equivalent answers. I.e. this is a a
top-level predicate (this implies it is not negated).
- when outer and inner values cannot be NULL.
- when there is a single inner column (because for this we have a
limited implementation of NULLs partial matching).
trace_mat.add("treat_UNKNOWN_as_FALSE", abort_on_null);
if (!abort_on_null && has_nullables && (elements > 1))
cause = "cannot_handle_partial_matches";
else {
trace_mat.add("possible", true);
return true;
trace_mat.add("possible", false).add_alnum("cause", cause);
return false;
Make list of leaf tables of join table tree
@param list pointer to pointer on list first element
Must be set to NULL before first (recursive) call
@param tables table list
@returns pointer on pointer to next_leaf of last element
static TABLE_LIST **make_leaf_tables(TABLE_LIST **list, TABLE_LIST *tables) {
for (TABLE_LIST *table = tables; table; table = table->next_local) {
// A mergable view is not allowed to have a table pointer.
DBUG_ASSERT(!(table->is_view() && table->is_merged() && table->table));
if (table->merge_underlying_list) {
list = make_leaf_tables(list, table->merge_underlying_list);
} else {
*list = table;
list = &table->next_leaf;
return list;
Check privileges for the view tables merged into a query block.
@param thd Thread context.
@param want_privilege_first Privileges requested for the first leaf.
@param want_privilege_next Privileges requested for the remaining leaves.
@note Beware that it can't properly check privileges in cases when
table being changed is not the first table in the list of leaf
tables (for example, for multi-UPDATE).
@note The inner loop is slightly inefficient. A view will have its privileges
checked once for every base table that it refers to.
@returns false if success, true if error.
bool SELECT_LEX::check_view_privileges(THD *thd, ulong want_privilege_first,
ulong want_privilege_next) {
ulong want_privilege = want_privilege_first;
Internal_error_handler_holder<View_error_handler, TABLE_LIST> view_handler(
thd, true, leaf_tables);
for (TABLE_LIST *tl = leaf_tables; tl; tl = tl->next_leaf) {
for (TABLE_LIST *ref = tl; ref->referencing_view;
ref = ref->referencing_view) {
if (check_single_table_access(thd, want_privilege, ref, false))
return true;
want_privilege = want_privilege_next;
return false;
Set up table leaves in the query block based on list of tables.
@param thd Thread handler
@param tables List of tables to handle
@param select_insert It is SELECT ... INSERT command
Check also that the 'used keys' and 'ignored keys' exists and set up the
table structure accordingly.
Create a list of leaf tables.
This function has to be called for all tables that are used by items,
as otherwise table->map is not set and all Item_field will be regarded
as const items.
@returns False on success, true on error
bool SELECT_LEX::setup_tables(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables,
bool select_insert) {
DBUG_ASSERT((select_insert && !tables->next_name_resolution_table) ||
!tables ||
(context.table_list && context.first_name_resolution_table));
leaf_tables = NULL;
(void)make_leaf_tables(&leaf_tables, tables);
TABLE_LIST *first_select_table = NULL;
if (select_insert) {
// "insert_table" is needed for remap_tables().
thd->lex->insert_table = leaf_tables->top_table();
// Get first table in SELECT part
first_select_table = thd->lex->insert_table->next_local;
// Then, find the first leaf table
if (first_select_table)
first_select_table = first_select_table->first_leaf_table();
uint tableno = 0;
leaf_table_count = 0;
partitioned_table_count = 0;
for (TABLE_LIST *tr = leaf_tables; tr; tr = tr->next_leaf, tableno++) {
TABLE *const table = tr->table;
if (tr == first_select_table) {
For INSERT ... SELECT command, restart numbering from zero for first
leaf table from SELECT part of query.
first_select_table = 0;
tableno = 0;
if (tableno >= MAX_TABLES) {
my_error(ER_TOO_MANY_TABLES, MYF(0), static_cast<int>(MAX_TABLES));
return true;
leaf_table_count++; // Count the input tables of the query
Only set hints on first execution. Otherwise, hints will refer to
wrong query block after semijoin transformation
if (first_execution && opt_hints_qb && // QB hints initialized
!tr->opt_hints_table) // Table hints are not adjusted yet
tr->opt_hints_table = opt_hints_qb->adjust_table_hints(tr);
if (table == NULL) continue;
table->pos_in_table_list = tr;
if (tr->process_index_hints(thd, table)) return true;
if (table->part_info) // Count number of partitioned tables
@todo - consider calling this from SELECT::prepare() instead.
It might save the test on select_insert to prevent check_unresolved()
from being called twice for INSERT ... SELECT.
if (opt_hints_qb && !select_insert) opt_hints_qb->check_unresolved(thd);
return false;
Re-map table numbers for all tables in a query block.
@param thd Thread handler
This function needs to be called after setup_tables() has been called,
and after a query block for a subquery has been merged into a parent
quary block.
void SELECT_LEX::remap_tables(THD *thd) {
LEX *const lex = thd->lex;
TABLE_LIST *first_select_table = NULL;
if (lex->insert_table && lex->insert_table == leaf_tables->top_table()) {
For INSERT ... SELECT command, restart numbering from zero for first
leaf table from SELECT part of query.
// Get first table in SELECT part
first_select_table = lex->insert_table->next_local;
// Then, recurse down to get first leaf table
if (first_select_table)
first_select_table = first_select_table->first_leaf_table();
uint tableno = 0;
for (TABLE_LIST *tl = leaf_tables; tl; tl = tl->next_leaf) {
// Reset table number after having reached first table after insert table
if (first_select_table == tl) tableno = 0;
@brief Resolve derived table, view or table function references in query block
@param thd Pointer to THD.
@param apply_semijoin if true, apply semi-join transform when possible
@return false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::resolve_placeholder_tables(THD *thd, bool apply_semijoin) {
DBUG_ASSERT(derived_table_count > 0 || table_func_count > 0);
A table function TF may depend on a previous derived table DT in the same
FROM clause.
Thus DT must be resolved before TF.
It is the case, as the loops below progress from left to right in FROM.
Alas this progress misses formerly-nested derived tables which are handled
last, by the special branch 'if (!first_execution)'.
So, assume a prepared statement:
- DT1 is resolved, which materializes DT
- JSON_TABLE is resolved
- DT1 is merged
Now we execute the statement:
- in the first loop in the function,
DT1 is not resolved again, as it was merged,
and DT is not reached
- we must thus defer resolution of JSON_TABLE
- until DT is reached and resolved by the special branch 'if
(!first_execution)' for formerly-nested derived tables
- and then we can resolve JSON_TABLE.
So, we run the code in this function twice: a first time for all
non-JSON_TABLE tables, a second time for JSON_TABLE.
@todo remove this in WL#6570.
bool do_tf_lateral = false;
// Prepare derived tables and views that belong to this query block.
for (TABLE_LIST *tl = get_table_list(); tl; tl = tl->next_local) {
if ((!tl->is_view_or_derived() && !tl->is_table_function()) ||
if ((tl->is_table_function() ||
(tl->is_derived() && tl->derived_unit()->m_lateral_deps)) ^
if (tl->resolve_derived(thd, apply_semijoin)) return true;
Merge the derived tables that do not require materialization into
the current query block, if possible.
Merging is only done once and must not be repeated for prepared execs.
if (!thd->lex->is_view_context_analysis() && first_execution) {
if (tl->is_mergeable() && merge_derived(thd, tl))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
if (tl->is_merged()) continue;
// Prepare remaining derived tables for materialization
// Ensure that any derived table is merged or materialized after prepare:
DBUG_ASSERT(first_execution || !tl->is_view_or_derived() ||
tl->is_merged() || tl->uses_materialization() ||
If tl->resolve_derived() created the tmp table, don't create it again.
@todo in WL#6570, eliminate tests of tl->table in this function.
if (tl->is_table_function()) {
if (tl->setup_table_function(thd)) return true;
if (tl->table == nullptr && tl->setup_materialized_derived(thd))
return true;
The loops above will not reach derived tables that are contained within
other derived tables that have been merged into the enclosing query block.
To reach them, traverse the list of leaf tables and resolve and
setup for materialization those derived tables that have no TABLE
object (they have not been set up yet).
if (!first_execution) {
for (TABLE_LIST *tl = leaf_tables; tl; tl = tl->next_leaf) {
if (!(tl->is_view_or_derived() || tl->is_table_function()) ||
tl->table != NULL)
if ((tl->is_table_function() ||
(tl->is_derived() && tl->derived_unit()->m_lateral_deps)) ^
if (tl->is_table_function()) {
if (tl->setup_table_function(thd)) return true;
if (tl->resolve_derived(thd, apply_semijoin))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
if (tl->table == nullptr && tl->setup_materialized_derived(thd))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
materialized_derived_table_count was incremented during preparation,
so do not do it once more.
if (!do_tf_lateral) {
do_tf_lateral = true;
goto loop;
return false;
@brief Resolve predicate involving subquery
@param thd Pointer to THD.
@retval false Success.
@retval true Error.
Perform early unconditional subquery transformations:
- Convert subquery predicate into semi-join, or
- Mark the subquery for execution using materialization, or
- Perform IN->EXISTS transformation, or
- Perform more/less ALL/ANY -> MIN/MAX rewrite
- Substitute trivial scalar-context subquery with its value
@todo for PS, make the whole block execute only on the first execution
bool SELECT_LEX::resolve_subquery(THD *thd) {
bool chose_semijoin = false;
bool deterministic = true;
SELECT_LEX *const outer = outer_select();
@todo for PS, make the whole block execute only on the first execution.
resolve_subquery() is only invoked in the first execution for subqueries
that are transformed to semijoin, but for other subqueries, this function
is called for every execution. One solution is perhaps to define
exec_method in class Item_subselect and exit immediately if unequal to
Item_subselect *subq_predicate = master_unit()->item;
DBUG_ASSERT(subq_predicate != nullptr);
In this case: IN (SELECT ... UNION SELECT ...), SELECT_LEX::prepare() is
called for each of the two UNION members, and in those two calls,
subq_predicate is the same, not sure this is desired (double work?).
// Predicate for possible semi-join candidates (IN and EXISTS)
Item_exists_subselect *const predicate =
subq_predicate->substype() == Item_subselect::EXISTS_SUBS ||
subq_predicate->substype() == Item_subselect::IN_SUBS
? down_cast<Item_exists_subselect *>(subq_predicate)
: nullptr;
// Predicate for IN subquery predicate
Item_in_subselect *const in_predicate =
subq_predicate->substype() == Item_subselect::IN_SUBS
? down_cast<Item_in_subselect *>(subq_predicate)
: nullptr;
if (in_predicate != nullptr) {
char const *save_where = thd->where;
thd->where = "IN/ALL/ANY subquery";
Disable_semijoin_flattening DSF(outer, true);
bool result =
!in_predicate->left_expr->fixed &&
in_predicate->left_expr->fix_fields(thd, &in_predicate->left_expr);
thd->where = save_where;
if (result) return true;
Check if the left and right expressions have the same # of
columns, i.e. we don't have a case like
(oe1, oe2) IN (SELECT ie1, ie2, ie3 ...)
TODO why do we have this duplicated in IN->EXISTS transformers?
psergey-todo: fix these: grep for duplicated_subselect_card_check
if (item_list.elements != in_predicate->left_expr->cols()) {
my_error(ER_OPERAND_COLUMNS, MYF(0), in_predicate->left_expr->cols());
return true;
if (in_predicate->left_expr->used_tables() & RAND_TABLE_BIT)
deterministic = false;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Checking if subq can be converted to semi-join"));
Check if we're in subquery that is a candidate for flattening into a
semi-join (which is done in flatten_subqueries()). The requirements are:
0. Semi-join is enabled
1. Subquery predicate is an IN/=ANY or EXISTS predicate
2. Subquery is a single query block (not a UNION)
3. Subquery is not grouped (explicitly or implicitly)
3x: outer aggregated expression are not accepted
4. Subquery does not use HAVING
5. Subquery does not use windowing functions
6. Subquery predicate is (a) in an ON/WHERE clause, and (b) at
the AND-top-level of that clause.
7. Parent query block accepts semijoins (i.e we are not in a subquery of
a single table UPDATE/DELETE (TODO: We should handle this at some
point by switching to multi-table UPDATE/DELETE)
8. We're not in a confluent table-less subquery, like "SELECT 1".
9. No execution method was already chosen (by a prepared statement)
10. Parent select is not a confluent table-less select
11. Neither parent nor child select have STRAIGHT_JOIN option.
12. LHS of IN predicate is deterministic
13. The surrounding truth test, and the nullability of expressions,
are compatible with the conversion.
if (semijoin_enabled(thd) && // 0
predicate != nullptr && // 1
!is_part_of_union() && // 2
!is_grouped() && // 3
!with_sum_func && // 3x
having_cond() == nullptr && // 4
!has_windows() && // 5
(outer->resolve_place == SELECT_LEX::RESOLVE_CONDITION || // 6a
outer->resolve_place == SELECT_LEX::RESOLVE_JOIN_NEST) && // 6a
!outer->semijoin_disallowed && // 6b
outer->sj_candidates && // 7
leaf_table_count && // 8
predicate->exec_method == // 9
Item_exists_subselect::EXEC_UNSPECIFIED && // 9
outer->leaf_table_count && // 10
!((active_options() | outer->active_options()) & // 11
deterministic && // 12
predicate->choose_semijoin_or_antijoin()) // 13
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Subquery is semi-join conversion candidate"));
/* Notify in the subquery predicate where it belongs in the query graph */
predicate->embedding_join_nest = outer->resolve_nest;
/* Register the subquery for further processing in flatten_subqueries() */
chose_semijoin = true;
if (predicate != nullptr) {
Opt_trace_context *const trace = &thd->opt_trace;
trace, oto0, oto1, select_number,
in_predicate != nullptr ? "IN (SELECT)" : "EXISTS (SELECT)",
oto1.add("chosen", chose_semijoin);
if (!chose_semijoin && subq_predicate->select_transformer(thd, this) ==
return true;
return false;
Expand all '*' in list of expressions with the matching column references
Function should not be called with no wild cards in select list
@param thd thread handler
@returns false if OK, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::setup_wild(THD *thd) {
// PS/SP uses arena so that changes are made permanently.
Prepared_stmt_arena_holder ps_arena_holder(thd);
Item *item;
List_iterator<Item> it(fields_list);
while (with_wild && (item = it++)) {
Item_field *item_field;
if (item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM && (item_field = (Item_field *)item) &&
item_field->field_name && item_field->field_name[0] == '*' &&
!item_field->field) {
const uint elem = fields_list.elements;
const bool any_privileges = item_field->any_privileges;
Item_subselect *subsel = master_unit()->item;
In case of EXISTS(SELECT * ... HAVING ...), don't use this
transformation. The columns in HAVING will need to resolve to the
select list. Replacing * with 1 effectively eliminates this
if (subsel && subsel->substype() == Item_subselect::EXISTS_SUBS &&
!having_cond()) {
It is EXISTS(SELECT * ...) and we can replace * by any constant.
Item_int do not need fix_fields() because it is basic constant.
it.replace(new Item_int(NAME_STRING("Not_used"), (longlong)1,
} else {
if (insert_fields(thd, item_field->context, item_field->db_name,
item_field->table_name, &it, any_privileges))
return true;
all_fields is a list that has the fields list as a tail.
Because of this we have to update the element count also for this
list after expanding the '*' entry.
all_fields.elements += fields_list.elements - elem;
return false;
Resolve WHERE condition and join conditions
@param thd thread handler
@returns false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::setup_conds(THD *thd) {
it_is_update set to true when tables of primary SELECT_LEX (SELECT_LEX
which belong to LEX, i.e. most up SELECT) will be updated by
NOTE: using this condition helps to prevent call of prepare_check_option()
from subquery of VIEW, because tables of subquery belongs to VIEW
(see condition before prepare_check_option() call)
const bool it_is_update = (this == thd->lex->select_lex) &&
const bool save_is_item_list_lookup = is_item_list_lookup;
is_item_list_lookup = false;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("thd->mark_used_columns: %d", thd->mark_used_columns));
if (m_where_cond) {
thd->where = "where clause";
if ((!m_where_cond->fixed &&
m_where_cond->fix_fields(thd, &m_where_cond)) ||
return true;
// Simplify the where condition if it's a const item
if (m_where_cond->const_item() && !thd->lex->is_view_context_analysis() &&
enum_walk::POSTFIX, NULL) &&
simplify_const_condition(thd, &m_where_cond))
return true;
resolve_place = SELECT_LEX::RESOLVE_NONE;
// Resolve all join condition clauses
if (top_join_list.elements > 0 &&
setup_join_cond(thd, &top_join_list, it_is_update))
return true;
is_item_list_lookup = save_is_item_list_lookup;
DBUG_ASSERT(thd->lex->current_select() == this);
return false;
Resolve join conditions for a join nest
@param thd thread handler
@param tables List of tables with join conditions
@param in_update True if used in update command that may have CHECK OPTION
@returns false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::setup_join_cond(THD *thd, List<TABLE_LIST> *tables,
bool in_update) {
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> li(*tables);
while ((tr = li++)) {
// Traverse join conditions recursively
if (tr->nested_join != NULL &&
setup_join_cond(thd, &tr->nested_join->join_list, in_update))
return true;
Item **ref = tr->join_cond_ref();
Item *join_cond = tr->join_cond();
bool remove_cond = false;
if (join_cond) {
resolve_nest = tr;
thd->where = "on clause";
if ((!join_cond->fixed && join_cond->fix_fields(thd, ref)) ||
return true;
if ((*ref)->const_item() && !thd->lex->is_view_context_analysis() &&
!(*ref)->walk(&Item::is_non_const_over_literals, enum_walk::POSTFIX,
NULL) &&
simplify_const_condition(thd, ref, remove_cond))
return true;
resolve_place = SELECT_LEX::RESOLVE_NONE;
resolve_nest = NULL;
if (in_update) {
TABLE_LIST *view = tr->top_table();
if (view->is_view() && view->is_merged()) {
if (view->prepare_check_option(thd))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
tr->check_option = view->check_option;
return false;
Set NESTED_JOIN::counter=0 in all nested joins in passed list.
@param join_list Pass NULL. Non-NULL is reserved for recursive inner calls,
then it is a list of nested joins to process, and may also contain base
tables which will be ignored.
void SELECT_LEX::reset_nj_counters(List<TABLE_LIST> *join_list) {
if (join_list == NULL) join_list = &top_join_list;
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> li(*join_list);
TABLE_LIST *table;
while ((table = li++)) {
NESTED_JOIN *nested_join;
if ((nested_join = table->nested_join)) {
nested_join->nj_counter = 0;
Simplify joins replacing outer joins by inner joins whenever it's
The function, during a retrieval of join_list, eliminates those
outer joins that can be converted into inner join, possibly nested.
It also moves the join conditions for the converted outer joins
and from inner joins to conds.
The function also calculates some attributes for nested joins:
-# used_tables
-# not_null_tables
-# dep_tables.
-# join_cond_dep_tables
The first two attributes are used to test whether an outer join can
be substituted by an inner join. The third attribute represents the
relation 'to be dependent on' for tables. If table t2 is dependent
on table t1, then in any evaluated execution plan table access to
table t2 must precede access to table t2. This relation is used also
to check whether the query contains invalid cross-references.
The fourth attribute is an auxiliary one and is used to calculate
As the attribute dep_tables qualifies possibles orders of tables in the
execution plan, the dependencies required by the straight join
modifiers are reflected in this attribute as well.
The function also removes all parentheses that can be removed from the join
expression without changing its meaning.
An outer join can be replaced by an inner join if the where condition
or the join condition for an embedding nested join contains a conjunctive
predicate rejecting null values for some attribute of the inner tables.
E.g. in the query:
SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t2.a=t1.a WHERE t2.b < 5
the predicate t2.b < 5 rejects nulls.
The query is converted first to:
SELECT * FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 ON t2.a=t1.a WHERE t2.b < 5
then to the equivalent form:
SELECT * FROM t1, t2 ON t2.a=t1.a WHERE t2.b < 5 AND t2.a=t1.a
Similarly the following query:
SELECT * from t1 LEFT JOIN (t2, t3) ON t2.a=t1.a t3.b=t1.b
WHERE t2.c < 5
is converted to:
SELECT * FROM t1, (t2, t3) WHERE t2.c < 5 AND t2.a=t1.a t3.b=t1.b
One conversion might trigger another:
SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t2.a=t1.a
LEFT JOIN t3 ON t3.b=t2.b
SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t2.a=t1.a, t3
WHERE t3 IS NOT NULL AND t3.b=t2.b =>
SELECT * FROM t1, t2, t3
WHERE t3 IS NOT NULL AND t3.b=t2.b AND t2.a=t1.a
The function removes all unnecessary parentheses from the expression
produced by the conversions.
SELECT * FROM t1, (t2, t3) WHERE t2.c < 5 AND t2.a=t1.a AND t3.b=t1.b
finally is converted to:
SELECT * FROM t1, t2, t3 WHERE t2.c < 5 AND t2.a=t1.a AND t3.b=t1.b
It also will remove parentheses from the following queries:
SELECT * from (t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t2.a=t1.a) LEFT JOIN t3 ON t3.b=t2.b
SELECT * from (t1, (t2,t3)) WHERE t1.a=t2.a AND t2.b=t3.b.
The benefit of this simplification procedure is that it might return
a query for which the optimizer can evaluate execution plans with more
join orders. With a left join operation the optimizer does not
consider any plan where one of the inner tables is before some of outer
The function is implemented by a recursive procedure. On the recursive
ascent all attributes are calculated, all outer joins that can be
converted are replaced and then all unnecessary parentheses are removed.
As join list contains join tables in the reverse order sequential
elimination of outer joins does not require extra recursive calls.
Remove all semi-joins that have are within another semi-join (i.e. have
an "ancestor" semi-join nest)
Here is an example of a join query with invalid cross references:
SELECT * FROM t1 LEFT JOIN t2 ON t2.a=t3.a LEFT JOIN t3 ON t3.b=t1.b
@param thd thread handler
@param join_list list representation of the join to be converted
@param top true <=> cond is the where condition
@param in_sj true <=> processing semi-join nest's children
@param[in,out] cond In: condition to which the join condition for converted
outer joins is to be added;
Out: new condition
@param changelog Don't specify this parameter, it is reserved for
recursive calls inside this function
@returns true for error, false for success
bool SELECT_LEX::simplify_joins(THD *thd, List<TABLE_LIST> *join_list, bool top,
bool in_sj, Item **cond, uint *changelog) {
Each type of change done by this function, or its recursive calls, is
tracked in a bitmap:
enum change {
NONE = 0,
SEMIJOIN = 1 << 3
uint changes = 0; // To keep track of changes.
if (changelog == NULL) // This is the top call.
changelog = &changes;
TABLE_LIST *table;
NESTED_JOIN *nested_join;
TABLE_LIST *prev_table = 0;
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> li(*join_list);
const bool straight_join = active_options() & SELECT_STRAIGHT_JOIN;
Try to simplify join operations from join_list.
The most outer join operation is checked for conversion first.
join_list is a join nest, and 'cond' is a condition which acts as a filter
applied to the nest's operation (post-filter).
Thus, considering this example:
we'll "confront W with A LEFT JOIN B": this will, recursively,
- confront W with B,
- confront W with A.
Because W is external to the nest, if W would be false when B is
NULL-complemented we know we can change LEFT JOIN to JOIN.
We will not confront JC with B or A, it wouldn't make sense, as JC isn't a
post-filter for their join operation.
Another example:
while confronting W with (B LEFT JOIN C), we will also, as first step,
confront JC1 with (B LEFT JOIN C), and thus recursively confront JC1
with C and then with B.
Another example:
while confronting W with (B SEMI JOIN C), if W is known false we will
while ((table = li++)) {
table_map used_tables;
table_map not_null_tables = (table_map)0;
if ((nested_join = table->nested_join)) {
If the element of join_list is a nested join apply
the procedure to its nested join list first.
This confronts the join nest's condition with each member of the
if (table->join_cond()) {
Item *join_cond = table->join_cond();
If a join condition JC is attached to the table,
check all null rejected predicates in this condition.
If such a predicate over an attribute belonging to
an inner table of an embedded outer join is found,
the outer join is converted to an inner join and
the corresponding join condition is added to JC.
if (simplify_joins(
thd, &nested_join->join_list,
false, // not 'top' as it's not WHERE.
// SJ nests can dissolve into upper SJ or anti SJ nests:
in_sj || table->is_sj_or_aj_nest(), &join_cond, changelog))
return true;
if (join_cond != table->join_cond()) {
nested_join->used_tables = (table_map)0;
nested_join->not_null_tables = (table_map)0;
// This recursively confronts "cond" with each member of the nest
if (simplify_joins(thd, &nested_join->join_list,
top, // if it was WHERE it still is
in_sj || table->is_sj_or_aj_nest(), cond, changelog))
return true;
used_tables = nested_join->used_tables;
not_null_tables = nested_join->not_null_tables;
} else {
used_tables = table->map();
if (*cond) not_null_tables = (*cond)->not_null_tables();
if (table->embedding) {
table->embedding->nested_join->used_tables |= used_tables;
table->embedding->nested_join->not_null_tables |= not_null_tables;
if (!table->outer_join || (used_tables & not_null_tables)) {
For some of the inner tables there are conjunctive predicates
that reject nulls => the outer join can be replaced by an inner join.
if (table->outer_join) {
*changelog |= OUTER_JOIN_TO_INNER;
table->outer_join = 0;
if (table->join_cond()) {
*changelog |= JOIN_COND_TO_WHERE;
/* Add join condition to the WHERE or upper-level join condition. */
if (*cond) {
Item *i1 = *cond, *i2 = table->join_cond();
User supplied stored procedures in the query can violate row-level
filter enforced by a view. So make sure view's filter conditions
precede any other conditions.
if (table->is_view() && i1->has_stored_program()) {
std::swap(i1, i2);
Item_cond_and *new_cond =
down_cast<Item_cond_and *>(and_conds(i1, i2));
if (!new_cond) return true;
It is always a new item as both the upper-level condition and a
join condition existed
Item *cond_after_fix = new_cond;
if (new_cond->fix_fields(thd, &cond_after_fix)) return true;
if (new_cond == cond_after_fix) {
/* If join condition has a pending rollback in THD::change_list */
List_iterator<Item> lit(*new_cond->argument_list());
Item *arg;
while ((arg = lit++)) {
Check whether the arguments to AND need substitution
of rollback location.
*cond = cond_after_fix;
} else {
*cond = table->join_cond();
/* If join condition has a pending rollback in THD::change_list */
// A table is traversed when 'cond' is WHERE, and when 'cond' is the join
// condition of any nest containing the table. Some bitmaps can be set
// only after all traversals of this table i.e. when 'cond' is WHERE.
if (!top) continue;
Only inner tables of non-convertible outer joins remain with
the join condition.
if (table->join_cond()) {
table->dep_tables |= table->join_cond()->used_tables();
// At this point the joined tables always have an embedding join nest:
table->dep_tables &= ~table->embedding->nested_join->used_tables;
// Embedding table depends on tables used in embedded join conditions.
table->embedding->join_cond_dep_tables |=
if (prev_table) {
/* The order of tables is reverse: prev_table follows table */
if (prev_table->straight || straight_join)
prev_table->dep_tables |= used_tables;
if (prev_table->join_cond()) {
prev_table->dep_tables |= table->join_cond_dep_tables;
table_map prev_used_tables = prev_table->nested_join
? prev_table->nested_join->used_tables
: prev_table->map();
If join condition contains no reference to outer tables
we still make the inner tables dependent on the outer tables,
as the outer must go before the inner since the executor requires
that at least one outer table is before the inner tables.
It would be enough to set dependency only on one outer table
for them. Yet this is really a rare case.
PSEUDO_TABLE_BITS mask should not be counted as it
prevents update of inner table dependencies.
For example it might happen if RAND()/COUNT(*) function
is used in JOIN ON clause.
if ((((prev_table->join_cond()->used_tables() & ~PSEUDO_TABLE_BITS) &
~prev_used_tables) &
used_tables) == 0) {
prev_table->dep_tables |= used_tables;
prev_table = table;
Flatten nested joins that can be flattened.
no join condition and not a semi-join => can be flattened.
while ((table = li++)) {
nested_join = table->nested_join;
if (table->is_sj_or_aj_nest()) {
// See other uses of clear_sj_expressions().
// 'cond' is a post-filter after the semi/antijoin, so if it's
// always false the semi/antijoin can be partially simplified
// (note that the semi/antijoin nest will still be created and used in
// optimization and execution).
if (*cond && (*cond)->const_item() &&
!(*cond)->walk(&Item::is_non_const_over_literals, enum_walk::POSTFIX,
NULL)) {
bool cond_value = true;
if (simplify_const_condition(thd, cond, false, &cond_value))
return true;
if (!cond_value) clear_sj_expressions(nested_join);
if (table->is_sj_nest() && !in_sj) {
If this is a semi-join that is not contained within another semi-join,
leave it intact.
Otherwise it is flattened, for example
A SJ (B SJ (C)) becomes the equivalent A SJ (B JOIN C),
A AJ (B SJ (C)) becomes the equivalent A AJ (B JOIN C),
While dissolving a SJ nest into an AJ nest is ok (for the AJ
this may lead to duplicates but AJ only cares for "at least
one match"), dissolving an AJ nest into a SJ is not ok:
A SJ (B AJ (C)) is not equivalent to A SJ (B JOIN C);
that is why the next if() block is guarded by !join_cond() which takes
care of that.
Note that when dissolving the SJ nest, its condition isn't lost as it
has previously been added to WHERE or outer nest's condition in
*changelog |= SEMIJOIN;
} else if (nested_join && !table->join_cond()) {
*changelog |= PAREN_REMOVAL;
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> it(nested_join->join_list);
while ((tbl = it++)) {
tbl->embedding = table->embedding;
tbl->join_list = table->join_list;
tbl->dep_tables |= table->dep_tables;
if (changes) {
Opt_trace_context *trace = &thd->opt_trace;
if (unlikely(trace->is_started())) {
Opt_trace_object trace_wrapper(trace);
Opt_trace_object trace_object(trace, "transformations_to_nested_joins");
Opt_trace_array trace_changes(trace, "transformations");
if (changes & SEMIJOIN) trace_changes.add_alnum("semijoin");
if (changes & OUTER_JOIN_TO_INNER)
if (changes & JOIN_COND_TO_WHERE)
if (changes & PAREN_REMOVAL)
// the newly transformed query is worth printing
opt_trace_print_expanded_query(thd, this, &trace_object);
return false;
Record join nest info in the select block.
After simplification of inner join, outer join and semi-join structures:
- record the remaining semi-join structures in the enclosing query block.
- record transformed join conditions in TABLE_LIST objects.
This function is called recursively for each join nest and/or table
in the query block.
@param tables List of tables and join nests
@return False if successful, True if failure
bool SELECT_LEX::record_join_nest_info(List<TABLE_LIST> *tables) {
TABLE_LIST *table;
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> li(*tables);
while ((table = li++)) {
if (table->nested_join == NULL) {
if (table->join_cond()) outer_join |= table->map();
if (record_join_nest_info(&table->nested_join->join_list)) return true;
sj_inner_tables is set properly later in pull_out_semijoin_tables().
This assignment is required in case pull_out_semijoin_tables()
is not called.
if (table->is_sj_or_aj_nest())
table->sj_inner_tables = table->nested_join->used_tables;
if (table->is_sj_or_aj_nest() && sj_nests.push_back(table)) return true;
if (table->join_cond()) outer_join |= table->nested_join->used_tables;
return false;
Update table reference information for conditions and expressions due to
query blocks having been merged in from derived tables/views and due to
semi-join transformation.
This is needed for two reasons:
1. Since table numbers are changed, we need to update used_tables
information for all conditions and expressions that are possibly touched.
2. For semi-join, some column references are changed from outer references
to local references.
The function needs to recursively walk down into join nests,
in order to cover all conditions and expressions.
For a semi-join, tables from the subquery are added last in the query block.
This means that conditions and expressions from the outer query block
are unaffected. But all conditions inside the semi-join nest, including
join conditions, must have their table numbers changed.
For a derived table/view, tables from the subquery are merged into the
outer query, and this function is called for every derived table that is
merged in. This algorithm only works when derived tables are merged in
the order of their original table numbers.
A hypothetical example with a triple self-join over a mergeable view:
SELECT v1.a, v1.b, v2.b, v3.b
FROM v AS v1 JOIN v AS v2 ON ... JOIN v AS v3 ON ...;
The analysis starts with three tables v1, v2 and v3 having numbers 0, 1, 2.
First we merge in v1, so we get (t1, t2, v2, v3). v2 and v3 are shifted up.
Tables from v1 need to have their table numbers altered (actually they do not
since both old and new numbers are 0 and 1, but this is a special case).
v2 and v3 are not merged in yet, so we delay pullout on them until they
are merged. Conditions and expressions from the outer query are not resolved
yet, so regular resolving will take of them later.
Then we merge in v2, so we get (t1, t2, t1, t2, v3). The tables from this
view gets numbers 2 and 3, and v3 gets number 4.
Because v2 had a higher number than the tables from v1, the join nest
representing v1 is unaffected. And v3 is still not merged, so the only
join nest we need to consider is v2.
Finally we merge in v3, and then we have tables (t1, t2, t1, t2, t1, t2),
with numbers 0 through 5.
Again, since v3 has higher number than any of the already merged in views,
only this join nest needs the pullout.
@param parent_select Query block being merged into
@param removed_select Query block that is removed (subquery)
@param tr Table object this pullout is applied to
@param table_adjust Number of positions that a derived table nest is
adjusted, used to fix up semi-join related fields.
Tables are adjusted from position N to N+table_adjust
@param[out] lateral_dep_tables If 'tr', after being pulled out, is a lateral
derived table, its dependencies are added here.
static void fix_tables_after_pullout(SELECT_LEX *parent_select,
SELECT_LEX *removed_select, TABLE_LIST *tr,
uint table_adjust,
table_map *lateral_dep_tables) {
if (tr->is_merged()) {
// Update select list of merged derived tables:
for (Field_translator *transl = tr->field_translation;
transl < tr->field_translation_end; transl++) {
transl->item->fix_after_pullout(parent_select, removed_select);
// Update used table info for the WHERE clause of the derived table
DBUG_ASSERT(!tr->derived_where_cond || tr->derived_where_cond->fixed);
if (tr->derived_where_cond)
tr->derived_where_cond->fix_after_pullout(parent_select, removed_select);
If join_cond() is fixed, it contains a join condition from a subquery
that has already been resolved. Call fix_after_pullout() to update
used table information since table numbers may have changed.
If join_cond() is not fixed, it contains a condition that was generated
in the derived table merge operation, which will be fixed later.
This condition may also contain a fixed part, but this is saved as
derived_where_cond and is pulled out explicitly.
if (tr->join_cond() && tr->join_cond()->fixed)
tr->join_cond()->fix_after_pullout(parent_select, removed_select);
if (tr->nested_join) {
// In case a derived table is merged-in, these fields need adjustment:
tr->nested_join->sj_corr_tables <<= table_adjust;
tr->nested_join->sj_depends_on <<= table_adjust;
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> it(tr->nested_join->join_list);
TABLE_LIST *child;
while ((child = it++))
fix_tables_after_pullout(parent_select, removed_select, child,
table_adjust, lateral_dep_tables);
if (tr->is_derived() && tr->table &&
tr->derived_unit()->uncacheable & UNCACHEABLE_DEPENDENT) {
It's a materialized derived table which is being pulled up.
If it has an outer reference, and this ref belongs to parent_select,
then the derived table will need re-materialization as if it were
LATERAL, not just once per execution of parent_select.
We thus compute its used_tables in the new context, to decide.
SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit = tr->derived_unit();
unit->m_lateral_deps = OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT;
unit->fix_after_pullout(parent_select, removed_select);
unit->m_lateral_deps &= ~PSEUDO_TABLE_BITS;
tr->dep_tables |= unit->m_lateral_deps;
*lateral_dep_tables |= unit->m_lateral_deps;
If m_lateral_deps!=0, some outer ref is now a neighbour in FROM: we have
made 'tr' LATERAL.
@todo after WL#6570 when we don't re-resolve, remove this comment.
Note that this above gives 'tr' enough "right to look left", but alas
also too much of it; e.g.
select * from t1, lateral (select * from dt1, dt2) dt3
select * from t1, lateral dt1, lateral dt2 :
dt2 needs the right to look into t1 and gets it, but also dt2 gets the
right to look into dt1, which is too much. But this is only a problem in
execution of PS (which does name resolution on the merged query), and
cached_table saves the day (tested in derived_correlated.test, search
for "prepared stmt"). So there's no problem.
Remove SJ outer/inner expressions.
@param nested_join join nest
void SELECT_LEX::clear_sj_expressions(NESTED_JOIN *nested_join) {
DBUG_ASSERT(sj_nests.elements == 0);
Build equality conditions using outer expressions and inner
expressions. If the equality condition is not constant, add
it to the semi-join condition. Otherwise, evaluate it and
remove the constant expressions from the
outer/inner expressions list if the result is true. If the
result is false, remove all the expressions in outer/inner
expression list and attach an always false condition
to semijoin condition.
@param thd Thread context
@param nested_join Join nest
@param subq_select Query block for the subquery
@param outer_tables_map Map of tables from original outer query block
@param[out] sj_cond Semi-join condition to be constructed
@return false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::build_sj_cond(THD *thd, NESTED_JOIN *nested_join,
SELECT_LEX *subq_select,
table_map outer_tables_map, Item **sj_cond) {
if (nested_join->sj_inner_exprs.elements == 0) {
// Semi-join materialization requires a key, push a constant integer item
Item *const_item = new Item_int(1);
if (const_item == nullptr) return true;
if (nested_join->sj_inner_exprs.push_back(const_item)) return true;
if (nested_join->sj_outer_exprs.push_back(const_item)) return true;
List_iterator<Item> ii(nested_join->sj_inner_exprs);
List_iterator<Item> oi(nested_join->sj_outer_exprs);
Item *inner, *outer;
while (outer = oi++, inner = ii++) {
Ensure that all involved expressions are pulled out after transformation.
(If they are already out, this is a no-op).
outer->fix_after_pullout(this, subq_select);
inner->fix_after_pullout(this, subq_select);
Item_func_eq *item_eq = new Item_func_eq(outer, inner);
if (item_eq == nullptr) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
Item *predicate = item_eq;
if (!item_eq->fixed && item_eq->fix_fields(thd, &predicate)) return true;
// Evaluate if the condition is on const expressions
if (predicate->const_item() &&
enum_walk::POSTFIX, NULL)) {
bool cond_value = true;
/* Push ignore / strict error handler */
Ignore_error_handler ignore_handler;
Strict_error_handler strict_handler;
if (thd->lex->is_ignore())
else if (thd->is_strict_mode())
bool err = eval_const_cond(thd, predicate, &cond_value);
/* Pop ignore / strict error handler */
if (thd->lex->is_ignore() || thd->is_strict_mode())
if (err) return true;
if (cond_value) {
Remove the expression from inner/outer expression list if the
const condition evalutes to true as Item_cond::fix_fields will
remove the condition later.
Do the above if this is not the last expression in the list.
Semijoin processing expects atleast one inner/outer expression
in the list if there is a sj_nest present.
if (!(nested_join->sj_inner_exprs.elements == 1)) {
} else {
Remove all the expressions in inner/outer expression list if
one of condition evaluates to always false. Add an always false
condition to semi-join condition.
Item *new_item = new Item_func_false();
if (new_item == nullptr) return true;
(*sj_cond) = new_item;
li [left_expr->element_index(i)] can be a transient Item_outer_ref,
whose usage has already been marked for rollback, but we need to roll
back this location (inside Item_func_eq) in stead, since this is the
place that matters after this semijoin transformation. arguments()
gets the address of li as stored in item_eq ("place").
(*sj_cond) = and_items(*sj_cond, predicate);
if (*sj_cond == nullptr) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
If the selected expression has an outer reference, add it as a
non-trivially correlated reference (to avoid materialization).
nested_join->sj_corr_tables |= inner->used_tables() & outer_tables_map;
return false;
Try to decorrelate an equality node. The node can be decorrelated if one
argument contains only outer references and the other argument contains
references only to local tables.
Both arguments should be deterministic.
cons-for-execution values are accepted in both arguments.
@param sj_nest The semi-join nest that the decorrelated expressions are
added to.
@param func The query function node
@param[out] was_correlated = true if comparison is correlated and the
the expressions are added to sj_nest.
@returns false if success, true if error
static bool decorrelate_equality(TABLE_LIST *sj_nest, Item_func *func,
bool *was_correlated) {
DBUG_ASSERT(func->functype() == Item_func::EQ_FUNC);
*was_correlated = false;
Item *const left = func->arguments()[0];
Item *const right = func->arguments()[1];
Item *inner = nullptr;
Item *outer = nullptr;
table_map left_used_tables = left->used_tables() & ~INNER_TABLE_BIT;
table_map right_used_tables = right->used_tables() & ~INNER_TABLE_BIT;
Predicates that have non-deterministic elements are not decorrelated,
see explanation for SELECT_LEX::decorrelate_condition().
if ((left_used_tables & RAND_TABLE_BIT) ||
(right_used_tables & RAND_TABLE_BIT))
return false;
if (left_used_tables == OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT) {
outer = left;
} else if (left_used_tables && !(left_used_tables & OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT)) {
inner = left;
if (right_used_tables == OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT) {
outer = right;
} else if (right_used_tables && !(right_used_tables & OUTER_REF_TABLE_BIT)) {
inner = right;
if (inner == nullptr || outer == nullptr) return false;
// Equalities over row items cannot be decorrelated
if (outer->type() == Item::ROW_ITEM) return false;
if (sj_nest->nested_join->sj_outer_exprs.push_back(outer)) return true;
if (sj_nest->nested_join->sj_inner_exprs.push_back(inner)) return true;
*was_correlated = true;
return false;
Decorrelate the WHERE clause or a join condition of a subquery used in
an IN or EXISTS predicate.
Correlated predicates are removed from the condition and added to the
supplied semi-join nest.
The predicate must be either a simple equality, or an AND condition that
contains one or more simple equalities, in order for decorrelation to be
@param sj_nest The semi-join nest of the outer query block, the correlated
expressions are added to sj_inner_exprs and sj_outer_exprs.
@param join_nest Nest containing join condition to be decorrelated
=NULL: decorrelate the WHERE condition
@returns false if success, true if error
Decorrelation for subqueries containing non-deterministic components:
There are two types of IN and EXISTS queries with non-deterministic
functions that may be meaningful (the EXISTS queries below are correlated
equivalents of the respective IN queries):
1. Non-deterministic function as substitute for expression from outer
query block:
Pick a set of random rows that matches against a fixed set (the subquery).
The intuitive interpretation of the IN subquery is that the random function
is evaluated per row of the outer query block, whereas in the EXISTS subquery,
it should be evaluated per row of the inner query block, and the subquery
is evaluated once per row of the outer query block.
2. Non-deterministic function as substitute for expression from inner
query block:
This is another way of picking a random row, but now the non-determinism
occurs in the inner query block.
The user will expect that only query 1A has the evaluation of
non-deterministic functions being performed in the outer query block.
Using decorrelation for query 1B would change the apparent semantics of
the query.
The purpose of decorrelation is to be able to use more execution strategies.
Without decorrelation, EXISTS is limited to FirstMatch and DupsWeedout
strategies. Decorrelation enables LooseScan and Materialization.
We can rule out LooseScan for case 2B, since it requires an indexed column
from the subquery, and for case 1B, since it requires that the outer table
is partitioned according to the distinct values of the index, and random
values do not fulfill that partitioning requirement.
The only strategy left is Materialization. With decorrelation, 1B would be
evaluated like 1A, which is not the intuitive way. 2B would also be
implemented like 2A, meaning that evaluation of non-deterministic functions
would move to the materialization function.
Thus, the intuitive interpretation is to avoid materialization for subqueries
with non-deterministic components in the inner query block, and hence
such predicates will not be decorrelated.
bool SELECT_LEX::decorrelate_condition(TABLE_LIST *const sj_nest,
TABLE_LIST *join_nest) {
Item *base_cond =
join_nest == nullptr ? where_cond() : join_nest->join_cond();
Item_cond *cond;
Item_func *func;
DBUG_ASSERT(base_cond != nullptr);
if (base_cond->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM &&
(func = down_cast<Item_func *>(base_cond)) &&
func->functype() == Item_func::EQ_FUNC) {
bool was_correlated;
if (decorrelate_equality(sj_nest, func, &was_correlated)) return true;
if (was_correlated) { // The simple equality has been decorrelated
if (join_nest == nullptr)
else // Join conditions cannot be empty so install a TRUE value
join_nest->set_join_cond(new Item_int(1));
} else if (base_cond->type() == Item::COND_ITEM &&
(cond = down_cast<Item_cond *>(base_cond)) &&
cond->functype() == Item_func::COND_AND_FUNC) {
List<Item> *args = cond->argument_list();
List_iterator<Item> li(*args);
Item *item;
while ((item = li++)) {
if (item->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM &&
(func = down_cast<Item_func *>(item)) &&
func->functype() == Item_func::EQ_FUNC) {
bool was_correlated;
if (decorrelate_equality(sj_nest, func, &was_correlated)) return true;
if (was_correlated) li.remove();
if (args->is_empty()) { // All predicates have been decorrelated
if (join_nest == nullptr)
else // Join conditions cannot be empty so install a TRUE value
join_nest->set_join_cond(new Item_int(1));
return false;
Decorrelate join conditions for a subquery
@param sj_nest The semijoin nest that will contain decorrelated expressions
@param join_list List of table references that may contain join conditions
@returns false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::decorrelate_join_conds(TABLE_LIST *sj_nest,
List<TABLE_LIST> *join_list) {
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> li(*join_list);
while ((t = li++)) {
if (t->is_inner_table_of_outer_join()) continue;
if (t->nested_join != nullptr &&
decorrelate_join_conds(sj_nest, &t->nested_join->join_list))
return true;
if (t->join_cond() == nullptr) continue;
if (decorrelate_condition(sj_nest, t)) return true;
return false;
Convert a subquery predicate of this query block into a TABLE_LIST semi-join
@param thd Thread handle
@param subq_pred Subquery predicate to be converted.
This is either an IN, =ANY or EXISTS predicate, possibly
@returns false if success, true if error
The following transformations are performed:
1. IN/=ANY predicates on the form:
FROM ot1 ... otN
WHERE (oe1, ... oeM) IN (SELECT ie1, ..., ieM
FROM it1 ... itK
[WHERE inner-cond])
[AND outer-cond]
[GROUP BY ...] [HAVING ...] [ORDER BY ...]
are transformed into:
FROM (ot1 ... otN) SJ (it1 ... itK)
ON (oe1, ... oeM) = (ie1, ..., ieM)
[AND inner-cond]
[WHERE outer-cond]
[GROUP BY ...] [HAVING ...] [ORDER BY ...]
Notice that the inner-cond may contain correlated and non-correlated
expressions. Further transformations will analyze and break up such
2. EXISTS predicates on the form:
FROM ot1 ... otN
FROM it1 ... itK
[WHERE inner-cond])
[AND outer-cond]
[GROUP BY ...] [HAVING ...] [ORDER BY ...]
are transformed into:
FROM (ot1 ... otN) SJ (it1 ... itK)
[ON inner-cond]
[WHERE outer-cond]
[GROUP BY ...] [HAVING ...] [ORDER BY ...]
3. Negated EXISTS predicates on the form:
FROM ot1 ... otN
FROM it1 ... itK
[WHERE inner-cond])
[AND outer-cond]
[GROUP BY ...] [HAVING ...] [ORDER BY ...]
are transformed into:
FROM (ot1 ... otN) AJ (it1 ... itK)
[ON inner-cond]
[WHERE outer-cond AND is-null-cond(it1)]
[GROUP BY ...] [HAVING ...] [ORDER BY ...]
where AJ means "antijoin" and is like a LEFT JOIN; and is-null-cond is
false if the row of it1 is "found" and "not_null_compl" (i.e. matches
4. Negated IN predicates on the form:
FROM ot1 ... otN
WHERE (oe1, ... oeM) NOT IN (SELECT ie1, ..., ieM
FROM it1 ... itK
[WHERE inner-cond])
[AND outer-cond]
[GROUP BY ...] [HAVING ...] [ORDER BY ...]
are transformed into:
FROM (ot1 ... otN) AJ (it1 ... itK)
ON (oe1, ... oeM) = (ie1, ..., ieM)
[AND inner-cond]
[WHERE outer-cond]
[GROUP BY ...] [HAVING ...] [ORDER BY ...]
5. The cases 1/2 (respectively 3/4) above also apply when the predicate is
decorated with IS TRUE or IS NOT FALSE (respectively IS NOT TRUE or IS
bool SELECT_LEX::convert_subquery_to_semijoin(
THD *thd, Item_exists_subselect *subq_pred) {
TABLE_LIST *emb_tbl_nest = NULL;
List<TABLE_LIST> *emb_join_list = &top_join_list;
DBUG_ASSERT(subq_pred->substype() == Item_subselect::IN_SUBS ||
subq_pred->substype() == Item_subselect::EXISTS_SUBS);
Opt_trace_context *trace = &thd->opt_trace;
Opt_trace_object trace_object(trace, "transformation_to_semi_join");
if (unlikely(trace->is_started())) {
trace_object.add("subquery_predicate", subq_pred);
bool outer_join = false; // True if predicate is inner to an outer join
// Save the set of tables in the outer query block:
table_map outer_tables_map = all_tables_map();
const bool do_aj = subq_pred->can_do_aj;
Find out where to insert the semi-join nest and the generated condition.
For t1 LEFT JOIN t2, embedding_join_nest will be t2.
Note that t2 may be a simple table or may itself be a join nest
(e.g. in the case t1 LEFT JOIN (t2 JOIN t3))
if (subq_pred->embedding_join_nest != NULL) {
// Is this on inner side of an outer join?
outer_join = subq_pred->embedding_join_nest->is_inner_table_of_outer_join();
if (subq_pred->embedding_join_nest->nested_join) {
We're dealing with
... [LEFT] JOIN ( ... ) ON (subquery AND condition) ...
The sj-nest will be inserted into the brackets nest.
emb_tbl_nest = subq_pred->embedding_join_nest;
emb_join_list = &emb_tbl_nest->nested_join->join_list;
} else if (!subq_pred->embedding_join_nest->outer_join) {
We're dealing with
... INNER JOIN tblX ON (subquery AND condition) ...
The sj-nest will be tblX's "sibling", i.e. another child of its
parent. This is ok because tblX is joined as an inner join.
emb_tbl_nest = subq_pred->embedding_join_nest->embedding;
if (emb_tbl_nest) emb_join_list = &emb_tbl_nest->nested_join->join_list;
} else {
TABLE_LIST *outer_tbl = subq_pred->embedding_join_nest;
We're dealing with
... LEFT JOIN tbl ON (on_expr AND subq_pred) ...
tbl will be replaced with:
( tbl SJ (subq_tables) )
| |
|<----- wrap_nest ---->|
... LEFT JOIN ( tbl SJ (subq_tables) ) ON (on_expr AND subq_pred) ...
Q: other subqueries may be pointing to this element. What to do?
A1: simple solution: copy *subq_pred->embedding_join_nest= *parent_nest.
But we'll need to fix other pointers.
A2: Another way: have TABLE_LIST::next_ptr so the following
subqueries know the table has been nested.
A3: changes in the TABLE_LIST::outer_join will make everything work
TABLE_LIST *const wrap_nest = TABLE_LIST::new_nested_join(
thd->mem_root, "(sj-wrap)", outer_tbl->embedding,
outer_tbl->join_list, this);
if (wrap_nest == NULL) return true;
outer_tbl->embedding = wrap_nest;
outer_tbl->join_list = &wrap_nest->nested_join->join_list;
An important note, if this 'PREPARE stmt'.
The FROM clause of the outer query now looks like
CONCAT(original FROM clause of outer query, sj-nest).
Given that the original FROM clause is reversed, this list is
interpreted as "sj-nest is first".
Thus, at a next execution, setup_natural_join_types() will decide that
the name resolution context of the FROM clause should start at the
first inner table in sj-nest.
However, note that in the present function we do not change
first_name_resolution_table (and friends) of sj-inner tables.
So, at the next execution, name resolution for columns of
outer-table columns is bound to fail (the first inner table does
not have outer tables in its chain of resolution).
Fortunately, Item_field::cached_table, which is set during resolution
of 'PREPARE stmt', gives us the answer and avoids a failing search.
wrap_nest will take place of outer_tbl, so move the outer join flag
and join condition.
wrap_nest->outer_join = outer_tbl->outer_join;
outer_tbl->outer_join = 0;
// There are item-rollback problems in this function: see bug#16926177
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> li(*wrap_nest->join_list);
while ((tbl = li++)) {
if (tbl == outer_tbl) {
outer_tbl is replaced by wrap_nest.
For subselects, update embedding_join_nest to point to wrap_nest
instead of outer_tbl.
for (Item_exists_subselect *subquery : (*sj_candidates)) {
if (subquery->embedding_join_nest == outer_tbl)
subquery->embedding_join_nest = wrap_nest;
Ok now wrap_nest 'contains' outer_tbl and we're ready to add the
semi-join nest into it
emb_join_list = &wrap_nest->nested_join->join_list;
emb_tbl_nest = wrap_nest;
// else subquery is in WHERE.
if (do_aj) {
A negated IN/EXISTS like:
NOT EXISTS(... FROM subq_tables WHERE subq_cond)
The above code has ensured that we have one of these 3 situations:
(a) FROM ... WHERE (subquery AND condition)
(emb_tbl_nest == nullptr, emb_join_list == FROM clause)
which has to be changed to
FROM (...) LEFT JOIN (subq_tables) ON subq_cond
^ aj-left-nest ^aj-nest
WHERE x IS NULL AND condition
(b) ... [LEFT] JOIN ( ... ) ON (subquery AND condition) ...
^ emb_tbl_nest, emb_join_list
which has to be changed to
... [LEFT] JOIN ( (...) LEFT JOIN (subq_tables) ON subq_cond)
^aj-left-nest ^aj-nest
^ emb_tbl_nest, emb_join_list
ON x IS NULL AND condition ...
(c) ... INNER JOIN tblX ON (subquery AND condition) ...
^ emb_tbl_nest, emb_join_list
(if no '()' above this INNER JOIN up to the root, emb_tbl_nest ==
nullptr and emb_join_list == FROM clause)
which has to be changed to
( ... INNER JOIN tblX ON condition) LEFT JOIN (subq_tables) ON subq_cond
^aj-left-nest ^aj-nest
- move all tables of emb_join_list into a new aj-left-nest
- emb_join_list is now empty
- put subq_tables in a new aj-nest
- add the subq's subq_cond to aj-nest's ON
- add a LEFT JOIN operator between the aj-left-nest and aj-nest, with
ON condition subq_cond.
- insert aj-nest and aj-left-nest into emb_join_list
- for some reason, a LEFT JOIN must always be wrapped into a nest (call
nest_last_join() then)
- do not yet add 'x IS NULL to WHERE' (add it in optimization phase when
we have the QEP_TABs so we can set up the 'found'/'not_null_compl'
pointers in trig conds).
TABLE_LIST *const wrap_nest = TABLE_LIST::new_nested_join(
thd->mem_root, "(aj-left-nest)", emb_tbl_nest, emb_join_list, this);
if (wrap_nest == NULL) return true;
// Go through tables of emb_join_list, insert them in wrap_nest
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> li(*emb_join_list);
TABLE_LIST *outer_tbl;
while ((outer_tbl = li++)) {
outer_tbl->embedding = wrap_nest;
outer_tbl->join_list = &wrap_nest->nested_join->join_list;
outer_tbl is replaced by wrap_nest.
For subselects, update embedding_join_nest to point to wrap_nest
instead of outer_tbl.
for (Item_exists_subselect *subquery : (*sj_candidates)) {
if (subquery->embedding_join_nest == outer_tbl)
subquery->embedding_join_nest = wrap_nest;
// FROM clause is now only the new left nest
outer_join = true;
if (unlikely(trace->is_started()))
trace_object.add_alnum("embedded in", emb_tbl_nest ? "JOIN" : "WHERE");
TABLE_LIST *const sj_nest = TABLE_LIST::new_nested_join(
thd->mem_root, do_aj ? "(aj-nest)" : "(sj-nest)", emb_tbl_nest,
emb_join_list, this);
if (sj_nest == NULL) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
NESTED_JOIN *const nested_join = sj_nest->nested_join;
/* Nests do not participate in those 'chains', so: */
/* sj_nest->next_leaf= sj_nest->next_local= sj_nest->next_global == NULL*/
Using push_front, as sj_nest may be right arg of LEFT JOIN if
antijoin, and right args of LEFT JOIN go before left arg.
Natural joins inside a semi-join nest were already processed when the
subquery went through initial preparation.
sj_nest->nested_join->natural_join_processed = true;
nested_join->used_tables and nested_join->not_null_tables are
initialized in simplify_joins().
SELECT_LEX *const subq_select = subq_pred->unit->first_select();
nested_join->query_block_id = subq_select->select_number;
// Merge tables from underlying query block into this join nest
if (sj_nest->merge_underlying_tables(subq_select))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
Add tables from subquery at end of leaf table chain.
(This also means that table map for parent query block tables are unchanged)
for (tl = leaf_tables; tl->next_leaf; tl = tl->next_leaf) {
tl->next_leaf = subq_select->leaf_tables;
// Add tables from subquery at end of next_local chain.
for (tl = get_table_list(); tl->next_local; tl = tl->next_local) {
tl->next_local = subq_select->get_table_list();
// Note that subquery's tables are already in the next_global chain
// Remove the original subquery predicate from the WHERE/ON
// The subqueries were replaced with TRUE value earlier
// @todo also reset the 'with_subselect' there.
// Walk through child's tables and adjust table map
uint table_no = leaf_table_count;
for (tl = subq_select->leaf_tables; tl; tl = tl->next_leaf, table_no++) {
tl->dep_tables <<= leaf_table_count;
If we leave this function in an error path before subq_select is unlinked,
make sure tables are not duplicated, or cleanup code could be confused:
subq_select->leaf_tables = nullptr;
// Adjust table and expression counts in parent query block:
derived_table_count += subq_select->derived_table_count;
materialized_derived_table_count +=
table_func_count += subq_select->table_func_count;
has_sj_nests |= subq_select->has_sj_nests;
has_aj_nests |= subq_select->has_aj_nests;
partitioned_table_count += subq_select->partitioned_table_count;
leaf_table_count += subq_select->leaf_table_count;
cond_count += subq_select->cond_count;
between_count += subq_select->between_count;
if (subq_select->active_options() & OPTION_SCHEMA_TABLE)
if (outer_join) propagate_nullability(&sj_nest->nested_join->join_list, true);
subq_pred->exec_method = Item_exists_subselect::EXEC_SEMI_JOIN;
if (subq_pred->substype() == Item_subselect::IN_SUBS) {
Item_in_subselect *in_subq_pred = (Item_in_subselect *)subq_pred;
Create the IN-equalities and inject them into semi-join's ON condition.
Additionally, for LooseScan strategy
- Record the number of IN-equalities.
- Create list of pointers to (oe1, ..., ieN). We'll need the list to
see which of the expressions are bound and which are not (for those
we'll produce a distinct stream of (ie_i1,...ie_ik).
(TODO: can we just create a list of pointers and hope the expressions
will not substitute themselves on fix_fields()? or we need to wrap
them into Item_view_refs and store pointers to those. The
pointers to Item_view_refs are guaranteed to be stable as
Item_view_refs doesn't substitute itself with anything in
We have a special case for IN predicates with a scalar subquery or a
row subquery in the predicand (left operand), such as this:
(SELECT 1,2 FROM t1) IN (SELECT x,y FROM t2)
We cannot make the join condition 1=x AND 2=y, since that might evaluate
to true even if t1 is empty. Instead make the join condition
(SELECT 1,2 FROM t1) = (x,y) in this case.
Item_subselect *left_subquery =
(in_subq_pred->left_expr->type() == Item::SUBSELECT_ITEM)
? static_cast<Item_subselect *>(in_subq_pred->left_expr)
if (left_subquery &&
(left_subquery->substype() == Item_subselect::SINGLEROW_SUBS)) {
List<Item> ref_list;
Item *header = subq_select->base_ref_items[0];
for (uint i = 1; i < in_subq_pred->left_expr->cols(); i++) {
Item_row *right_expr = new Item_row(header, ref_list);
if (!right_expr) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
} else {
for (uint i = 0; i < in_subq_pred->left_expr->cols(); i++) {
Item *const li = in_subq_pred->left_expr->element_index(i);
The WHERE clause and the join conditions may contain equalities that may
be leveraged by semi-join strategies (e.g to set up key lookups in
semi-join materialization), decorrelate them (ie. add respective fields
and expressions to sj_inner_exprs and sj_outer_exprs).
if (subq_select->where_cond() &&
subq_select->decorrelate_condition(sj_nest, nullptr))
return true;
if (decorrelate_join_conds(sj_nest, &subq_select->top_join_list)) return true;
// Unlink the subquery's query expression:
// Merge subquery's name resolution contexts into parent's
// Update table map for semi-join nest's WHERE condition and join conditions
table_map lateral_dep_tables = 0;
fix_tables_after_pullout(this, subq_select, sj_nest, 0, &lateral_dep_tables);
Item *sj_cond = subq_select->where_cond();
if (sj_cond != nullptr) sj_cond->fix_after_pullout(this, subq_select);
// Assign the set of non-trivially tables after decorrelation
nested_join->sj_corr_tables =
lateral_dep_tables |
(sj_cond != nullptr ? sj_cond->used_tables() & outer_tables_map : 0);
// Build semijoin condition using the inner/outer expression list
if (build_sj_cond(thd, nested_join, subq_select, outer_tables_map, &sj_cond))
return true;
// Processing requires a non-empty semi-join condition:
DBUG_ASSERT(sj_cond != nullptr);
// Fix the created equality and AND
if (!sj_cond->fixed) {
Opt_trace_array sj_on_trace(&thd->opt_trace,
if (sj_cond->fix_fields(thd, &sj_cond))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
DBUG_ASSERT(sj_nest->join_cond() == nullptr);
if (do_aj) {
sj_nest->outer_join = JOIN_TYPE_LEFT;
this->outer_join |= sj_nest->nested_join->used_tables;
if (emb_tbl_nest == nullptr)
nest_last_join(thd); // as is done for a true LEFT JOIN
if (unlikely(trace->is_started())) {
trace_object.add("semi-join condition", sj_cond);
Opt_trace_array trace_dep(trace, "decorrelated_predicates");
List_iterator<Item> ii(nested_join->sj_inner_exprs);
List_iterator<Item> oi(nested_join->sj_outer_exprs);
Item *inner, *outer;
while (outer = oi++, inner = ii++) {
Opt_trace_object trace_predicate(trace);
trace_predicate.add("outer", outer);
trace_predicate.add("inner", inner);
sj_depends_on contains the set of outer tables referred in the
subquery's WHERE clause as well as tables referred in the IN predicate's
left-hand side, and lateral dependencies from materialized derived tables
contained in the original subquery.
nested_join->sj_depends_on =
(sj_cond->used_tables() & outer_tables_map) | lateral_dep_tables;
// TODO fix QT_
DBUG_EXECUTE("where", print_where(thd, sj_cond, "SJ-COND", QT_ORDINARY););
if (do_aj) { /* Condition remains attached to inner table, as for LEFT JOIN
} else if (emb_tbl_nest) {
// Inject semi-join condition into parent's join condition
emb_tbl_nest->set_join_cond(and_items(emb_tbl_nest->join_cond(), sj_cond));
if (emb_tbl_nest->join_cond() == NULL) return true;
if (!emb_tbl_nest->join_cond()->fixed &&
return true;
} else {
// Inject semi-join condition into parent's WHERE condition
m_where_cond = and_items(m_where_cond, sj_cond);
if (m_where_cond == NULL) return true;
if (m_where_cond->fix_fields(thd, &m_where_cond)) return true;
Item *cond = emb_tbl_nest ? emb_tbl_nest->join_cond() : m_where_cond;
if (cond && cond->const_item() &&
!cond->walk(&Item::is_non_const_over_literals, enum_walk::POSTFIX,
NULL)) {
bool cond_value = true;
if (simplify_const_condition(thd, &cond, false, &cond_value)) return true;
if (!cond_value) {
Parent's condition is always FALSE. Thus:
(a) the value of the anti/semi-join condition has no influence on the
(b) we don't need to set up lookups (for loosescan or materialization)
(c) for a semi-join, the semi-join condition is already lost (it was
in parent's condition, which has been replaced with FALSE); the
outer/inner sj expressions are Items which point into the SJ
condition, so at 2nd execution they won't be fixed => clearing them
prevents a bug.
(d) for an anti-join, the join condition remains in
sj_nest->join_cond() and will possibly be evaluated. (c) doesn't hold,
but (a) and (b) do.
if (subq_select->ftfunc_list->elements &&
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
if (do_aj)
has_aj_nests = true;
has_sj_nests = true; // This query block has semi-join nests
return false;
Merge a derived table or view into a query block.
If some constraint prevents the derived table from being merged then do
nothing, which means the table will be prepared for materialization later.
After this call, check is_merged() to see if the table was really merged.
@param thd Thread handler
@param derived_table Derived table which is to be merged.
@return false if successful, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::merge_derived(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *derived_table) {
if (!derived_table->is_view_or_derived() || derived_table->is_merged())
return false;
SELECT_LEX_UNIT *const derived_unit = derived_table->derived_unit();
// A derived table must be prepared before we can merge it
LEX *const lex = parent_lex;
// Check whether the outer query allows merged views
if ((master_unit() == lex->unit && !lex->can_use_merged()) ||
return false;
@todo: The implementation of LEX::can_use_merged() currently avoids
merging of views that are contained in other views if
can_use_merged() returns false.
Check whether derived table is mergeable, and directives allow merging;
priority order is:
- hint specifies MERGE or NO_MERGE (=materialization)
- optimizer_switch's derived_merge is ON and heuristic suggests merge
if (derived_table->algorithm == VIEW_ALGORITHM_TEMPTABLE ||
return false;
if (derived_table->algorithm == VIEW_ALGORITHM_UNDEFINED) {
const bool merge_heuristic =
(derived_table->is_view() || allow_merge_derived) &&
if (!hint_table_state(thd, derived_table, DERIVED_MERGE_HINT_ENUM,
merge_heuristic ? OPTIMIZER_SWITCH_DERIVED_MERGE : 0))
return false;
SELECT_LEX *const derived_select = derived_unit->first_select();
If STRAIGHT_JOIN is specified, it is not valid to merge in a query block
that contains semi-join nests
if ((active_options() & SELECT_STRAIGHT_JOIN) &&
(derived_select->has_sj_nests || derived_select->has_aj_nests))
return false;
// Check that we have room for the merged tables in the table map:
if (leaf_table_count + derived_select->leaf_table_count - 1 > MAX_TABLES)
return false;
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("algorithm: MERGE"));
Opt_trace_context *const trace = &thd->opt_trace;
Opt_trace_object trace_wrapper(trace);
Opt_trace_object trace_derived(trace,
derived_table->is_view() ? "view" : "derived");
.add("select#", derived_select->select_number)
.add("merged", true);
Prepared_stmt_arena_holder ps_arena_holder(thd);
// Save offset for table number adjustment
uint table_adjust = derived_table->tableno();
// Set up permanent list of underlying tables of a merged view
derived_table->merge_underlying_list = derived_select->get_table_list();
A view is updatable if any underlying table is updatable.
A view is insertable-into if all underlying tables are insertable.
A view is not updatable nor insertable if it contains an outer join
@see mysql_register_view()
if (derived_table->is_view()) {
bool updatable = false;
bool insertable = true;
bool outer_joined = false;
for (TABLE_LIST *tr = derived_table->merge_underlying_list; tr;
tr = tr->next_local) {
updatable |= tr->is_updatable();
insertable &= tr->is_insertable();
outer_joined |= tr->is_inner_table_of_outer_join();
updatable &= !outer_joined;
insertable &= !outer_joined;
if (updatable) derived_table->set_updatable();
if (insertable) derived_table->set_insertable();
// Add a nested join object to the derived table object
if (!(derived_table->nested_join =
(NESTED_JOIN *)thd->mem_calloc(sizeof(NESTED_JOIN))))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
.empty(); // Should be done by constructor!
// Merge tables from underlying query block into this join nest
if (derived_table->merge_underlying_tables(derived_select))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
// Replace derived table in leaf table list with underlying tables:
for (TABLE_LIST **tl = &leaf_tables; *tl; tl = &(*tl)->next_leaf) {
if (*tl == derived_table) {
for (TABLE_LIST *leaf = derived_select->leaf_tables; leaf;
leaf = leaf->next_leaf) {
leaf->dep_tables <<= table_adjust;
if (leaf->next_leaf == NULL) {
leaf->next_leaf = (*tl)->next_leaf;
*tl = derived_select->leaf_tables;
leaf_table_count += (derived_select->leaf_table_count - 1);
derived_table_count += derived_select->derived_table_count;
table_func_count += derived_select->table_func_count;
materialized_derived_table_count +=
has_sj_nests |= derived_select->has_sj_nests;
has_aj_nests |= derived_select->has_aj_nests;
partitioned_table_count += derived_select->partitioned_table_count;
cond_count += derived_select->cond_count;
between_count += derived_select->between_count;
// Propagate schema table indication:
// @todo: Add to BASE options instead
if (derived_select->active_options() & OPTION_SCHEMA_TABLE)
// Propagate nullability for derived tables within outer joins:
if (derived_table->is_inner_table_of_outer_join())
propagate_nullability(&derived_table->nested_join->join_list, true);
select_n_having_items += derived_select->select_n_having_items;
// Merge the WHERE clause into the outer query block
if (derived_table->merge_where(thd)) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
if (derived_table->create_field_translation(thd))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
// Exclude the derived table query expression from query graph.
// Don't try to access it:
derived_table->set_derived_unit((SELECT_LEX_UNIT *)1);
// Merge subquery's name resolution contexts into parent's
// Leaf tables have been shuffled, so update table numbers for them
// Update table info of referenced expressions after query block is merged
table_map unused = 0;
fix_tables_after_pullout(this, derived_select, derived_table, table_adjust,
if (derived_select->is_ordered()) {
An ORDER BY clause is moved to an outer query block
- if the outer query block allows ordering, and
- that refers to this view/derived table only, and
- is not part of a UNION, and
- may have a WHERE clause but is not grouped or aggregated and is not
itself ordered.
Otherwise the ORDER BY clause is ignored.
Only SELECT statements and single-table UPDATE and DELETE statements
allow ordering.
Up to version 5.6 included, ORDER BY was unconditionally merged.
Currently we only merge in the simple case above, which ensures
backward compatibility for most reasonable use cases.
Note that table numbers in order_list do not need updating, since
the outer query contains only one table reference.
// LIMIT currently blocks derived table merge
if ((lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_SELECT ||
lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_UPDATE ||
lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DELETE) &&
!(master_unit()->is_union() || is_grouped() || is_distinct() ||
is_ordered() || get_table_list()->next_local != NULL)) {
If at outer-most level (not within another derived table), ensure
the ordering columns are marked in read_set, since columns selected
from derived tables are not marked in initial resolving.
if (!thd->derived_tables_processing) {
Mark_field mf(thd->mark_used_columns);
for (ORDER *o = derived_select->order_list.first; o != NULL;
o = o->next)
o->item[0]->walk(&Item::mark_field_in_map, enum_walk::POSTFIX,
pointer_cast<uchar *>(&mf));
} else {
// Add any full-text functions from derived table into outer query
if (derived_select->ftfunc_list->elements &&
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
The "laterality" of this nest is not interesting anymore; it was
transferred to underlying tables.
derived_unit->m_lateral_deps = 0;
return false;
Destructively replaces a sub-condition inside a condition tree. The
parse tree is also altered.
@note Because of current requirements for semijoin flattening, we do not
need to recurse here, hence this function will only examine the top-level
AND conditions. (see SELECT_LEX::prepare, comment starting with "Check if
the subquery predicate can be executed via materialization".)
@param thd thread handler
@param tree Must be the handle to the top level condition. This is needed
when the top-level condition changes.
@param old_cond The condition to be replaced.
@param new_cond The condition to be substituted.
@param do_fix_fields If true, Item::fix_fields(THD*, Item**) is called for
the new condition.
@return error status
@retval true If there was an error.
@retval false If successful.
static bool replace_subcondition(THD *thd, Item **tree, Item *old_cond,
Item *new_cond, bool do_fix_fields) {
if (*tree == old_cond) {
*tree = new_cond;
if (do_fix_fields && new_cond->fix_fields(thd, tree)) return true;
return false;
} else if ((*tree)->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) {
List_iterator<Item> li(*((Item_cond *)(*tree))->argument_list());
Item *item;
while ((item = li++)) {
if (item == old_cond) {
if (do_fix_fields && new_cond->fix_fields(thd, li.ref())) return true;
return false;
} else
// If we came here it means there were an error during prerequisites check.
return true;
Convert semi-join subquery predicates into semi-join join nests
Convert candidate subquery predicates into semi-join join nests. This
transformation is performed once in query lifetime and is irreversible.
Conversion of one subquery predicate
We start with a query block that has a semi-join subquery predicate:
FROM ot, ...
WHERE oe IN (SELECT ie FROM it1 ... itN WHERE subq_where) AND outer_where
and convert the predicate and subquery into a semi-join nest:
FROM ot SEMI JOIN (it1 ... itN), ...
WHERE outer_where AND subq_where AND oe=ie
that is, in order to do the conversion, we need to
* Create the "SEMI JOIN (it1 .. itN)" part and add it into the parent
query block's FROM structure.
* Add "AND subq_where AND oe=ie" into parent query block's WHERE (or ON if
the subquery predicate was in an ON condition)
* Remove the subquery predicate from the parent query block's WHERE
Considerations when converting many predicates
A join may have at most MAX_TABLES tables. This may prevent us from
flattening all subqueries when the total number of tables in parent and
child selects exceeds MAX_TABLES. In addition, one slot is reserved per
semi-join nest, in case the subquery needs to be materialized in a
temporary table.
We deal with this problem by flattening children's subqueries first and
then using a heuristic rule to determine each subquery predicate's
priority, which is calculated in this order:
1. Prefer dependent subqueries over non-dependent ones
2. Prefer subqueries with many tables over those with fewer tables
3. Prefer early subqueries over later ones (to make sort deterministic)
@returns false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::flatten_subqueries(THD *thd) {
Item_exists_subselect **subq, **subq_begin = sj_candidates->begin(),
**subq_end = sj_candidates->end();
Opt_trace_context *const trace = &thd->opt_trace;
Semijoin flattening is bottom-up. Indeed, we have this execution flow,
SELECT_LEX::prepare() (select#1)
-> fix_fields() on IN condition
-> SELECT_LEX::prepare() on subquery (select#2)
-> fix_fields() on IN condition
-> SELECT_LEX::prepare() on subquery (select#3)
<- SELECT_LEX::prepare()
<- fix_fields()
-> flatten_subqueries: merge #3 in #2
<- flatten_subqueries
<- SELECT_LEX::prepare()
<- fix_fields()
-> flatten_subqueries: merge #2 in #1
Note that flattening of #(N) is done by its parent JOIN#(N-1), because
there are cases where flattening is not possible and only the parent can
uint subq_no;
for (subq = subq_begin, subq_no = 0; subq < subq_end; subq++, subq_no++) {
auto subq_item = *subq;
// Transformation of IN and EXISTS subqueries is supported
DBUG_ASSERT(subq_item->substype() == Item_subselect::IN_SUBS ||
subq_item->substype() == Item_subselect::EXISTS_SUBS);
SELECT_LEX *child_select = subq_item->unit->first_select();
// Check that we proceeded bottom-up
DBUG_ASSERT(child_select->sj_candidates == NULL);
bool dependent = subq_item->unit->uncacheable & UNCACHEABLE_DEPENDENT;
subq_item->sj_convert_priority =
(((dependent * MAX_TABLES_FOR_SIZE) + // dependent subqueries first
child_select->leaf_table_count) *
65536) + // then with many tables
(65536 - subq_no); // then based on position
We may actually allocate more than 64k subqueries in a query block,
but this is so unlikely that we ignore the impact it may have on sorting.
Pick which subqueries to convert:
sort the subquery array
- prefer correlated subqueries over uncorrelated;
- prefer subqueries that have greater number of outer tables;
std::sort(subq_begin, subq_begin + sj_candidates->size(),
[](Item_exists_subselect *el1, Item_exists_subselect *el2) {
return el1->sj_convert_priority > el2->sj_convert_priority;
// A permanent transformation is going to start, so:
Prepared_stmt_arena_holder ps_arena_holder(thd);
Replace all subqueries to be flattened with a truth predicate.
Generally, this predicate is TRUE, but if the subquery has a WHERE condition
that is always false, replace with a FALSE predicate. In the latter case,
also avoid converting the subquery to a semi-join.
uint table_count = leaf_table_count;
for (subq = subq_begin; subq < subq_end; subq++) {
auto subq_item = *subq;
// Add the tables in the subquery nest plus one in case of materialization:
const uint tables_added =
subq_item->unit->first_select()->leaf_table_count + 1;
// (1) Not too many tables in total.
// (2) This subquery contains no antijoin nest (anti/semijoin nest cannot
// include antijoin nest for implementation reasons, see
// advance_sj_state()).
if (table_count + tables_added <= MAX_TABLES && // (1)
!subq_item->unit->first_select()->has_aj_nests) // (2)
subq_item->sj_selection = Item_exists_subselect::SJ_SELECTED;
Item *subq_where = subq_item->unit->first_select()->where_cond();
A predicate can be evaluated to ALWAYS TRUE or ALWAYS FALSE when it
has only const items. If found to be ALWAYS FALSE, do not include
the subquery in transformations.
bool cond_value = true;
if (subq_where && subq_where->const_item() &&
!subq_where->walk(&Item::is_non_const_over_literals, enum_walk::POSTFIX,
NULL) &&
simplify_const_condition(thd, &subq_where, false, &cond_value))
return true;
if (!cond_value) {
subq_item->sj_selection = Item_exists_subselect::SJ_ALWAYS_FALSE;
// Unlink this subquery's query expression
Item::Cleanup_after_removal_context ctx(this);
enum_walk::SUBQUERY_POSTFIX, pointer_cast<uchar *>(&ctx));
// The cleaning up has called remove_semijoin_candidate() which has
// changed the sj_candidates array: now *subq is the _next_ subquery.
subq--; // So that the next iteration will handle the next subquery.
DBUG_ASSERT(subq_begin == sj_candidates->begin());
subq_end = sj_candidates->end(); // array's end moved.
if (subq_item->sj_selection == Item_exists_subselect::SJ_SELECTED)
table_count += tables_added;
if (subq_item->sj_selection == Item_exists_subselect::SJ_NOT_SELECTED)
In WHERE/ON of parent query, replace IN (subq) with truth value:
- When subquery is converted to anti/semi-join: truth value true.
- When subquery WHERE cond is false: IN returns FALSE, so truth value
false if a semijoin (IN) and truth value true if an antijoin (NOT IN).
Item *truth_item =
(cond_value || subq_item->can_do_aj)
? down_cast<Item *>(new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_true())
: down_cast<Item *>(new (thd->mem_root) Item_func_false());
if (truth_item == nullptr) return true;
Item **tree = (subq_item->embedding_join_nest == NULL)
? &m_where_cond
: subq_item->embedding_join_nest->join_cond_ref();
if (replace_subcondition(thd, tree, subq_item, truth_item, false))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
/* Transform the selected subqueries into semi-join */
for (subq = subq_begin; subq < subq_end; subq++) {
auto subq_item = *subq;
if (subq_item->sj_selection != Item_exists_subselect::SJ_SELECTED) continue;
trace, oto0, oto1, subq_item->unit->first_select()->select_number,
"IN (SELECT)", subq_item->can_do_aj ? "antijoin" : "semijoin");
oto1.add("chosen", true);
if (convert_subquery_to_semijoin(thd, *subq)) return true;
Finalize the subqueries that we did not convert,
ie. perform IN->EXISTS rewrite.
for (subq = subq_begin; subq < subq_end; subq++) {
auto subq_item = *subq;
if (subq_item->sj_selection != Item_exists_subselect::SJ_NOT_SELECTED)
OPT_TRACE_TRANSFORM(trace, oto0, oto1,
"IN (SELECT)", "semijoin");
oto1.add("chosen", false);
Item_subselect::trans_res res;
subq_item->changed = 0;
subq_item->fixed = 0;
SELECT_LEX *save_select_lex = thd->lex->current_select();
// This is the only part of the function which uses a JOIN.
res = subq_item->select_transformer(thd, subq_item->unit->first_select());
if (res == Item_subselect::RES_ERROR) return true;
subq_item->changed = 1;
subq_item->fixed = 1;
If the Item has been substituted with another Item (e.g an
Item_in_optimizer), resolve it and add it to proper WHERE or ON clause.
If no substitute exists (e.g for EXISTS predicate), no action is required.
Item *substitute = subq_item->substitution;
if (substitute == nullptr) continue;
const bool do_fix_fields = !substitute->fixed;
const bool subquery_in_join_clause = subq_item->embedding_join_nest != NULL;
Item **tree = subquery_in_join_clause
? (subq_item->embedding_join_nest->join_cond_ref())
: &m_where_cond;
if (replace_subcondition(thd, tree, *subq, substitute, do_fix_fields))
return true;
subq_item->substitution = NULL;
return false;
bool SELECT_LEX::is_in_select_list(Item *cand) {
List_iterator<Item> li(fields_list);
Item *item;
while ((item = li++)) {
// Use a walker to detect if cand is present in this select item
if (item->walk(&Item::find_item_processor, enum_walk::SUBQUERY_POSTFIX,
pointer_cast<uchar *>(cand)))
return true;
return false;
Propagate nullability into inner tables of outer join operation
@param tables List of tables and join nests, start at top_join_list
@param nullable true: Set all underlying tables as nullable
void propagate_nullability(List<TABLE_LIST> *tables, bool nullable) {
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> li(*tables);
while ((tr = li++)) {
if (tr->table && !tr->table->is_nullable() && (nullable || tr->outer_join))
if (tr->nested_join == NULL) continue;
nullable || tr->outer_join);
Propagate exclusion from unique table check into all subqueries belonging
to this query block.
This function can be applied to all subqueries of a materialized derived
table or view.
void SELECT_LEX::propagate_unique_test_exclusion() {
for (SELECT_LEX_UNIT *unit = first_inner_unit(); unit;
unit = unit->next_unit())
for (SELECT_LEX *sl = unit->first_select(); sl; sl = sl->next_select())
exclude_from_table_unique_test = true;
Add a list of full-text function elements into a query block.
@param ftfuncs List of full-text function elements to add.
@returns false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::add_ftfunc_list(List<Item_func_match> *ftfuncs) {
Item_func_match *ifm;
List_iterator_fast<Item_func_match> li(*ftfuncs);
while ((ifm = li++)) {
if (ftfunc_list->push_back(ifm)) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
return false;
Go through a list of tables and join nests, recursively, and repoint
its select_lex pointer.
@param join_list List of tables and join nests
void SELECT_LEX::repoint_contexts_of_join_nests(List<TABLE_LIST> join_list) {
List_iterator_fast<TABLE_LIST> ti(join_list);
while ((tbl = ti++)) {
tbl->select_lex = this;
if (tbl->nested_join)
Merge name resolution context objects belonging to an inner subquery
to parent query block.
Update all context objects to have this base query block.
Used when a subquery's query block is merged into its parent.
@param inner Subquery for which context objects are to be merged.
void SELECT_LEX::merge_contexts(SELECT_LEX *inner) {
for (Name_resolution_context *ctx = inner->first_context; ctx != NULL;
ctx = ctx->next_context) {
ctx->select_lex = this;
if (ctx->next_context == NULL) {
ctx->next_context = first_context;
first_context = inner->first_context;
inner->first_context = NULL;
For a table subquery predicate (IN/ANY/ALL/EXISTS/etc):
since it does not support LIMIT the following clauses are redundant:
GROUP BY if there are no aggregate functions and no HAVING clause
For a scalar subquery without LIMIT:
ORDER BY is redundant, as the number of rows to order must be 1.
This removal is permanent. Thus, it only makes sense to call this function
for regular queries and on first execution of SP/PS
@param thd thread handler
@param hidden_group_field_count Number of hidden group fields added
by setup_group().
void SELECT_LEX::remove_redundant_subquery_clauses(
THD *thd, int hidden_group_field_count) {
Item_subselect *subq_predicate = master_unit()->item;
enum change {
REMOVE_ORDER = 1 << 0,
uint possible_changes;
if (subq_predicate->substype() == Item_subselect::SINGLEROW_SUBS) {
if (explicit_limit) return;
possible_changes = REMOVE_ORDER;
} else {
DBUG_ASSERT(subq_predicate->substype() == Item_subselect::EXISTS_SUBS ||
subq_predicate->substype() == Item_subselect::IN_SUBS ||
subq_predicate->substype() == Item_subselect::ALL_SUBS ||
subq_predicate->substype() == Item_subselect::ANY_SUBS);
uint changelog = 0;
if ((possible_changes & REMOVE_ORDER) && order_list.elements) {
changelog |= REMOVE_ORDER;
if ((possible_changes & REMOVE_DISTINCT) && is_distinct()) {
changelog |= REMOVE_DISTINCT;
Remove GROUP BY if there are no aggregate functions, no HAVING clause,
no ROLLUP and no windowing functions.
if ((possible_changes & REMOVE_GROUP) && group_list.elements &&
!agg_func_used() && !having_cond() && olap == UNSPECIFIED_OLAP_TYPE &&
m_windows.elements == 0) {
changelog |= REMOVE_GROUP;
for (ORDER *g = group_list.first; g != NULL; g = g->next) {
if (*g->item == g->item_ptr) {
Item::Cleanup_after_removal_context ctx(this);
pointer_cast<uchar *>(&ctx));
while (hidden_group_field_count-- > 0) {
base_ref_items[all_fields.elements] = NULL;
if (changelog) {
Opt_trace_context *trace = &thd->opt_trace;
if (unlikely(trace->is_started())) {
Opt_trace_object trace_wrapper(trace);
Opt_trace_array trace_changes(trace, "transformations_to_subquery");
if (changelog & REMOVE_ORDER) trace_changes.add_alnum("removed_ordering");
if (changelog & REMOVE_DISTINCT)
if (changelog & REMOVE_GROUP) trace_changes.add_alnum("removed_grouping");
Empty the ORDER list.
Delete corresponding elements from all_fields and base_ref_items too.
If ORDER list contain any subqueries, delete them from the query block list.
@param sl Query block that possible subquery blocks in the ORDER BY clause
are attached to (may be different from "this" when query block has
been merged into an outer query block).
void SELECT_LEX::empty_order_list(SELECT_LEX *sl) {
if (m_windows.elements != 0) {
The next lines doing cleanup of ORDER elements expect the
query block's ORDER BY items to be the last part of all_fields and
base_ref_items, as they just chop the lists' end. But if there is a
window, that end is actually the PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clause of the
window, so do not chop then: leave the items in place.
for (ORDER *o = order_list.first; o != NULL; o = o->next) {
if (*o->item == o->item_ptr) {
Item::Cleanup_after_removal_context ctx(sl);
pointer_cast<uchar *>(&ctx));
while (hidden_order_field_count-- > 0) {
base_ref_items[all_fields.elements] = NULL;
Group and order functions
Resolve an ORDER BY or GROUP BY column reference.
Given a column reference (represented by 'order') from a GROUP BY or ORDER
BY clause, find the actual column it represents. If the column being
resolved is from the GROUP BY clause, the procedure searches the SELECT
list 'fields' and the columns in the FROM list 'tables'. If 'order' is from
the ORDER BY clause, only the SELECT list is being searched.
If 'order' is resolved to an Item, then order->item is set to the found
Item. If there is no item for the found column (that is, it was resolved
into a table field), order->item is 'fixed' and is added to all_fields and
ref_item_array and all_fields are updated.
@param[in] thd Pointer to current thread structure
@param[in,out] ref_item_array All select, group and order by fields
@param[in] tables List of tables to search in (usually
FROM clause)
@param[in] order Column reference to be resolved
@param[in] fields List of fields to search in (usually
SELECT list)
@param[in,out] all_fields All select, group and order by fields
@param[in] is_group_field True if order is a GROUP field, false if
ORDER by field
@param[in] is_window_order True if order is a Window function's
false if OK
true if error occurred
bool find_order_in_list(THD *thd, Ref_item_array ref_item_array,
TABLE_LIST *tables, ORDER *order, List<Item> &fields,
List<Item> &all_fields, bool is_group_field,
bool is_window_order) {
Item *order_item = *order->item; /* The item from the GROUP/ORDER clause. */
Item::Type order_item_type;
Item **select_item; /* The corresponding item from the SELECT clause. */
Field *from_field; /* The corresponding field from the FROM clause. */
uint counter;
enum_resolution_type resolution;
Local SP variables may be int but are expressions, not positions.
(And they can't be used before fix_fields is called for them).
if (order_item->type() == Item::INT_ITEM &&
order_item->basic_const_item()) { /* Order by position */
uint count = (uint)order_item->val_int();
if (!count || count > fields.elements) {
my_error(ER_BAD_FIELD_ERROR, MYF(0), order_item->full_name(), thd->where);
return true;
order->item = &ref_item_array[count - 1];
order->in_field_list = 1;
order->is_position = true;
return false;
/* Lookup the current GROUP/ORDER field in the SELECT clause. */
select_item = find_item_in_list(thd, order_item, fields, &counter,
if (!select_item)
return true; /* The item is not unique, or some other error occurred. */
/* Check whether the resolved field is not ambiguos. */
if (select_item != not_found_item) {
Item *view_ref = NULL;
If we have found field not by its alias in select list but by its
original field name, we should additionally check if we have conflict
for this name (in case if we would perform lookup in all tables).
if (resolution == RESOLVED_BEHIND_ALIAS && !order_item->fixed &&
order_item->fix_fields(thd, order->item))
return true;
Lookup the current GROUP or WINDOW partition by or order by field in the
FROM clause.
order_item_type = order_item->type();
from_field = not_found_field;
if (((is_group_field || is_window_order) &&
order_item_type == Item::FIELD_ITEM) ||
order_item_type == Item::REF_ITEM) {
from_field =
find_field_in_tables(thd, (Item_ident *)order_item, tables, NULL,
&view_ref, IGNORE_ERRORS, true, false);
if (thd->is_error()) return true;
if (!from_field) from_field = not_found_field;
if (from_field == not_found_field ||
(from_field != view_ref_found
/* it is field of base table => check that fields are same */
((*select_item)->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM &&
((Item_field *)(*select_item))->field->eq(from_field))
in is field of view table => check that references on translation
table are same
((*select_item)->type() == Item::REF_ITEM &&
view_ref->type() == Item::REF_ITEM &&
((Item_ref *)(*select_item))->ref ==
((Item_ref *)view_ref)->ref))) {
If there is no such field in the FROM clause, or it is the same field
as the one found in the SELECT clause, then use the Item created for
the SELECT field. As a result if there was a derived field that
'shadowed' a table field with the same name, the table field will be
chosen over the derived field.
If we replace *order->item with one from the select list or
from a table in the FROM list, we should clean up after
removing the old *order->item from the query. The item has not
been fixed (so there are no aggregation functions that need
cleaning up), but it may contain subqueries that should be
if ((*order->item)->real_item() != *select_item)
->walk(&Item::clean_up_after_removal, enum_walk::SUBQUERY_POSTFIX,
order->item = &ref_item_array[counter];
order->in_field_list = 1;
if (resolution == RESOLVED_AGAINST_ALIAS && from_field == not_found_field)
order->used_alias = true;
return false;
} else {
There is a field with the same name in the FROM clause. This
is the field that will be chosen. In this case we issue a
warning so the user knows that the field from the FROM clause
overshadows the column reference from the SELECT list.
For window functions we do not need to issue this warning
(field should resolve to a unique column in the FROM derived
table expression, cf. SQL 2016 section 7.15 SR 4)
if (!is_window_order) {
push_warning_printf(thd, Sql_condition::SL_WARNING, ER_NON_UNIQ_ERROR,
((Item_ident *)order_item)->field_name, thd->where);
order->in_field_list = 0;
The call to order_item->fix_fields() means that here we resolve
'order_item' to a column from a table in the list 'tables', or to
a column in some outer query. Exactly because of the second case
we come to this point even if (select_item == not_found_item),
inspite of that fix_fields() calls find_item_in_list() one more
We check order_item->fixed because Item_func_group_concat can put
arguments for which fix_fields already was called.
group_fix_field= true is to resolve aliases from the SELECT list
without creating of Item_ref-s: JOIN::exec() wraps aliased items
in SELECT list with Item_copy items. To re-evaluate such a tree
that includes Item_copy items we have to refresh Item_copy caches,
- filesort() never refresh Item_copy items,
- end_send_group() checks every record for group boundary by the
test_if_group_changed function that obtain data from these
Item_copy items, but the copy_fields function that
refreshes Item copy items is called after group boundaries only -
that is a vicious circle.
So we prevent inclusion of Item_copy items.
bool save_group_fix_field = thd->lex->current_select()->group_fix_field;
if (is_group_field) thd->lex->current_select()->group_fix_field = true;
bool ret =
(!order_item->fixed && (order_item->fix_fields(thd, order->item) ||
(order_item = *order->item)->check_cols(1)));
thd->lex->current_select()->group_fix_field = save_group_fix_field;
if (ret) return true; /* Wrong field. */
uint el = all_fields.elements;
all_fields.push_front(order_item); /* Add new field to field list. */
ref_item_array[el] = order_item;
If the order_item is a SUM_FUNC_ITEM, when fix_fields is called
ref_by is set to order->item which is the address of order_item.
But this needs to be address of order_item in the all_fields list.
As a result, when it gets replaced with Item_aggregate_ref
object in Item::split_sum_func2, we will be able to retrieve the
newly created object.
if (order_item->type() == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM)
((Item_sum *)order_item)->ref_by[0] = all_fields.head_ref();
Currently, we assume that this assertion holds. If it turns out
that it fails for some query, order->item has changed and the old
item is removed from the query. In that case, we must call walk()
with clean_up_after_removal() on the old order->item.
DBUG_ASSERT(order_item == *order->item);
order->item = &ref_item_array[el];
return false;
Resolve and setup list of expressions in ORDER BY clause.
Change order to point at item in select list.
If item isn't a number and doesn't exists in the select list, add it to the
the field list.
@param thd Current session.
@param ref_item_array The Ref_item_array for this query block.
@param tables From clause of the query.
@param fields Selected columns.
@param all_fields All columns, including hidden ones.
@param order The query block's order clause.
@returns false if success, true if error.
bool setup_order(THD *thd, Ref_item_array ref_item_array, TABLE_LIST *tables,
List<Item> &fields, List<Item> &all_fields, ORDER *order) {
SELECT_LEX *const select = thd->lex->current_select();
thd->where = "order clause";
const bool for_union = select->master_unit()->is_union() &&
select == select->master_unit()->fake_select_lex;
const bool is_aggregated = select->is_grouped();
for (uint number = 1; order; order = order->next, number++) {
if (find_order_in_list(thd, ref_item_array, tables, order, fields,
all_fields, false, false))
return true;
if ((*order->item)->has_aggregation()) {
Aggregated expressions in ORDER BY are not supported by SQL standard,
but MySQL has some limited support for them. The limitations are
checked below:
1. A UNION query is not aggregated, so ordering by a set function
is always wrong.
if (for_union) {
my_error(ER_AGGREGATE_ORDER_FOR_UNION, MYF(0), number);
return true;
2. A non-aggregated query combined with a set function in ORDER BY
that does not contain an outer reference is illegal, because it
would cause the query to become aggregated.
(Since is_aggregated is false, this expression would cause
agg_func_used() to become true).
if (!is_aggregated && select->agg_func_used()) {
return true;
if (for_union && (*order->item)->has_wf()) {
// Window function in ORDER BY of UNION not supported, SQL2014 4.16.3
my_error(ER_AGGREGATE_ORDER_FOR_UNION, MYF(0), number);
return true;
return false;
Runs checks mandated by ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY
@param thd THD pointer
@returns true if ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY is violated.
bool SELECT_LEX::check_only_full_group_by(THD *thd) {
bool rc = false;
if (is_grouped()) {
MEM_ROOT root;
"root" has very short lifetime, and should not consume much
=> not instrumented.
init_sql_alloc(PSI_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, &root, MEM_ROOT_BLOCK_SIZE, 0);
Group_check gc(this, &root);
rc = gc.check_query(thd);
} // scope, to let any destructor run before free_root().
free_root(&root, MYF(0));
if (!rc && is_distinct()) {
Distinct_check dc(this);
rc = dc.check_query(thd);
return rc;
Do final setup of ORDER BY clause, after the query block is fully resolved.
Check that ORDER BY clause is not redundant.
Split any aggregate functions.
@param thd Thread handler
@returns false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::setup_order_final(THD *thd) {
if (is_implicitly_grouped()) {
// Result will contain zero or one row - ordering is redundant
return false;
if ((master_unit()->is_union() || master_unit()->fake_select_lex) &&
this != master_unit()->fake_select_lex && !explicit_limit) {
// Part of UNION which requires global ordering may skip local order
return false;
for (ORDER *ord = order_list.first; ord; ord = ord->next) {
Item *const item = *ord->item;
const bool is_grouped_aggregate =
(item->type() == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM && !item->m_is_window_function);
if (is_grouped_aggregate) continue;
if (item->has_aggregation() ||
(!item->m_is_window_function && item->has_wf())) {
item->split_sum_func(thd, base_ref_items, all_fields);
if (thd->is_error()) return true; /* purecov: inspected */
return false;
Resolve and set up the GROUP BY list.
@param thd Thread handler
change ER_WRONG_FIELD_WITH_GROUP to more detailed
@returns false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::setup_group(THD *thd) {
thd->where = "group statement";
for (ORDER *group = group_list.first; group; group = group->next) {
if (find_order_in_list(thd, base_ref_items, get_table_list(), group,
fields_list, all_fields, true, false))
return true;
Item *item = *group->item;
if (item->has_aggregation() || item->has_wf()) {
my_error(ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD, MYF(0), (*group->item)->full_name());
return true;
else if (item->has_grouping_func()) {
my_error(ER_WRONG_GROUP_FIELD, MYF(0), "GROUPING function");
return true;
if (olap == ROLLUP_TYPE && resolve_rollup(thd))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
return false;
ROLLUP handling
Minion of change_group_ref_for_func and change_group_ref_for_cond. Does the
brunt of the work: checks whether a function or condition contains a
reference to a grouped expression, and if so, creates an Item_ref to it and
replaces the reference to the condition with that reference. Marks the
expression tree as containing a rolled up expression.
static bool find_and_change_grouped_expr(
THD *thd, SELECT_LEX *select, uint i, Item *func_or_cond, Item *item,
bool wf, bool *arg_changed, std::function<void(Item *)> update_functor) {
Item *real_item = item->real_item();
const bool is_grouping_func =
(wf ? false
: (func_or_cond->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM &&
down_cast<Item_func *>(func_or_cond)->functype() ==
bool found_match = false;
for (ORDER *group = select->group_list.first; group; group = group->next) {
if (real_item->eq((*group->item)->real_item(), 0)) {
// If to-be-replaced Item is alias, make replacing Item an alias.
bool alias_of_expr = (item->type() == Item::FIELD_ITEM ||
item->type() == Item::REF_ITEM) &&
down_cast<Item_ident *>(item)->is_alias_of_expr();
Item_ref *new_item;
if (!(new_item = new Item_ref(&select->context, group->item, 0,
item->item_name.ptr(), alias_of_expr)))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
found_match = true;
if (is_grouping_func && !found_match) {
my_error(ER_FIELD_IN_GROUPING_NOT_GROUP_BY, MYF(0), (i + 1));
return true;
if (found_match) {
*arg_changed = true;
} else {
Item *real_item = item->real_item();
if (real_item->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM ||
(real_item->type() == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM &&
real_item->m_is_window_function)) {
if (select->change_group_ref_for_func(thd, real_item, arg_changed))
return true;
} else if (real_item->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) {
if (select->change_group_ref_for_cond(
thd, down_cast<Item_cond *>(real_item), arg_changed))
return true;
return false;
Replace occurrences of group by fields in a functions's arguments by ref
The method replaces such occurrences of group by expressions by ref objects
for these expressions unless they are under aggregate functions. The
function also corrects the value of the maybe_null attribute for the items of
all subexpressions containing group by expressions.
Similarly, replace occurrences of group by expressions in arguments of a
windowing function with ref items.
It also checks if expressions in the GROUPING function are present in GROUP
BY list. This cannot be pushed to Item_func_grouping::fix_fields as GROUP BY
expressions get resolved at the end. And it cannot be checked later in
Item_func_grouping::aggregate_check_group as we replace all occurrences of
GROUP BY expressions with ref items. As a result, we cannot compare the
objects for equality.
The function recursively traverses the tree of function's arguments, looks
for occurrences of the group by expression that are not under aggregate
functions and replaces them for the corresponding ref items. It works
recursively in conjunction with the companion method
change_group_ref_for_cond which handles operands of conditions (as opposed
to function arguments).
This substitution is needed GROUP BY queries with ROLLUP if
SELECT list contains expressions over group by attributes.
@param thd reference to the context
@param func function to make replacement
@param [out] changed returns true if item contains a replaced field item
Some functions are not null-preserving. For those functions
updating of the maybe_null attribute is an overkill.
@returns false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::change_group_ref_for_func(THD *thd, Item *func,
bool *changed) {
bool arg_changed = false;
bool wf = func->m_is_window_function;
Item_sum *window_func = wf ? down_cast<Item_sum *>(func) : nullptr;
Item_func *func_item = !wf ? down_cast<Item_func *>(func) : nullptr;
uint argcnt = wf ? window_func->get_arg_count() : func_item->arg_count;
Item **args = (wf ? window_func->get_arg_ptr(0)
: (argcnt > 0 ? func_item->arguments() : nullptr));
for (uint i = 0; i < argcnt; i++) {
Item *const item = args[i];
if (wf) {
if (find_and_change_grouped_expr(thd, this, i, func, item, wf,
[=](Item *new_item) -> void {
window_func->set_arg(i, thd, new_item);
return true;
} else {
if (find_and_change_grouped_expr(
thd, this, i, func, item, wf, &arg_changed,
[=](Item *new_item) -> void {
func_item->replace_argument(thd, args + i, new_item);
return true;
if (arg_changed) {
func->maybe_null = true;
*changed = true;
return false;
Similar to change_group_ref_for_func, except we are looking into an AND or OR
conditions instead of functions' arguments. It works recursively in
conjunction with change_group_ref_for_func.
@param thd session context
@param cond_item function to make replacement in
@param [out] changed set to true if we replaced a group item with a
reference, otherwise not touched, so needs
@return true on error
bool SELECT_LEX::change_group_ref_for_cond(THD *thd, Item_cond *cond_item,
bool *changed) {
bool arg_changed = false;
List_iterator<Item> li(*cond_item->argument_list());
for (Item *item = li++; item != nullptr; item = li++) {
if (find_and_change_grouped_expr(
thd, this, 0, cond_item, item, false, &arg_changed,
[thd, &li](Item *new_item) -> void {
thd->change_item_tree(li.ref(), new_item);
return true;
if (arg_changed) {
cond_item->maybe_null = true;
*changed = true;
return false;
Resolve an item (and its tree) for rollup processing by replacing fields with
references and updating properties (maybe_null, PROP_ROLLUP_FIELD).
Also check any GROUPING function for incorrect column.
@param thd session context
@param item the item to be processed
@returns true on error
bool SELECT_LEX::resolve_rollup_item(THD *thd, Item *item) {
bool found_in_group = false;
for (ORDER *group = group_list.first; group; group = group->next) {
If this item is present in GROUP BY clause, set maybe_null
to true as ROLLUP will generate NULL's for this column.
if (*group->item == item || item->eq(*group->item, false)) {
item->maybe_null = true;
If this is a reference, e.g a view column, we need the column to be
marked as nullable also, since this will form the basis of temporary
table fields. Copy_field's from_null_ptr, to_null_ptr will be
missing if the Item_field isn't marked correctly, which will cause
problems if we have buffered windowing.
item->real_item()->maybe_null = true;
found_in_group = true;
if (!found_in_group) {
bool changed = false;
if (item->type() == Item::FUNC_ITEM) {
if (change_group_ref_for_func(thd, item, &changed))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
} else if (item->type() == Item::COND_ITEM) {
if (change_group_ref_for_cond(thd, down_cast<Item_cond *>(item),
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
if (changed) item->update_used_tables();
return false;
Resolve items in SELECT list and ORDER BY list for rollup processing
@param thd session context
@returns false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::resolve_rollup(THD *thd) {
for (Item &item : all_fields) {
if (resolve_rollup_item(thd, &item)) return true;
ORDER BY items haven't been induced into select list yet, so need to
process these items too
// Allow local set functions in ORDER BY
const bool saved_allow = thd->lex->allow_sum_func;
thd->lex->allow_sum_func |= (nesting_map)1 << nest_level;
thd->where = "order clause";
for (ORDER *order = order_list.first; order; order = order->next) {
Item *order_item = *order->item;
order->in_field_list = 0;
bool ret =
(!order_item->fixed && (order_item->fix_fields(thd, order->item) ||
(order_item = *order->item)->check_cols(1)));
if (ret) return true; /* Wrong field. */
if (resolve_rollup_item(thd, order_item)) return true;
thd->lex->allow_sum_func = saved_allow;
return false;
Replace group by field references inside window functions with references
in the the presence of ROLLUP.
@param thd session context
@returns false if success, true if error
bool SELECT_LEX::resolve_rollup_wfs(THD *thd) {
for (Item &item : all_fields) {
if (resolve_rollup_item(thd, &item)) return true;
if (item.type() == Item::SUM_FUNC_ITEM && item.m_is_window_function) {
bool changed = false;
if (change_group_ref_for_func(thd, &item, &changed))
return true; /* purecov: inspected */
if (changed) item.update_used_tables();
When this method is called from setup_windows, all ORDER BY items not
already present in the SELECT list have been added to the select list as
hidden items, so we do not need to traverse order_list to see all
items. The companion method, resolve_rollup, needs to traverse order_list
list, because at the the time that method is called, the ORDER BY
itms haven't been added yet. Cf second loop in resolve_rollup.
return false;
@brief validate_gc_assignment
Check whether the other values except DEFAULT are assigned
for generated columns.
@param fields Item_fields list to be filled
@param values values to fill with
@param table table to be checked
@return Operation status
@retval false OK
@retval true Error occurred
@note This function must be called after table->write_set has been
bool validate_gc_assignment(List<Item> *fields, List<Item> *values,
TABLE *table) {
Field **fld = NULL;
MY_BITMAP *bitmap = table->write_set;
bool use_table_field = false;
if (!values || (values->elements == 0)) return false;
// If fields has no elements, we use all table fields
if (fields->elements == 0) {
use_table_field = true;
fld = table->field;
List_iterator_fast<Item> f(*fields), v(*values);
Item *value;
while ((value = v++)) {
Field *rfield;
if (!use_table_field)
rfield = (down_cast<Item_field *>((f++)->real_item()))->field;
rfield = *(fld++);
if (rfield->table != table) continue;
// Skip fields that are hidden from the user.
if (rfield->is_hidden_from_user()) continue;
// If any of the explicit values is DEFAULT
if (rfield->m_default_val_expr &&
value->type() == Item::DEFAULT_VALUE_ITEM) {
// Restore the statement safety flag to current lex
// Mark the columns that this expression reads to rthe ead_set
for (uint j = 0; j < table->s->fields; j++) {
if (bitmap_is_set(&rfield->m_default_val_expr->base_columns_map, j)) {
bitmap_set_bit(table->read_set, j);
/* skip non marked fields */
if (!bitmap_is_set(bitmap, rfield->field_index)) continue;
if (rfield->gcol_info && value->type() != Item::DEFAULT_VALUE_ITEM) {
rfield->field_name, rfield->table->s->table_name.str);
return true;
return false;
Delete unused columns from merged tables.
This function is called recursively for each join nest and/or table
in the query block. For each merged table that it finds, each column
that contains a subquery and is not marked as used is removed and
the translation item is set to NULL.
@param tables List of tables and join nests
void SELECT_LEX::delete_unused_merged_columns(List<TABLE_LIST> *tables) {
List_iterator<TABLE_LIST> li(*tables);
while ((tl = li++)) {
if (tl->nested_join == NULL) continue;
if (tl->is_merged()) {
for (Field_translator *transl = tl->field_translation;
transl < tl->field_translation_end; transl++) {
Item *const item = transl->item;
if (!item->has_subquery()) continue;
All used columns selected from derived tables are already marked
as such. But unmarked columns may still refer to other columns
from underlying derived tables, and in that case we cannot
delete these columns as they share the same items.
Thus, dive into the expression and mark such columns as "used".
(This is a bit incorrect, as only a part of its underlying expression
is "used", but that has no practical meaning.)
if (!item->is_derived_used() &&
item->walk(&Item::propagate_derived_used, enum_walk::POSTFIX, NULL))
if (!item->is_derived_used()) {
Item::Cleanup_after_removal_context ctx(this);
item->walk(&Item::clean_up_after_removal, enum_walk::SUBQUERY_POSTFIX,
pointer_cast<uchar *>(&ctx));
transl->item = NULL;
Add item to the hidden part of select list.
@param item item to add
@return Pointer to reference to the added item
Item **SELECT_LEX::add_hidden_item(Item *item) {
uint el = all_fields.elements;
base_ref_items[el] = item;
return &base_ref_items[el];
@} (end of group Query_Resolver)