用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

936 lines
30 KiB

3 months ago
/* Copyright (c) 2000, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0,
as published by the Free Software Foundation.
This program is also distributed with certain software (including
but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms,
as designated in a particular file or component or in included license
documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional
permission to link the program and your derivative works with the
separately licensed software that they have included with MySQL.
Without limiting anything contained in the foregoing, this file,
which is part of C Driver for MySQL (Connector/C), is also subject to the
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This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
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You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */
@file mysys/charset.cc
#include "my_config.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <mutex>
#include <unordered_map>
#include "m_ctype.h"
#include "m_string.h"
#include "my_compiler.h"
#include "my_dbug.h"
#include "my_dir.h"
#include "my_inttypes.h"
#include "my_io.h"
#include "my_loglevel.h"
#include "my_macros.h"
#include "my_sys.h"
#include "my_thread.h"
#include "my_xml.h"
#include "mysql/psi/mysql_file.h"
#include "mysql/psi/mysql_mutex.h"
#include "mysql/service_mysql_alloc.h"
#include "mysys/mysys_priv.h"
#include "mysys_err.h"
#include "sql_chars.h"
The code below implements this functionality:
- Initializing charset related structures
- Loading dynamic charsets
- Searching for a proper CHARSET_INFO
using charset name, collation name or collation ID
- Setting server default character set
extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_ucs2_unicode_ci;
extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci;
extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf16_unicode_ci;
extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_utf32_unicode_ci;
extern CHARSET_INFO my_charset_cp932_japanese_ci;
bool my_charset_same(const CHARSET_INFO *cs1, const CHARSET_INFO *cs2) {
return ((cs1 == cs2) || !strcmp(cs1->csname, cs2->csname));
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> *coll_name_num_map = nullptr;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> *cs_name_pri_num_map = nullptr;
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> *cs_name_bin_num_map = nullptr;
static void map_coll_name_to_number(const char *name, int num) {
char lower_case_name[MY_CS_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
size_t len = std::min(strlen(name), sizeof(lower_case_name) - 2);
memcpy(lower_case_name, name, len);
lower_case_name[len] = '\0';
my_casedn_str(&my_charset_latin1, lower_case_name);
DBUG_ASSERT(coll_name_num_map != nullptr);
(*coll_name_num_map)[lower_case_name] = num;
static void map_cs_name_to_number(const char *name, int num, int state) {
char lower_case_name[MY_CS_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
size_t len = std::min(strlen(name), sizeof(lower_case_name) - 2);
memcpy(lower_case_name, name, len);
lower_case_name[len] = '\0';
my_casedn_str(&my_charset_latin1, lower_case_name);
DBUG_ASSERT(cs_name_pri_num_map != nullptr && cs_name_bin_num_map != nullptr);
if ((state & MY_CS_PRIMARY)) (*cs_name_pri_num_map)[lower_case_name] = num;
if ((state & MY_CS_BINSORT)) (*cs_name_bin_num_map)[lower_case_name] = num;
static uint get_collation_number_internal(const char *name) {
char lower_case_name[MY_CS_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
size_t len = std::min(strlen(name), sizeof(lower_case_name) - 2);
memcpy(lower_case_name, name, len);
lower_case_name[len] = '\0';
my_casedn_str(&my_charset_latin1, lower_case_name);
DBUG_ASSERT(coll_name_num_map != nullptr);
auto name_num_map_it = coll_name_num_map->find(lower_case_name);
if (name_num_map_it != coll_name_num_map->end())
return name_num_map_it->second;
return 0;
static void simple_cs_init_functions(CHARSET_INFO *cs) {
if (cs->state & MY_CS_BINSORT)
cs->coll = &my_collation_8bit_bin_handler;
cs->coll = &my_collation_8bit_simple_ci_handler;
cs->cset = &my_charset_8bit_handler;
static bool cs_copy_data(CHARSET_INFO *to, CHARSET_INFO *from) {
to->number = from->number ? from->number : to->number;
if (from->csname) {
to->csname = my_once_strdup(from->csname, MYF(MY_WME));
if (to->csname == nullptr) return true;
if (from->name) {
to->name = my_once_strdup(from->name, MYF(MY_WME));
if (to->name == nullptr) return true;
if (from->comment) {
to->comment = my_once_strdup(from->comment, MYF(MY_WME));
if (to->comment == nullptr) return true;
if (from->ctype) {
to->ctype = static_cast<uchar *>(
my_once_memdup(from->ctype, MY_CS_CTYPE_TABLE_SIZE, MYF(MY_WME)));
if (to->ctype == nullptr) return true;
if (init_state_maps(to)) return true;
if (from->to_lower) {
to->to_lower = static_cast<uchar *>(
my_once_memdup(from->to_lower, MY_CS_TO_LOWER_TABLE_SIZE, MYF(MY_WME)));
if (to->to_lower == nullptr) return true;
if (from->to_upper) {
to->to_upper = static_cast<uchar *>(
my_once_memdup(from->to_upper, MY_CS_TO_UPPER_TABLE_SIZE, MYF(MY_WME)));
if (to->to_upper == nullptr) return true;
if (from->sort_order) {
to->sort_order = static_cast<uchar *>(my_once_memdup(
from->sort_order, MY_CS_SORT_ORDER_TABLE_SIZE, MYF(MY_WME)));
if (to->sort_order == nullptr) return true;
if (from->tab_to_uni) {
size_t sz = MY_CS_TO_UNI_TABLE_SIZE * sizeof(uint16);
to->tab_to_uni = static_cast<uint16 *>(
my_once_memdup(from->tab_to_uni, sz, MYF(MY_WME)));
if (to->tab_to_uni == nullptr) return true;
if (from->tailoring) {
to->tailoring = my_once_strdup(from->tailoring, MYF(MY_WME));
if (to->tailoring == nullptr) return true;
return false;
static bool simple_cs_is_full(CHARSET_INFO *cs) {
return ((cs->csname && cs->tab_to_uni && cs->ctype && cs->to_upper &&
cs->to_lower) &&
(cs->number && cs->name &&
(cs->sort_order || (cs->state & MY_CS_BINSORT))));
static void copy_uca_collation(CHARSET_INFO *to, CHARSET_INFO *from) {
to->cset = from->cset;
to->coll = from->coll;
to->strxfrm_multiply = from->strxfrm_multiply;
to->min_sort_char = from->min_sort_char;
to->max_sort_char = from->max_sort_char;
to->mbminlen = from->mbminlen;
to->mbmaxlen = from->mbmaxlen;
to->caseup_multiply = from->caseup_multiply;
to->casedn_multiply = from->casedn_multiply;
static int add_collation(CHARSET_INFO *cs) {
if (cs->name &&
(cs->number || (cs->number = get_collation_number_internal(cs->name))) &&
cs->number < array_elements(all_charsets)) {
if (!all_charsets[cs->number]) {
if (!(all_charsets[cs->number] =
(CHARSET_INFO *)my_once_alloc(sizeof(CHARSET_INFO), MYF(0))))
return MY_XML_ERROR;
memset(all_charsets[cs->number], 0, sizeof(CHARSET_INFO));
if (cs->primary_number == cs->number) cs->state |= MY_CS_PRIMARY;
if (cs->binary_number == cs->number) cs->state |= MY_CS_BINSORT;
all_charsets[cs->number]->state |= cs->state;
map_coll_name_to_number(cs->name, cs->number);
map_cs_name_to_number(cs->csname, cs->number, cs->state);
if (!(all_charsets[cs->number]->state & MY_CS_COMPILED)) {
CHARSET_INFO *newcs = all_charsets[cs->number];
if (cs_copy_data(all_charsets[cs->number], cs)) return MY_XML_ERROR;
newcs->caseup_multiply = newcs->casedn_multiply = 1;
newcs->levels_for_compare = 1;
if (!strcmp(cs->csname, "ucs2")) {
copy_uca_collation(newcs, &my_charset_ucs2_unicode_ci);
} else if (!strcmp(cs->csname, "utf8") ||
!strcmp(cs->csname, "utf8mb3")) {
copy_uca_collation(newcs, &my_charset_utf8_unicode_ci);
newcs->ctype = my_charset_utf8_unicode_ci.ctype;
if (init_state_maps(newcs)) return MY_XML_ERROR;
} else if (!strcmp(cs->csname, "utf8mb4")) {
copy_uca_collation(newcs, &my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci);
newcs->ctype = my_charset_utf8mb4_unicode_ci.ctype;
newcs->state |= MY_CS_AVAILABLE | MY_CS_LOADED;
} else if (!strcmp(cs->csname, "utf16")) {
copy_uca_collation(newcs, &my_charset_utf16_unicode_ci);
} else if (!strcmp(cs->csname, "utf32")) {
copy_uca_collation(newcs, &my_charset_utf32_unicode_ci);
} else {
const uchar *sort_order = all_charsets[cs->number]->sort_order;
newcs->mbminlen = 1;
newcs->mbmaxlen = 1;
if (simple_cs_is_full(all_charsets[cs->number])) {
all_charsets[cs->number]->state |= MY_CS_LOADED;
all_charsets[cs->number]->state |= MY_CS_AVAILABLE;
Check if case sensitive sort order: A < a < B.
We need MY_CS_FLAG for regex library, and for
case sensitivity flag for 5.0 client protocol,
to support isCaseSensitive() method in JDBC driver
if (sort_order &&
sort_order[static_cast<int>('A')] <
sort_order[static_cast<int>('a')] &&
sort_order[static_cast<int>('a')] <
all_charsets[cs->number]->state |= MY_CS_CSSORT;
if (my_charset_is_8bit_pure_ascii(all_charsets[cs->number]))
all_charsets[cs->number]->state |= MY_CS_PUREASCII;
if (!my_charset_is_ascii_compatible(cs))
all_charsets[cs->number]->state |= MY_CS_NONASCII;
} else {
We need the below to make get_charset_name()
and get_charset_number() working even if a
character set has not been really incompiled.
The above functions are used for example
in error message compiler utilities/comp_err.cc.
If a character set was compiled, this information
will get lost and overwritten in add_compiled_collation().
CHARSET_INFO *dst = all_charsets[cs->number];
dst->number = cs->number;
if (cs->comment)
if (!(dst->comment = my_once_strdup(cs->comment, MYF(MY_WME))))
return MY_XML_ERROR;
if (cs->csname)
if (!(dst->csname = my_once_strdup(cs->csname, MYF(MY_WME))))
return MY_XML_ERROR;
if (cs->name)
if (!(dst->name = my_once_strdup(cs->name, MYF(MY_WME))))
return MY_XML_ERROR;
cs->number = 0;
cs->primary_number = 0;
cs->binary_number = 0;
cs->name = NULL;
cs->state = 0;
cs->sort_order = NULL;
cs->state = 0;
return MY_XML_OK;
Report character set initialization errors and warnings.
Be silent by default: no warnings on the client side.
static void default_reporter(enum loglevel level MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)),
uint ecode MY_ATTRIBUTE((unused)), ...) {}
my_error_reporter my_charset_error_reporter = default_reporter;
Wrappers for memory functions my_malloc (and friends)
with C-compatbile API without extra "myf" argument.
static void *my_once_alloc_c(size_t size) {
return my_once_alloc(size, MYF(MY_WME));
static void *my_malloc_c(size_t size) {
return my_malloc(key_memory_charset_loader, size, MYF(MY_WME));
static void *my_realloc_c(void *old, size_t size) {
return my_realloc(key_memory_charset_loader, old, size, MYF(MY_WME));
static void my_free_c(void *ptr) { my_free(ptr); }
Initialize character set loader to use mysys memory management functions.
@param loader Loader to initialize
void my_charset_loader_init_mysys(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader) {
loader->errcode = 0;
loader->errarg[0] = '\0';
loader->once_alloc = my_once_alloc_c;
loader->mem_malloc = my_malloc_c;
loader->mem_realloc = my_realloc_c;
loader->mem_free = my_free_c;
loader->reporter = my_charset_error_reporter;
loader->add_collation = add_collation;
#define MY_MAX_ALLOWED_BUF 1024 * 1024
#define MY_CHARSET_INDEX "Index.xml"
const char *charsets_dir = NULL;
static bool my_read_charset_file(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader,
const char *filename, myf myflags) {
uchar *buf;
int fd;
size_t len, tmp_len;
MY_STAT stat_info;
if (!my_stat(filename, &stat_info, MYF(myflags)) ||
((len = (uint)stat_info.st_size) > MY_MAX_ALLOWED_BUF) ||
!(buf = (uchar *)my_malloc(key_memory_charset_file, len, myflags)))
return true;
if ((fd = mysql_file_open(key_file_charset, filename, O_RDONLY, myflags)) < 0)
goto error;
tmp_len = mysql_file_read(fd, buf, len, myflags);
mysql_file_close(fd, myflags);
if (tmp_len != len) goto error;
if (my_parse_charset_xml(loader, (char *)buf, len)) {
my_printf_error(EE_UNKNOWN_CHARSET, "Error while parsing '%s': %s\n",
MYF(0), filename, loader->errarg);
goto error;
return false;
return true;
char *get_charsets_dir(char *buf) {
const char *sharedir = SHAREDIR;
char *res;
if (charsets_dir != NULL)
strmake(buf, charsets_dir, FN_REFLEN - 1);
else {
if (test_if_hard_path(sharedir) ||
is_prefix(sharedir, DEFAULT_CHARSET_HOME))
strxmov(buf, sharedir, "/", CHARSET_DIR, NullS);
strxmov(buf, DEFAULT_CHARSET_HOME, "/", sharedir, "/", CHARSET_DIR,
res = convert_dirname(buf, buf, NullS);
DBUG_PRINT("info", ("charsets dir: '%s'", buf));
return res;
CHARSET_INFO *default_charset_info = &my_charset_latin1;
void add_compiled_collation(CHARSET_INFO *cs) {
DBUG_ASSERT(cs->number < array_elements(all_charsets));
all_charsets[cs->number] = cs;
map_coll_name_to_number(cs->name, cs->number);
map_cs_name_to_number(cs->csname, cs->number, cs->state);
cs->state |= MY_CS_AVAILABLE;
static std::once_flag charsets_initialized;
static void init_available_charsets(void) {
char fname[FN_REFLEN + sizeof(MY_CHARSET_INDEX)];
memset(&all_charsets, 0, sizeof(all_charsets));
DBUG_ASSERT(coll_name_num_map == nullptr && cs_name_pri_num_map == nullptr &&
cs_name_bin_num_map == nullptr);
coll_name_num_map = new std::unordered_map<std::string, int>(0);
cs_name_pri_num_map = new std::unordered_map<std::string, int>(0);
cs_name_bin_num_map = new std::unordered_map<std::string, int>(0);
/* Copy compiled charsets */
my_stpcpy(get_charsets_dir(fname), MY_CHARSET_INDEX);
my_read_charset_file(&loader, fname, MYF(0));
static const char *get_collation_name_alias(const char *name, char *buf,
size_t bufsize) {
if (!native_strncasecmp(name, "utf8mb3_", 8)) {
snprintf(buf, bufsize, "utf8_%s", name + 8);
return buf;
/* CLDR's tailoring data for Norwegian is same as Danish */
if (!native_strncasecmp(name, "utf8mb4_no_0900_", 16)) {
snprintf(buf, bufsize, "utf8mb4_da_0900_%s", name + 16);
return buf;
return NULL;
uint get_collation_number(const char *name) {
uint id;
char alias[64];
std::call_once(charsets_initialized, init_available_charsets);
if ((id = get_collation_number_internal(name))) return id;
if ((name = get_collation_name_alias(name, alias, sizeof(alias))))
return get_collation_number_internal(name);
return 0;
static uint get_charset_number_internal(const char *charset_name,
uint cs_flags) {
char lower_case_name[MY_CS_BUFFER_SIZE] = {0};
size_t len = std::min(strlen(charset_name), sizeof(lower_case_name) - 2);
memcpy(lower_case_name, charset_name, len);
lower_case_name[len] = '\0';
my_casedn_str(&my_charset_latin1, lower_case_name);
So far, all our calls to get the collation number by its charset name
and flags is to get the PRIMARY / BIN collation of this charset.
This function might be called concurrently. C++ guarantees this read-only
access to STL container is thread-safe.
DBUG_ASSERT(cs_name_pri_num_map != nullptr && cs_name_bin_num_map != nullptr);
if ((cs_flags & MY_CS_PRIMARY)) {
auto name_num_map_it = cs_name_pri_num_map->find(lower_case_name);
if (name_num_map_it != cs_name_pri_num_map->end()) {
return name_num_map_it->second;
} else {
return 0;
if ((cs_flags & MY_CS_BINSORT)) {
auto name_num_map_it = cs_name_bin_num_map->find(lower_case_name);
if (name_num_map_it != cs_name_bin_num_map->end()) {
return name_num_map_it->second;
} else {
return 0;
return 0;
static const char *get_charset_name_alias(const char *name) {
if (!my_strcasecmp(&my_charset_latin1, name, "utf8mb3")) return "utf8";
return NULL;
uint get_charset_number(const char *charset_name, uint cs_flags) {
uint id;
std::call_once(charsets_initialized, init_available_charsets);
if ((id = get_charset_number_internal(charset_name, cs_flags))) return id;
if ((charset_name = get_charset_name_alias(charset_name)))
return get_charset_number_internal(charset_name, cs_flags);
return 0;
const char *get_charset_name(uint charset_number) {
std::call_once(charsets_initialized, init_available_charsets);
if (charset_number < array_elements(all_charsets)) {
CHARSET_INFO *cs = all_charsets[charset_number];
if (cs && (cs->number == charset_number) && cs->name) return cs->name;
return "?"; /* this mimics find_type() */
static CHARSET_INFO *get_internal_charset(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader,
uint cs_number, myf flags) {
char buf[FN_REFLEN];
DBUG_ASSERT(cs_number < array_elements(all_charsets));
if ((cs = all_charsets[cs_number])) {
if (cs->state & MY_CS_READY) /* if CS is already initialized */
return cs;
To make things thread safe we are not allowing other threads to interfere
while we may changing the cs_info_table
if (!(cs->state &
(MY_CS_COMPILED | MY_CS_LOADED))) /* if CS is not in memory */
strxmov(get_charsets_dir(buf), cs->csname, ".xml", NullS);
my_read_charset_file(&loader, buf, flags);
if (cs->state & MY_CS_AVAILABLE) {
if (!(cs->state & MY_CS_READY)) {
if ((cs->cset->init && cs->cset->init(cs, loader)) ||
(cs->coll->init && cs->coll->init(cs, loader))) {
cs = NULL;
} else
cs->state |= MY_CS_READY;
} else
cs = NULL;
return cs;
CHARSET_INFO *get_charset(uint cs_number, myf flags) {
if (cs_number == default_charset_info->number) return default_charset_info;
std::call_once(charsets_initialized, init_available_charsets);
if (cs_number >= array_elements(all_charsets)) return NULL;
cs = get_internal_charset(&loader, cs_number, flags);
if (!cs && (flags & MY_WME)) {
char index_file[FN_REFLEN + sizeof(MY_CHARSET_INDEX)], cs_string[23];
my_stpcpy(get_charsets_dir(index_file), MY_CHARSET_INDEX);
cs_string[0] = '#';
int10_to_str(cs_number, cs_string + 1, 10);
my_error(EE_UNKNOWN_CHARSET, MYF(0), cs_string, index_file);
return cs;
Find collation by name: extended version of get_charset_by_name()
to return error messages to the caller.
@param loader Character set loader
@param name Collation name
@param flags Flags
@return NULL on error, pointer to collation on success
CHARSET_INFO *my_collation_get_by_name(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader,
const char *name, myf flags) {
uint cs_number;
std::call_once(charsets_initialized, init_available_charsets);
cs_number = get_collation_number(name);
cs = cs_number ? get_internal_charset(loader, cs_number, flags) : NULL;
if (!cs && (flags & MY_WME)) {
char index_file[FN_REFLEN + sizeof(MY_CHARSET_INDEX)];
my_stpcpy(get_charsets_dir(index_file), MY_CHARSET_INDEX);
my_error(EE_UNKNOWN_COLLATION, MYF(0), name, index_file);
return cs;
CHARSET_INFO *get_charset_by_name(const char *cs_name, myf flags) {
return my_collation_get_by_name(&loader, cs_name, flags);
Find character set by name: extended version of get_charset_by_csname()
to return error messages to the caller.
@param loader Character set loader
@param cs_name Collation name
@param cs_flags Character set flags (e.g. default or binary collation)
@param flags Flags
@return NULL on error, pointer to collation on success
CHARSET_INFO *my_charset_get_by_name(MY_CHARSET_LOADER *loader,
const char *cs_name, uint cs_flags,
myf flags) {
uint cs_number;
DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("name: '%s'", cs_name));
std::call_once(charsets_initialized, init_available_charsets);
cs_number = get_charset_number(cs_name, cs_flags);
cs = cs_number ? get_internal_charset(loader, cs_number, flags) : NULL;
if (!cs && (flags & MY_WME)) {
char index_file[FN_REFLEN + sizeof(MY_CHARSET_INDEX)];
my_stpcpy(get_charsets_dir(index_file), MY_CHARSET_INDEX);
my_error(EE_UNKNOWN_CHARSET, MYF(0), cs_name, index_file);
return cs;
CHARSET_INFO *get_charset_by_csname(const char *cs_name, uint cs_flags,
myf flags) {
return my_charset_get_by_name(&loader, cs_name, cs_flags, flags);
Resolve character set by the character set name (utf8, latin1, ...).
The function tries to resolve character set by the specified name. If
there is character set with the given name, it is assigned to the "cs"
parameter and false is returned. If there is no such character set,
"default_cs" is assigned to the "cs" and true is returned.
@param[in] cs_name Character set name.
@param[in] default_cs Default character set.
@param[out] cs Variable to store character set.
@return false if character set was resolved successfully; true if there
is no character set with given name.
bool resolve_charset(const char *cs_name, const CHARSET_INFO *default_cs,
const CHARSET_INFO **cs) {
*cs = get_charset_by_csname(cs_name, MY_CS_PRIMARY, MYF(0));
if (*cs == NULL) {
*cs = default_cs;
return true;
return false;
Resolve collation by the collation name (utf8_general_ci, ...).
The function tries to resolve collation by the specified name. If there
is collation with the given name, it is assigned to the "cl" parameter
and false is returned. If there is no such collation, "default_cl" is
assigned to the "cl" and true is returned.
@param[out] cl Variable to store collation.
@param[in] cl_name Collation name.
@param[in] default_cl Default collation.
@return false if collation was resolved successfully; true if there is no
collation with given name.
bool resolve_collation(const char *cl_name, const CHARSET_INFO *default_cl,
const CHARSET_INFO **cl) {
*cl = get_charset_by_name(cl_name, MYF(0));
if (*cl == NULL) {
*cl = default_cl;
return true;
return false;
Escape string with backslashes (\)
charset_info Charset of the strings
to Buffer for escaped string
to_length Length of destination buffer, or 0
from The string to escape
length The length of the string to escape
This escapes the contents of a string by adding backslashes before special
characters, and turning others into specific escape sequences, such as
turning newlines into \n and null bytes into \0.
To maintain compatibility with the old C API, to_length may be 0 to mean
"big enough"
(size_t) -1 The escaped string did not fit in the to buffer
# The length of the escaped string
size_t escape_string_for_mysql(const CHARSET_INFO *charset_info, char *to,
size_t to_length, const char *from,
size_t length) {
const char *to_start = to;
const char *end,
*to_end = to_start + (to_length ? to_length - 1 : 2 * length);
bool overflow = false;
bool use_mb_flag = use_mb(charset_info);
for (end = from + length; from < end; from++) {
char escape = 0;
int tmp_length;
if (use_mb_flag && (tmp_length = my_ismbchar(charset_info, from, end))) {
if (to + tmp_length > to_end) {
overflow = true;
while (tmp_length--) *to++ = *from++;
If the next character appears to begin a multi-byte character, we
escape that first byte of that apparent multi-byte character. (The
character just looks like a multi-byte character -- if it were actually
a multi-byte character, it would have been passed through in the test
Without this check, we can create a problem by converting an invalid
multi-byte character into a valid one. For example, 0xbf27 is not
a valid GBK character, but 0xbf5c is. (0x27 = ', 0x5c = \)
tmp_length = use_mb_flag ? my_mbcharlen_ptr(charset_info, from, end) : 0;
if (tmp_length > 1)
escape = *from;
switch (*from) {
case 0: /* Must be escaped for 'mysql' */
escape = '0';
case '\n': /* Must be escaped for logs */
escape = 'n';
case '\r':
escape = 'r';
case '\\':
escape = '\\';
case '\'':
escape = '\'';
case '"': /* Better safe than sorry */
escape = '"';
case '\032': /* This gives problems on Win32 */
escape = 'Z';
if (escape) {
if (to + 2 > to_end) {
overflow = true;
*to++ = '\\';
*to++ = escape;
} else {
if (to + 1 > to_end) {
overflow = true;
*to++ = *from;
*to = 0;
return overflow ? (size_t)-1 : (size_t)(to - to_start);
#ifdef _WIN32
static CHARSET_INFO *fs_cset_cache = NULL;
CHARSET_INFO *fs_character_set() {
if (!fs_cset_cache) {
char buf[10] = "cp";
sizeof(buf) - 3);
We cannot call get_charset_by_name here
because fs_character_set() is executed before
LOCK_THD_charset mutex initialization, which
is used inside get_charset_by_name.
As we're now interested in cp932 only,
let's just detect it using strcmp().
fs_cset_cache =
!strcmp(buf, "cp932") ? &my_charset_cp932_japanese_ci : &my_charset_bin;
return fs_cset_cache;
Escape apostrophes by doubling them up
charset_info Charset of the strings
to Buffer for escaped string
to_length Length of destination buffer, or 0
from The string to escape
length The length of the string to escape
quote The quote the buffer will be escaped against
This escapes the contents of a string by doubling up any character
specified by the quote parameter. This is used when the
NO_BACKSLASH_ESCAPES SQL_MODE is in effect on the server.
To be consistent with escape_string_for_mysql(), to_length may be 0 to
mean "big enough"
~0 The escaped string did not fit in the to buffer
>=0 The length of the escaped string
size_t escape_quotes_for_mysql(CHARSET_INFO *charset_info, char *to,
size_t to_length, const char *from,
size_t length, char quote) {
const char *to_start = to;
const char *end,
*to_end = to_start + (to_length ? to_length - 1 : 2 * length);
bool overflow = false;
bool use_mb_flag = use_mb(charset_info);
for (end = from + length; from < end; from++) {
int tmp_length;
if (use_mb_flag && (tmp_length = my_ismbchar(charset_info, from, end))) {
if (to + tmp_length > to_end) {
overflow = true;
while (tmp_length--) *to++ = *from++;
We don't have the same issue here with a non-multi-byte character being
turned into a multi-byte character by the addition of an escaping
character, because we are only escaping the ' character with itself.
if (*from == quote) {
if (to + 2 > to_end) {
overflow = true;
*to++ = quote;
*to++ = quote;
} else {
if (to + 1 > to_end) {
overflow = true;
*to++ = *from;
*to = 0;
return overflow ? (ulong)~0 : (ulong)(to - to_start);
void charset_uninit() {
for (CHARSET_INFO *cs : all_charsets) {
if (cs && cs->coll->uninit) {
delete coll_name_num_map;
coll_name_num_map = nullptr;
delete cs_name_pri_num_map;
cs_name_pri_num_map = nullptr;
delete cs_name_bin_num_map;
cs_name_bin_num_map = nullptr;
new (&charsets_initialized) std::once_flag;