用于EagleEye3.0 规则集漏报和误报测试的示例项目,项目收集于github和gitee
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3 months ago
# This tests the functionality of the fulltext search of Myisam engine
# The implementation of the fulltext search is different in InnoDB engine
# All tests are required to run with Myisam.
# Hence MTR starts mysqld with MyISAM as default
--source include/force_myisam_default.inc
--source include/have_myisam.inc
# Fulltext configurable parameters
drop table if exists t1;
# Save ft_boolean_syntax variable
let $saved_ft_boolean_syntax=`select @@global.ft_boolean_syntax`;
show variables like "ft\_%";
create table t1 (b text not null);
insert t1 values ('aaaaaa bbbbbb cccccc');
insert t1 values ('bbbbbb cccccc');
insert t1 values ('aaaaaa cccccc');
select * from t1 where match b against ('+aaaaaa bbbbbb' in boolean mode);
-- error 1229
set ft_boolean_syntax=' +-><()~*:""&|';
set global ft_boolean_syntax=' +-><()~*:""&|';
select * from t1 where match b against ('+aaaaaa bbbbbb' in boolean mode);
set global ft_boolean_syntax='@ -><()~*:""&|';
select * from t1 where match b against ('+aaaaaa bbbbbb' in boolean mode);
select * from t1 where match b against ('+aaaaaa @bbbbbb' in boolean mode);
-- error 1231
set global ft_boolean_syntax='@ -><()~*:""@|';
-- error 1231
set global ft_boolean_syntax='+ -><()~*:""@!|';
drop table t1;
# Restore ft_boolean_syntax variable
eval set global ft_boolean_syntax='$saved_ft_boolean_syntax';
# End of 4.1 tests